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Text-only cards are listed below. Prompts completed by the player are marked with an X.
View player: Eärillë | Huinare | Independence1776 | Naurring
B3: Black
B5: Red
B8: Tan
X B10: Sky Blue
X B13: Rose
I17: White
I21: Purple
X I22: Lavender
I25: Pumpkin
I28: Dark Blue
N32: Gray
X N36: Green
X Free Space
X N38: Sea Green
X N39: Silver
G46: Yellow
X G50: Orange
G52: Teal
G58: Dark Brown
G60: Gold
O61: Blue
X O64: Brown
O69: Fuchsia
O73: Bright Green
O75: Copper
X b1: Joy
b5: Sorrow
b8: Peace
X b9: Love
X b14: Pain
X i18: Grief
i21: Awe
X i22: Ecstasy
i28: Fear
i29: Hate
X n33: Courage
n37: Nervousness
n40: Gratitude
n44: Amusement
g48: Generosity
X g51: Cruelty
g55: Miserliness
g56: Gloom
X g59: Hope
o63: Bewilderment
X o64: Horror
X o67: Delight
X o68: Apprehension
o75: Calm
Geography of The Silmarillion
Create a story or a work of art set in one of these sites of significance in the history of the First and Second Ages.
b2: Helcaracxë or the Grinding Ice
b5: Halls of Mandos
X b9: Menegroth, Thingol’s city of a Thousand Caves
b11: Ost-in-Edhil, the capital city of Eregion
X b15: Nargothrond, Finrod Felagund’s underground fortress
i17: Himring, hill west of Maglor’s Gap where Maedhros built his fortress
i21: Alqualondë, coastal city ruled by King Olwë of the Teleri
i24: Tirion upon Túna, whence Finwë ruled as King of the Noldor in Valinor
i26: Lake Mithrim, first settlement by the Noldor in the north of Middle-earth
i29: Greenwood the Great, the magnificent forest east of the Misty Mountains
n34: Gondor, name of the southern Númenórean kingdom in Middle-earth
n37: Neverast, Turgon’s first settlement before his founding of Gondolin
X n39: Gondolin, Turgon’s secret city
X n41: Formenos the stronghold of Fëanor in the north of Valinor
g48: Eregion, Noldorin realm where the Elven Rings were made
X g50: Dwarf-road leading into Beleriand from the cities of Nogrod and Belegost
g54: Dor-lómin, Fingon’s territory in the south of Hithlum
g55: Doriath, land enclosed within the Girdle of Melian
g58: Cuiviénen, the lake where the first Elves awoke
o61: Barad Eithel! , the fo rtress of the Noldor at Eithel Sirion
X o64: Barad-dûr, ‘The Dark Tower’ of Sauron in Mordor
X o68: Avallónë, haven and city of the Eldar on Tol Eressëa
X o70: Arnor, the northern realm of the Númenóreans in Middle-earth
o75: Armenelos, City of the Kings in Númenor
B2: Mountains
X B7: Cliffs
X B10: Mountain gap
B11: Volcano
X B15: Glacier
X I18: Hill
I19: River
I23: Swamp/marsh
I26: Brook/stream
I29: Forest
N32: Plain
X N36: Cave
N40: Beach
X N43: Cove
G46: Fjord
G47: River delta
G52: Boulder
G55: Rise
G57: Desert
X O64: Sand dune
X O67: Canyon
O71: Natural bridge
O73: Island
O74: Lake
X B1: Pine trees
X B6: Wood smoke
B8: Fresh bread
X B9: Fish
X B13: Petrichor (the smell of dust after rain)
I17: Seawater
I21: Meat
I24: Blood
I28: Sweat
I30: Leather
X N33: Onion
X N38: Grass
X N39: Flower
N45: Metal
G46: Dirt
X G50: Skunk
G54: Horse
G56: Stale beer/ale
G60: Paint
X O65: Soap
X O68: Pipeweed
X O70: Moss
O73: Dung
O75: Cheese
Create a piece in which the weather features.
B3: Fog
B5: Sunny
X B10: Cloudy
B12: Rain
X B15: Hot
I16: Thunderstorm
I20: Tornado
X I22: Hurricane
I25: Drought
X I27: Windy
N32: Calm
N37: Flood
N42: Rainbow
X N43: Sleet
G48: Ice
X G51: Snow
G53: Hail
G57: Overcast
G58: Partially sunny
O61: Drizzle
O66: Flurry
X O68: Humid
X O72: Thundersnow
O75: Cold
"Beachy" and "Coastly"
B5: The distant shore
X B6: Dock/quay
B8: Seaward recreation
B11: Winds to the sail!
B12: What's in the sea?
I19: Shipcraft and shipping
I23: Tempest the Tempestuous ("Or is that a Maia I'm facing?")
I26: Fishing and fishary (or ... fishy?)
X I27: Seacoast market
I28: Seacoast housing
N32: Alqualonde (Swanhaven)
N34: Eglarist/Brithombar
N40: Mithlond (Grey Havens)
N44: Pelargir
G46: Pirates/corsair
G47: Sea-folk of Dol Amroth
G55: Sea-folk of the Teleri
G58: Pearl-seeker
X G59: Weaving sail, weaving net
O61: Animals of the sea
X O67: Seabirds
O71: Under the stars, under the sun, under the moon (depict the seacoast under a heavenly illumination in art or story form)
O73: Sea-wall
O74: Sea-side fortress
Deep Thoughts
B2: faith
X B6: eternity
X B7: love
B12: cosmos
X B15: immortality
I19: suffering
I20: reason
I23: good
I26: evil
I29: happiness
X N33: beyond
X N36: truth
X N41: God
N45: death
G47: freedom
G49: omnipotent
G52: me
G55: belief
G60: justice
X O62: faith seeking understanding
X O64: you
O69: knowing
O71: hope
X O72: we
Finrod: The Quarter-Blood Prince
X B1: Birth, during the noontide of Valinor
B3: Childhood – four siblings
X B4: Childhood – many, many cousins
B5: Of the House of Finwë
X B6: Of the House of Olwë
I17: Son of two Houses
I20: Eldest of five
I23: Beloved of Amarië
I25: Chums with Turgon
I29: Closest to Galadriel
X N31: Finrod – change of dialect from Findaráto (story of character study or essay of etimology)
X N36: Ingoldo – Mother-name (story/essay)
X N41: Felagund – After-name by the Dwarves (story/essay)
N42: Nöm – After-name by Bëor’s people (story/essay)
G49: In the First Kinslaying (Alqualondë)
G53: Journey across the Helkaraxë
G54: Managing temporary settlement at Hithlum
G57: Visit to Menegroth
G60: Receiving Thingol's wrath on the news of the Kinslaying
O63: Dream sent by Ulmo
X O67: Permission to settle in the caves of Narog – building Nargothrond
O69: King of Nargothrond: friend and ruler of various peoples
O73: The Battle of Sudden Flame (Dagor Braggolach) – Oath to Barahir
O74: Beren, and death in the Isle of Werewolves
B3: ostler
X B6: cartwright
X B7: blacksmith
X B10: scribe
B12: rat catcher
I17: ferryman
X I22: apothecary
I25: midwife
X I27: miller
I28: baker
X N31: alewife
X N36: bard
N40: dairymaid
N42: stonecutter
G47: cordwainer
X G50: draper
G53: dressmaker
G57: spinner
X G59: weaver
O61: illuminator
X O62: bladesmith
O69: butcher
X O72: cook
O75: chandler
The Silmarillion vs. Harry Potter Character Matches
X B1: Morgoth vs Voldemort
X B4: Aulë vs Olivanders
B8: Draugluin vs Remus Lupin
X B10: Túrin vs Harry Potter
B12: Yavanna vs Neville Longbottom
I19: Curufin vs Draco Malfoy
I20: Emeldir (mother of Beren) vs Lily Evans-Potter
I21: Fëanor vs Ginny Weasley
I26: Curumo (Saruman) vs Hermione Granger
X I27: Olórin (Gandalf) vs Luna Lovegood
X N33: Sauron vs Belatrix Lestrange
X N38: (one-handed) Maedhros vs (one-handed) Albus Dumbledore
X N41: Finrod Felagund vs Cedric Diggory
X N43: Huan vs (animagus-form) Sirius Black
G46: Glaurung vs Norbert
G49: Luthien Tinuviel vs Fleur Delacour
G54: Ambarussa (the both of them; Amrod and Amras) vs the Weasley twins
G56: Lorgan (Tuor's slaver) vs Dudley Dursley
G60: Finduilas (Nargothrond) vs Cho Chang
O61: Ossë vs Severus Snape
X O62: Estë vs Poppy Pomfrey
O69: Thuringwethil vs Hedwig
X O72: Manwë vs Lucius Malfoy
O73: Námo (Mandos) vs Sybill Trelawney
X B1: bumpy
B2: soft
X B10: smooth
X B13: silken
X B15: rough
X I18: splintery
I19: sandy
I20: wrinkled
I26: wooden
I30: watery
X N33: coarse
X N38: papery
N42: firm
N45: velvety
G46: leathery
G49: furry
X G51: painted
G53: carved
X G59: pebbled
X O62: glassy
X O64: patterned
X O68: fuzzy
O74: metallic
O75: yielding
Create artwork or a 500-word ficlet for these challenges.
X B4: Spring
B5: Waterfall
X B10: Lake
B12: Swamp
X B13: Sea
I16: River
I20: Stream
I24: Brook
I25: Creek
I29: Rivermouth
X N31: Clouds
N32: Rain
X N38: Pond
N44: Puddle
G48: Well
G52: Fountain
G55: Geyser
G56: Freshet
G60: Glacier
O61: Water Cave
X O62: Underwater View
X O65: Snow-time
O69: Flood
X O70: Underwater Ruins
First Lines
Use the first lines from these classic works of literature as the first line in your story/poem or inspiration for your artwork. [Fill in the blanks with the name/place of your choice.]
b1: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. - Austen, Pride & Prejudice.
b5: It was love at first sight. - Heller, Catch-22
b6: The cold passed reluctantly from the earth, and the retiring fogs revealed an army stretched out on the hills, resting. - Crame, The Red Badge of Courage
b10: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. - Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
b11: He who is alone often lives to find favor, mildness of the Lord, even though he was long had to stir with his arms the frost-cold sea. - The Wanderer
i18: When shall we meet again in thunder, lightning, or in rain? - Shakespeare, Macbeth
i19: It was four o'clock when the ceremony was over and the carriages began to arrive. - Sinclair, The Jungle
i21: Call me ____. - Melville, Moby Dick
i25: Do you remember the fragrance girls acquire in autumn? - Updike, The Music School
i30: ___ of ___ were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. - Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
n31: Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. - Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God
n35: ___ was well known throughout the nine villages and even beyond. - Achebe, Things Fall Apart
X Free Space
n40: One night when the royal bed had been prepared for ___ and ___ in ____, they engaged in pillow talk. The Táin
n44: In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. - Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
g48: We are at rest five miles behind the front. - Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front
g51: My father and mother should have stayed in ____ where they met and married and where I was born. - McCourt, Angela's Ashes
g52: In a hole the ground there lived a hobbit. - Tolkien, The Hobbit
g55: There was no hope for him this time. Joyce, The Dubliners
g59: ____ discovered the door a little while after they moved into the house. - Gaiman, Coraline
o63: I celebrate myself. - Whitman, Leaves of Grass
o65: The towers of ____ aspired above the morning mist; austere towers of steel and cement and limestone, sturdy as cliffs and delicate as silver rods. - Lewis, Babbitt
o68: One midwinter day off the coast of ____, the crew spotted a bottle with a note in it. - Junger, The Perfect Storm
o69: I am forced into speech because men of science have refused to follow my advice without knowing why. - Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness
o73: They're out there. - Kesey, One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
Poetic Forms (poetry)
B3: villanelle
B7: haiku
B8: drabble poem
B13: free verse
B15: alliterative verse
I16: limerick
I17: sestina
I24: elegy
I26: rondeau
I29: ghazal
N31: acrostic
N34: found poem
N37: ekphrasis
N42: pastoral
G49: haibun
G52: prose poem
G54: pantoum
G55: ballad
G59: cinquain
O61: anaphora
O64: sapphic
O67: sonnet
O70: tanka
O75: triolet
Poetic Language
B2: Allegory
B6: Hyperbole
B8: Metonymy
B11: Simile
B15: Connotation
I17: Alliteration
I23: Imagery
I24: Onomatopoeia
I25: Symbolism
I29: Denotation
N31: Assonance
N32: Irony
N39: Personification
N42: Synecdoche
G46: Exposition
G47: Dialogue
G51: Literal
G55: Rhyme
G59: Theme
O63: Setting
O67: Foreshadowing
O70: Metaphor
O72: Rhythm
O74: Understatement
Create fanworks featuring these animals and monsters of Arda!
B4: Cat
B7: Watcher in the Water
B8: Squirrel
B12: Seagull
B15: Toad
X I18: Hawk
I21: Snail
I23: Cow
I29: Dragon
I30: Fox
N32: Spider
N36: Deer
X Free Space
N40: Dog
N43: Crane
G47: Trout
G50: Horse
G52: Eagle
G56: Boar
G59: Oliphaunt
O61: Bear
O62: Goose
O64: Snake
O71: Turtle
O75: Bee
Alternate Viewpoints
Write the events of each chapter from a different character's point of view.
B1: "Riddles in the Dark" - The Hobbit
B4: "Fog on the Barrow-Downs" - The Fellowship of the Ring
B9: "The Voice of Saruman" - The Two Towers
B11: "The Scouring of the Shire" - The Return of the King
B14: "Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad" - The Silmarillion
I17: "Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor" - The Silmarillion
X I18: "The Tower of Cirith Ungol" - The Return of the King
I22: "A Thief in the Night" - The Hobbit
I24: "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit" - The Two Towers
I29: "The Bridge of Khazad-Dum" - The Fellowship of the Ring
N31: "Helm's Deep" - The Two Towers
N34: "Of the Flight of the Noldor" - The Silmarillion
N40: "The Council of Elrond" - The Fellowship of the Ring
N44: "The Pyre of Denethor" - The Return of the King
G47: "At the Sign of the Prancing Pony" - The Fellowship of the Ring
G50: "The Black Gate Opens" - The Return of the King
G54: "Of Turin Turambar" - The Silmarillion
G56: "Roast Mutton" - The Hobbit
G59: "The Uruk-Hai" - The Two Towers
O63: "The Palantir" - The Two Towers
O65: "The Clouds Burst" - The Hobbit
O70: "A Long-Expected Party" - The Fellowship of the Ring
O71: "Of the Ruin of Beleriand and the Fall of Fingolfin" - The Silmarillion
O72: "The Field of Cormallen" - The Return of the King
Deep Thoughts
B2: faith
B6: eternity
B7: love
B12: cosmos
B15: immortality
I19: suffering
I20: reason
I23: good
I26: evil
I29: happiness
N33: beyond
N36: truth
N41: God
N45: death
G47: freedom
G49: omnipotent
G52: me
G55: belief
G60: justice
O62: faith seeking understanding
O64: you
O69: knowing
O71: hope
O72: we
B2: Mountains
B7: Cliffs
B10: Mountain gap
B11: Volcano
B15: Glacier
X I18: Hill
I19: River
I23: Swamp/marsh
I26: Brook/stream
I29: Forest
N32: Plain
N36: Cave
N40: Beach
N43: Cove
G46: Fjord
G47: River delta
G52: Boulder
G55: Rise
G57: Desert
O64: Sand dune
O67: Canyon
O71: Natural bridge
O73: Island
O74: Lake
Powers of the World
This card is meant to challenge us to write beyond the idea that the Valar largely withdraw from the world after the Breaking.
B2: Nienna: The genocide of the Petty-Dwarves by the Sindar
B5: Nienna: The genocide of the Druédain by the Rohirrim
B8: Nienna: Galadriel and the Teleri of Alqualondë
B12: Nienna: Robin Smallburrow and the Tooks concerning the Occupation
B14: Nienna: Aulë and the Dwarves of Belegost and Nogrod
I16: Ulmo: To Mariners of Numenor at the breaking of the world
I19: Ulmo: In the storm with King Arvedui
I23: Ulmo: Upon the Helcaraxe beneath the Noldor
I25: Ulmo: At the Battle of Unnumbered Tears
I28: Ulmo: Meets the Dwarves at Kheled-zaram
N33: Vána: juxtaposed with "In the juvescence of the year came Christ the tiger"
N34: Estë: juxtaposed with "Horror carries out the condemnation to perpetual reality"
N40: Irmo: juxtaposed with "My silent heart, lie still and break: /Life, and the world, and mine own self, are changed/For a dream's sake"
N43: Tulkas: juxtaposed with "'We have invented happiness,' say the last men, and they blink."
G47: Yavanna: Lotho goes down to the greenwood side...
G49: Yavanna: A merchant of Dorwinion comes before the tree at the Hill of Shang...
G52: Yavanna: In Eriador's untilled garden, Elendil meets the reaper...
G55: Yavanna: Kementári fights the Dark Lord...
G60: Yavanna: Radagast among the weeds...
O61: Oromë: ... against the Dark Rider
O64: Oromë: ... meets the Beornings
O65: Oromë: ... among the Wainriders
O68: Oromë: ... makes the horses of Rhovanion
O69: Oromë: ... hunter of the ages
Snippets of Verse
B3: Earth stood hard as iron (C. Rossetti)
B6: One must have a mind of winter (W. Stevens)
B10: The former door where the dead feet walked in (Th. Hardy)
B11: Take the gentle path (G. Herbert)
B15: I am the swift uplifting rush (Anon.)
I17: That year of now done darkness (G.M. Hopkins)
I20: The going of an inland soul to sea (E. Dickinson)
I24: To see the cherry hung with snow (A.E. Housman)
I26: Like a tedious argument of insidious intent (T.S. Eliot)
I29: The round earth’s imagin’d corners (J. Donne)
N31: Old year roaring and blowing (A.Tennyson)
N36: Time, which takes in trust our youth (W. Raleigh)
N41: The steady slowing down of the heart (Ch. Mew)
N44: The trumpet of a prophecy (P.B. Shelley)
G46: Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance (J. Keats)
G50: If it could weep, it could arise and go (E. Barrett Browning)
G54: The elfish light fell off in hoary flakes (S.T. Coleridge)
G57: Drinking largely sobers us again (A. Pope)
G58: How easy is a bush suppos’d a bear! (W. Shakespeare)
O62: Art’s hid causes are not found (B. Jonson)
O67: Day brought back my night (J. Milton)
O71: A furlong without symp! athy (W. Whitman)
O72: In what furnace was thy brain? (W. Blake)
O73: Westward, look, the land is bright (A.H. Clough)
Create a piece in which the weather features.
B3: Fog
B5: Sunny
B10: Cloudy
B12: Rain
B15: Hot
I16: Thunderstorm
I20: Tornado
I22: Hurricane
I25: Drought
I27: Windy
N32: Calm
N37: Flood
N42: Rainbow
N43: Sleet
G48: Ice
G51: Snow
G53: Hail
G57: Overcast
G58: Partially sunny
O61: Drizzle
O66: Flurry
O68: Humid
O72: Thundersnow
O75: Cold
Draw a Tolkien Character (art)
B3: in modern setting
B7: in a Halloween costume
B11: in black leather
B13: wearing pink
B14: in formal attire
I19: in chibi style
I21: in underwear
I23: as an animal
I26: cross-dressing
I29: injured
N32: fighting
N35: asleep
X Free Space
N39: dancing
N45: as a child
G48: in love
G50: embarassed
G54: with a teddy bear
G55: climbing a tree
G58: hunting
O61: drunk
O62: with a crazy hairstyle
O68: on the dark side
O71: cooking
O73: celebrating
Crossover 1
Write a crossover or fusion...
B2: ... with a literature classic
B5: ... with a piece of contemporary literature
B8: ... with a piece of nonfiction writing
B12: ... with a comic book or graphic novel
B14: ... with (one of) your favourite book(s)
I17: ... with a mystery-themed show
I20: ... with a sitcom or comedy
I25: ... with a sci-fi themed tv show
I27: ... with a crime drama
I28: ... with an animated or anime tv show
N31: ... with a fairytale or folktale
N38: ... with a story from your country
X Free Space
N41: ... with a mythological story
N45: ... with an event from world history
G47: ... with a horror film
G51: ... with an action/adventure film
G53: ... with a Disney film
G56: ... with your favourite B-movie
G60: ... with a musical film or stage musical
O64: ... with one of Tolkien's other writings (e.g. Farmer Giles, Leaf by Niggle)
O66: ... with an earlier or later era of Middle-earth
O70: ... with another author's fanfic (please ask permission first)
O73: ... with another character "falling into Middle-earth"
O75: ... with a Tolkien character "falling" into another canon
B1: Wraiths, wights, and ghosts
B5: In the stronghold of the Dark Lord
B7: Mazes and labyrinths
B11: Body horror
B12: Windows, mirrors, and statues
I16: Shapeshifters
I23: Wolves, wargs, and werewolves
I24: Human sacrifice
I26: Blood, bones, and body parts
I27: Eyes and mouths
N31: Darkness, fog, and shadows
N37: Madness and hallucinations
X Free Space
N42: Horror crossover
N43: Spiders, flies, and maggots
G48: Chains, prisons, and torture
G49: Houseless spirits
G50: Abandoned ruins
G55: Puppets, dolls, and nursery rhymes
G59: Deep woods and water
O64: Psychological horror
O66: Cannibalism
O68: Footsteps and whispers
O72: Thuringwethil and other vampires
O75: Tombs and crypts
Off the Map's Edge
People we don't know, places we've not gone, perspectives we've not occupied
B3: Be there dragons here: Cold drakes
B7: Scatha
B10: Fell beast
B11: The Black Serpent of Harad
B14: The Were-worms of the Last Desert
I16: In transit: The great journeys of the Guild of Venturers
I21: The rides of Oromë
I23: Anyone Going Where the Stars Are Strange To Them
I27: The flight of the Stoors
I28: The journey home of the descendents of Ulfang
N34: Sir-Not-Appearing-In-These-Tales: The Ironfists, Stiffbeards, Blacklocks, or Stonefoots
N37: The Skin-changers
N42: The Forodwaith
N45: The peoples of Dorwinion
G46: Good lands, gone missing: Almaren
G50: Hildorian
G54: The Orocarni
G59: The Land of the Sun
G60: The Dark Land
O63: Our others, ourselves: The Wainrider Confederacy
O64: The Variags of Khand
O65: The Petty Dwarves
O70: The Dunlendings
O72: The Balrogs
All Creatures, Foul and Fair
B4: Balrogs
B6: Glaurung, the father of dragons
B7: Crebain
B12: Eagles in the service of Manwë
B14: Black Squirrels of Mirkwood
I16: Mearas
I17: Mûmakil
I24: Wargs or Demonic Wolves
I25: Thorondor, Lord of Eagles
I29: Ungoliant, destroyer of the Two Trees
N36: Shelob, child of Ungoliant
N37: Ancalagand the Black
N42: Kirinki, a bird of Numenor
N45: Carcharoth, the great wolf
G47: Huan, Celegorm’s hound of Valinor
G52: Nahar, Oromë's geat steed
G53: Beruthiel's cats
G55: The Watcher in the Water
G58: Asfaloth, Glorfindel’s horse
O63: Kine of Araw
O65: Smaug, the last great dragon
O67: Firefoot, Éomer’s horse
O70: Rochallor, warhorse of Fingolfin
O75: Bill the Pony
B2: Genderswap
B6: They fight crime!
B7: ___ made them do it!
B13: Iambic pentameter only
B15: Wingfic (Balrogs and otherwise)
I17: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Middle-earth
I19: Kidfic!
I22: Unlikely pairings
I26: Superhero
I28: Breaking the fourth wall
N39: Deliberate Badfic!
N41: Everything is better in space
X Free Space
N43: Harlequin Romance!
N44: Anachronisms Galore
G48: Your characters on a Talk Show
G52: Woke up as an animal!
G55: Apocafic!
G58: You - yes, you! - in Middle-earth
G59: Jedi powers and lightsabers
O62: Ye Old Shakespearean English
O63: Over the top characterization!
O67: Characters discover fanficion
O68: Time Travel
O69: Characters in Modern Day
Evil Villians and Monsters
B3: Morgoth
B7: Shelob
B8: Saruman
B12: Ar-Pharazôn
B13: Barrow-Wights
I19: The Fëanorians
I20: Smaug
I23: Sauron
I26: Ufthak
I27: Gothmog
N31: Bolg
N36: Gollum
X Free Space
N37: Meássë and Makar
N42: Carcharoth
G48: Tevildo
G49: Draugluin
G50: Glaurung
G56: Bill Ferny
G60: Ungoliant
G61: The Nine
G67: Bill, Bert and Tom
G70: Uglúk
G73: Thuringwethil
G75: The Necromancer
Here We Come A-Caroling
B2: "Hark, hear the bells!" -Carol of the Bells
B7: "tidings of comfort and joy" -God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
B10: "over the river and through the woods"
B11: "far as the curse is found" -Joy to the World
B13: "And they looked up and saw a star..." -The First Noel
I17: "Misfortune seemed his lot..." -Jingle Bells
I19: "those who sang creation's story" -Angels from the Realms of Glory
I22: "heedless of the wind and weather" -Deck the Halls
I24: "till morning is nigh" -Away in a Manger
I28: "kiss her once for me" -Holly Jolly Christmas
N32: "He sees you when you're sleeping..." -Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
N33: "You would even say it glows..." -Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
N34: "the hopes and fears of all the years" -O' Little Town of Bethlehem
N39: "if you really hold me tight" -Let It Snow
G47: "the triumph of the skies" -Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
G50: "a beautiful sight; we're happy tonight" -Winter Wonderland
G51: "Let's take the road before us..." -Sleigh Ride
G52: "a midnight clear" -It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
G54: "Haste, haste..." -What Child Is This?
O61: "if only in my dreams" -I'll Be Home For Christmas
O64: "if the Fates allow" -Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
O66: "breathes a life of gathering gloom" -We Three Kings
O68: "We won't go until we get some!" -We Wish You a Merry Christmas
O69: "All is calm, all is bright." -Silent Night
Powers and Underpowers
On the Subject of ...
B1: Aulë: cursed creations
B6: Estë: warrior doubling as healer
B7: Irmo (Lórien): nightmare
B12: Manwë: Thorondor aiding Maedhros and Fingon (assuming Thorondor worked on his own volition at that time)
B15: Námo (Mandos): fear of the dead/ghost
I17: Nessa: the hunting and consumption of deer
I25: Nienna: weepy, whimpy
I26: Oromë: Ents
I29: Tulkas: arms and army
I30: Ulmo: betrayal of Ossë
N32: Vairë: tapestries woven by children's hands (early ages or modern era)
N35: Vána: the Everyoung (her title)
N39: Varda: Black Hole
N40: Yavanna: Taur nar Fuin (the Forest under Nightshade)
G51: Melkor/Morgoth: the end of the world
G54: Sauron: Celebrimbor's "betrayal"
G56: Saruman/Curumo: knowledge+power=. . .?
G58: Thuringwethil: real, common bats
G60: Balrog(s): defeated by the defeatable (any age, any person; from Ecthelion and Glorfindel to Gandalf)
O63: Arien: scorching flame (literally)
O65: Tillion: the phrase "mooning over somebody"
O66: Ossë: the last Gondolin ship he had to drown (seeing that of the ship, Voronwë was a kin of Círdan)
O70: Melian: me eting survivors of Doriath after her flight to Valinor
O74: Ilmarë: Outshone by li’l bro? (assuming that Eönwë is younger than she)
Rare Characters
B6: Eru Ilúvatar
B8: The Daughters of Finwë and Indis
B9: Rían
B12: Annael
B13: Meleth of Gondolin
I19: Ancalagon the Black
I20: Old Man Willow
I27: Castamir the Usurper
I28: Marcho and Blanco
I30: Imrâzor and Mithrellas
N32: Landroval
N37: Queen Berúthiel
X Free Space
N39: Dís Daughte of Thráin
N41: Morwen Steelsheen
G48: Alatar and Pallando
G49: Trotter
G53: Barliman Butterbur
G59: The Watcher in the Water
G60: Ioreth
O65: Ghân-buri-Ghân
O66: The Daughters of Aragorn and Arwen
O69: Ecthelion II of Gondor
O73: Rúmil the Sage
O75: Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took
B1: bumpy
B2: soft
B10: smooth
B13: silken
B15: rough
X I18: splintery
I19: sandy
I20: wrinkled
I26: wooden
I30: watery
N33: coarse
N38: papery
N42: firm
N45: velvety
G46: leathery
G49: furry
G51: painted
G53: carved
G59: pebbled
O62: glassy
O64: patterned
O68: fuzzy
O74: metallic
O75: yielding
Art Supplies
B3: Clay
B5: Jewels
B8: Charcoal
X B9: Paper
B14: Paintbrushes
I19: Enamel
I22: Stone
I26: Watercolors
I29: Wood
I30: Needlework
X N31: Beads
N32: Pastels
X Free Space
N41: Easel
X N43: Carving
G46: Sketchbooks/Notebooks
G49: Inks
G52: Oils
G55: Tiles
G60: String
X O65: Metal
X O67: Pencils
X O68: Canvas
O70: Kiln
O71: Yarn
B3: Black
B5: Red
B8: Tan
X B10: Sky Blue
X B13: Rose
I17: White
I21: Purple
I22: Lavender
I25: Pumpkin
I28: Dark Blue
X N32: Gray
X N36: Green
X Free Space
X N38: Sea Green
X N39: Silver
G46: Yellow
X G50: Orange
G52: Teal
G58: Dark Brown
G60: Gold
O61: Blue
X O64: Brown
O69: Fuchsia
O73: Bright Green
O75: Copper
Explore the economic systems of Arda by creating stories or artwork inspired by these prompts!
b1: Agriculture
b4: Luxury Items
b10: Scarcity
b11: Intercultural Relations
b15: Taxation
X i18: Market Day
i20: Smuggling
i22: Climatic Change
i26: Monopoly
i30: Ritual Exchange
n33: Infrastructure
n34: Social Hierarchy
X Free Space
X n38: Travelling Merchants
n41: Redistribution
g46: Commodity of Goods
g49: Exploitation
g54: Trade Fair
g57: Coinage
g60: Service Sector
o63: Mining
o66: Mass Production
X o68: War
o72: Real Estate
o73: Technology
X b1: Joy
b5: Sorrow
b8: Peace
X b9: Love
b14: Pain
i18: Grief
i21: Awe
X i22: Ecstasy
i28: Fear
i29: Hate
X n33: Courage
n37: Nervousness
n40: Gratitude
n44: Amusement
g48: Generosity
X g51: Cruelty
g55: Miserliness
g56: Gloom
X g59: Hope
o63: Bewilderment
X o64: Horror
X o67: Delight
X o68: Apprehension
o75: Calm
Need B8 and G55 for BINGO.
Festivals and Celebrations
b2: Spring
X b6: Wedding
b8: New Year
b12: Victory
b15: Winter
i16: Masks
i20: Samírien
i22: Funeral/Wake
i24: Nost-na-Lothion
i30: Gift-giving
n31: Lovers' Day
n34: Begetting/Birthday
X Free Space
n40: Coming of Age
n42: Thanksgiving
g46: Competition
g49: Mereth Aderthad
g52: Essecarmë/Essecilmë
g55: Turuhalmë
g56: Lanterns
o64: Summer
o66: Coronation
X o70: Harvest
o73: Remembrance
o75: Autumn
Injuries and Other Ailments
B4: Broken bone
B5: Bruised ribs
B9: Concussion
B11: Dislocated shoulder
B14: Twisted ankle
I18: Arrow wound
I19: Sword wound
I24: Bruise
I27: /just a/scratch
I29: Poison
N34: Burns
N37: Hypothermia
X Free Space
N40: Cold/flu
N41: Tooth ache
G47: Bite wound
G51: Torture
G53: Shock
G56: Unconsciousness
G60: Fever
O62: Black breath
O63: Exhaustion
O67: Stomach ache
O70: Cough
O74: Internal injuries
B2: Mountains
X B7: Cliffs
B10: Mountain gap
B11: Volcano
B15: Glacier
X I18: Hill
I19: River
I23: Swamp/marsh
I26: Brook/stream
I29: Forest
X N32: Plain
N36: Cave
N40: Beach
X N43: Cove
G46: Fjord
G47: River delta
G52: Boulder
G55: Rise
G57: Desert
X O64: Sand dune
X O67: Canyon
O71: Natural bridge
O73: Island
O74: Lake
Let's Get Meta!
Kindly ask permission when referencing another author's work. :)
B3: If [insert canon work] took place in the present day
B6: If [insert canon work] took place during World War I or II
B8: If [insert canon work] took place during the 19th century
B12: A gapfiller to one of your own fanworks
B15: A gapfiller to another author’s fanwork
I16: 5 interview questions you’d like to ask a canon character (answer for them—extra kudos if they get annoyed with you)
I19: 5 interview questions for another fan author (send it to them—no extra kudos for being annoying)
I24: If [insert famous author] wrote LotR/Silm/UT/etc
I27: If Tolkien wrote [insert famous literary work here]
I28: Borrow another author’s OC
N31: Create a music playlist to accompany a canon scene or event
N35: Create a music playlist to accompany another author’s fanwork
N40: A sequel/prequel to one of your own fanworks
N44: A sequel/prequel to another author’s fanwork
G47: Tolkien meets one of his own characters. What do they talk about?
X G51: Tolkien reviews one of your fanworks. Is he pleased? Amused? Utterly horrified?
G52: A character reviews a fanwork you’ve done about them. Are they pleased? Amused? Utterly horrified?
G56: What's in your head canon?
G60: Identify a comm on fanon assumption and go against it.
O62: Crossover!
O63: Death to Mary Sue!
O66: Mary Sue lives!
O71: An AU for a fanwork you’ve written (extra kudos if the original is already an AU).
O74: An AU for another author’s fanwork (extra kudos if the original is already an AU).
B3: ostler
B6: cartwright
B7: blacksmith
B10: scribe
B12: rat catcher
I17: ferryman
I22: apothecary
I25: midwife
I27: miller
I28: baker
X N31: alewife
N36: bard
N40: dairymaid
N42: stonecutter
G47: cordwainer
G50: draper
G53: dressmaker
G57: spinner
X G59: weaver
O61: illuminator
O62: bladesmith
O69: butcher
O72: cook
O75: chandler
Poetic Forms (poetry)
B3: villanelle
X B7: haiku
B8: drabble poem
B13: free verse
B15: alliterative verse
I16: limerick
I17: sestina
I24: elegy
I26: rondeau
I29: ghazal
X N31: acrostic
N34: found poem
N37: ekphrasis
N42: pastoral
G49: haibun
G52: prose poem
G54: pantoum
G55: ballad
X G59: cinquain
O61: anaphora
O64: sapphic
O67: sonnet
O70: tanka
O75: triolet
Review a Story (review)
Make an author’s day! Write a review of at least 200 words.
B2: … by someone you don’t know
B5: … about a character you dislike
B6: … based on The Hobbit
B11: … posted on your birthday
B12: … with a one-word title
I20: … posted today
I23: … featuring your favorite pairing
I25: … with three or more chapters
I28: … that the writer hasn’t updated in a year or more
I30: … written for B2MeM
N33: … with Ents in it
N40: … that’s a poem or has poetry in it
N44: … featuring an original character
N45: … by someone whose work you admire
G46: … set in the Fourth Age
G50: … by a friend
G53: … that hasn’t been reviewed yet
G56: … with children in it
G58: … in a genre you don’t usually read
O62: … that you’ve read before but never reviewed
O66: … set in Aman
O69: … that’s 1,000 words or less
O72: … that includes artwork
O75: … based on The Silmarillion
Song Lyrics
Use these lyrics to inspire a piece of art or writing.
B4: Book of golden stories, days of open roads - Runrig, Book of Golden Stories
B7: Now the light is slowly beckoning you to the shore - Karine Polwart - The Light on the Shore
X B9: Echoes and silence, patience and grace, all of these moments I’ll never replace - Foo Fighters - Home
X B13: You’re a one-man shift in the weather, you’re the woman who just won’t sell - Vienna Teng - Hope on Fire
B14: I saw all the bright people in imposing flocks they landed - Dar Williams - Mercy of the Fallen
X I18: So here’s to drinks in the dark at the end of my road - Florence and the Machine - Shake it Out
X I21: Go on a journey and roam the streets can’t see the way out and so use the stars - Sigúr Ros -Glosoli (translated)
I24: I’m not the hunter I’m not the marked I’m just looking for wisdom in the dark - Lights - Lions!
I27: Open ears and open eyes, wake up to your starboard bride - Bon Iver - Calgary
I30: Here’s a hymn to welcome in the day, heralding the summer’s early sway - The Decemberists - June Hymn
N34: Tomorrow will take us away far from home, no one will ever know our names - Blind Guardian - The Bard’s Song
X N36: The Dark Lord rides in force tonight and time will tell us all - Led Zeppelin - The Battle of Evermore
X N39: In this spellbound night the world’s an elvish sight - Nightwish - Elvenpath
X N41: Lord of Gifts, your star shall fall; this is the end this is the freedom call - Battlelore - Into the New World
G48: It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine - REM - It’s the End of the World (As We Know It)
X G51: Blessings are not just for the ones who kneel...luckily - U2 - City of Blinding Lights
G53: So close, no matter how far, couldn’t be much more from the heart - Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
G56: If we keep our pride though paradise is lost we will pay the price but we will not count the cost - Rush - Bravado
X G59: And the songs that I have sung echo in the distance like the sound of a windmill goin’ round - Deep Purple - Soldier of Fortune
O63: And you will hear yourself in song, blowing by one day - Suzanne Vega - Gypsy
O66: Baby, don’t forget to catch me! Hold on, princess, don’t you think that it’s time? - Bandits - Catch Me
X O70: Even though you’re a big strong girl the best-made plans are your open han ds - Deb Talan - Big Strong Girl
O74: ‘cause I crossed that line, the line reserved for angels - Rachel Sage - Frost
O75: And all will turn to silver glass, a light on the water all souls pass - Annie Lennox - Into the West
Create a piece in which the weather features.
B3: Fog
B5: Sunny
B10: Cloudy
B12: Rain
X B15: Hot
I16: Thunderstorm
I20: Tornado
I22: Hurricane
I25: Drought
X I27: Windy
X N32: Calm
N37: Flood
N42: Rainbow
X N43: Sleet
G48: Ice
G51: Snow
G53: Hail
G57: Overcast
G58: Partially sunny
O61: Drizzle
O66: Flurry
X O68: Humid
O72: Thundersnow
O75: Cold
Women of Arda
B2: Arwen
B4: Lúthien
B8: Haleth
B13: Goldberry
B14: Rosie Cotton
I17: Ioreth
I22: Lobelia Sackville- Baggins
I25: Nerdanel
I26: Finduilas of Dol Amroth
I28: Gilraen
N32: Ivorwen
X N36: Indris
N38: Galadriel
N43: Melian
G46: Idril
G49: Celebrian
G53: Aredhel
G56: Berúthiel
G60: Míriel Serindë
O62: Éowyn
O67: Míriel
O69: Lothiriel
O72: Elanor Gamgee
O75: Elwing
Women of The Silmarillion
X B1: Women of the House of Finwe
B2: Sympathetic to a character you dislike
X B6: Wives and mothers unnamed in canon
B12: Women from different cultures
X B13: Defying expectations
I17: Women who change history
I19: Women who never marry
I23: Women of Valinor
I27: Women with unknown fates
I28: Mothers and daughters
N36: Mortal women
N38: Women of Doriath
N40: Women who create
N43: Women of Numenor
G48: Villainesses
G51: Women who survive
G55: Women born in Beleriand
G56: Women of Nargothrond
G60: Valar and Maiar
X O62: Passing the Bechdel Test
X O65: Women of Gondolin
X O68: Sisters and sisters-in-law
O73: Making choices
O75: Original female character
Write What You Know
Prompts may be used as literally or as liberally as you like.
B1: Title and/or lyrics from the last song you listened to
B5: Title of a favorite non-fantasy film
X B9: Title and/or lines from a favorite non-Tolkien poem
B12: Title of the most recent non-fiction book you read
B15: A favorite quote from a political or historical figure
I18: A character with whom you have something in common
I22: A character you dislike--what might you have in common?
I23: Which character would you like to see as your country's head of state?
I24: A character who would fit in well in your hometown (within reason)
I29: A character who would be completely out of place in your hometown (no reason necessary!)
N32: What did you have for lunch yesterday?
N35: A favorite beverage (hint: cocktail names are fun!)
X N38: A food you dislike
N42: The best meal you've ever cooked
G48: A character who's the same age you were when you first discovered Tolkien's Middle-earth
G51: Borrow someone else's original character (with permission, of course)
G54: Think of your favorite place in Middle-earth. What would be the *worst* thing about living there?
G57: Write about a Middle-earth event that "took place" on your birthday, or as close as possible.
G58: Write a sequel, prequel o! r gapfil ler to someone else's fanwork that you've enjoyed
O63: What's your least favorite aspect of your current or past job?
O66: Your favorite sport or outdoor activity
O70: What scares you?
O73: Shaken or stirred?
O74: An awkward social interaction you recently had.
b2: Dwarves
b6: Ungoliant, Thuringwethil, & other Maiar
X b9: "Softly goes my song's entreaty, through the night to thee. In the silent woods I wait thee; come, my love, to me." - Franz Schubert
b10: Melian and her descendants
b14: Kink
i17: "Don't you know it's love you're talking about? You're talking about how I feel about another human being & how she feels about me, not some disease you have to save us from." - Annie on My Mind
X i22: Valier
i23: Queens of Númenor
i28: OFC
i30: "We're closet cincerellas, each other's perfect fit." - Rachael Sage
n32: Women of different cultures
n35: Unrequited love
X Free Space
n40: Entwives
n44: Nerdanel & Indis "have tea."
g46: "I love you."
g47: "I became a lesbian because of women, because women are beautiful, strong and compassionate." - Rita Mae Brown
g52: Star-crossed
g53: Haleth, Éowyn, & other mortals
g60: First time
X o62: AU
o67: Women of the House of Finwë
o69: Hobbits
o73: Kissing
074: Adûnaphel the Quiet
Silmarillion Fanon
We *heart* fanon. It represents the collective nature of our community and all that. But for this challenge, create in opposition to fanon.
B3: Of Nerdanel’s sons, Maglor was most like her
B4: Maglor the Mighty Wimp
B9: Amrod and Amras: pranksters extraordinaire
B11: Maedhros mistreats Elrond and Elros
B12: Maglor lives!
I16: Gil-galad/Elrond
I19: Celegorm/Aredhel
I20: Beleg/Nellas
I21: Caranthir/Haleth
I25: Maedhros/Fingon
N31: Námo Mandos: a kinder, gentler Lord of Death
N37: Angband: Melkor’s secret S&M dungeon
N40: Aulë: mentor of Nerdanel and Fëanor
N41: Middle-earth = Middle Ages
G49: Beren the scraggly, unkempt mortal
G54: Glorfindel of Gondolin = Glorfindel of Rivendell
G57: virago!Galadriel and whipped!Celegorm
X G59: Daeron + Maglor = BFF
G60: Finarfin the Pansy
O61: Super Speshul Elves: immune to sickness, painful childbirth, contracted speech, BO, and farting
O64: The rustic simpleton Sindar
O67: Death of grief = fading
O71: Everything related to Elves and hair
O73: The universality of Laws and Customs among the Eldar
"Beachy" and "Coastly"
B5: The distant shore
X B6: Dock/quay
B8: Seaward recreation
B11: Winds to the sail!
B12: What's in the sea?
I19: Shipcraft and shipping
I23: Tempest the Tempestuous ("Or is that a Maia I'm facing?")
I26: Fishing and fishary (or ... fishy?)
I27: Seacoast market
I28: Seacoast housing
X N32: Alqualonde (Swanhaven)
N34: Eglarist/Brithombar
N40: Mithlond (Grey Havens)
N44: Pelargir
G46: Pirates/corsair
G47: Sea-folk of Dol Amroth
G55: Sea-folk of the Teleri
G58: Pearl-seeker
G59: Weaving sail, weaving net
O61: Animals of the sea
X O67: Seabirds
O71: Under the stars, under the sun, under the moon (depict the seacoast under a heavenly illumination in art or story form)
O73: Sea-wall
O74: Sea-side fortress
B2: Genderswap
X B6: They fight crime!
B7: ___ made them do it!
B13: Iambic pentameter only
B15: Wingfic (Balrogs and otherwise)
I17: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Middle-earth
I19: Kidfic!
I22: Unlikely pairings
I26: Superhero
I28: Breaking the fourth wall
N39: Deliberate Badfic!
X N41: Everything is better in space
X Free Space
N43: Harlequin Romance!
N44: Anachronisms Galore
G48: Your characters on a Talk Show
G52: Woke up as an animal!
G55: Apocafic!
G58: You - yes, you! - in Middle-earth
X G59: Jedi powers and lightsabers
O62: Ye Old Shakespearean English
O63: Over the top characterization!
O67: Characters discover fanficion
X O68: Time Travel
O69: Characters in Modern Day
In a Manner of Speaking
To be taken literally or figuratively.
B2: Bump in the night
B4: Forever hold your peace
B5: Kiss it and make it better
B11: Hell or high water
B13: Home sweet home
X I18: For pity's sake
I24: Shaking like a leaf
I26: Burst your bubble
I27: Blind as a bat
I28: Clear as mud
N31: Ways to skin a cat
N41: Yours truly
N44: Freeze your face off
N45: Spread like wildfire
G47: Starlight, star bright
X G50: Silent as the grave
G52: The straw that broke the camel's back
G55: Cry me a river
G60: Just a bowl of cherries
O63: Line in the sand
O64: Scream bloody murder
O67: Skeletons in the closet
X O70: Needle in a haystack
O71: Not all there
Of The Sea
B1: Waves
B2: Beach/Coast
X B6: Inlet
B10: Rivermouth
B11: Currents
I18: Corals
I22: Seaweed
I25: Fishes
I28: Pearl
I30: Mangrove
X N33: Storm
N35: Island
X N43: Underwater Cave
N45: Trench
G47: Lighthouse
G51: Vessels (ship, boat, etc)
G54: Fisherman
G55: Beach/Coast-guard
G57: Fishing-net
O63: Harbour
X O65: Sailor
O69: Bay
O72: Cape
O74: Whirlpool
B1: bumpy
B2: soft
X B10: smooth
X B13: silken
B15: rough
I18: splintery
I19: sandy
I20: wrinkled
I26: wooden
I30: watery
X N33: coarse
N38: papery
N42: firm
N45: velvety
G46: leathery
G49: furry
X G51: painted
G53: carved
X G59: pebbled
X O62: glassy
X O64: patterned
X O68: fuzzy
O74: metallic
O75: yielding
Winter Wonderland
B3: Snow
B4: Ice
B7: Icicle
B14: Snowdrift
B15: Ice Crystal
I16: Iced Over
I17: Snowed In
I21: Snow-capped
X I22: Ice Skating
I27: Sled/Sledding
X N33: Gale
N37: Blizzard
X N43: Winter Festivities
N45: Winter Tales
G47: Frostbite
G50: Hypothermia
G54: Chilly Winds
G57: Winter Cloak
G58: Furred Boots
O63: Woolen Hat/Scarf/Gloves
O66: Snowman
O71: Snowball
X O72: Evergreen Trees
O73: Warm Fires
Needs B14 and G57 for BINGO.
All OCs, All the Time
X B1: A black-sheep brother
X B4: A housekeeper
B5: A scribe
B12: A stranger
X B14: A shade
I16: A tanner
I23: A Maia
I25: A distant ancestor
I26: A midwife
I28: A troubador
N34: A seer
N37: A camp follower
X N39: An in-law
N42: A gravedigger
G46: A servant
G49: An actor
G53: A child
G55: A soldier
X G59: A minor noble
O61: A queen
X O62: A twin
X O64: An artisan
X O70: A poisoner
O74: A distant descendant
Art Supplies
B3: Clay
B5: Jewels
B8: Charcoal
X B9: Paper
X B14: Paintbrushes
I19: Enamel
X I22: Stone
I26: Watercolors
I29: Wood
I30: Needlework
X N31: Beads
X N32: Pastels
X Free Space
X N41: Easel
X N43: Carving
G46: Sketchbooks/Notebooks
G49: Inks
G52: Oils
G55: Tiles
G60: String
X O65: Metal
X O67: Pencils
X O68: Canvas
X O70: Kiln
O71: Yarn
Create fanworks featuring these animals and monsters of Arda!
X B4: Cat
X B7: Watcher in the Water
B8: Squirrel
B12: Seagull
X B15: Toad
X I18: Hawk
X I21: Snail
I23: Cow
I29: Dragon
I30: Fox
X N32: Spider
X N36: Deer
X Free Space
N40: Dog
X N43: Crane
G47: Trout
X G50: Horse
G52: Eagle
G56: Boar
X G59: Oliphaunt
O61: Bear
X O62: Goose
X O64: Snake
O71: Turtle
O75: Bee
Create Pieces in which these plans play an important role
X B4: Elanor
X B7: Sage
X B10: Rowan
B11: Madder
X B14: Lotus
I16: Poppy
I20: Brambles
X I22: Barley
I26: Toadstool
I30: Simbelmynë
N34: Oak
N35: Onion
X Free Space
X N41: Niphredil
N44: Hypericum
G47: Rose
G48: Nightshade
G54: Athelas
G57: Ivy
G58: Woad
X O62: Common Mushroom
O66: Seregon
O69: Willow
O71: Cornflower
O75: Beans
B3: Black
B5: Red
B8: Tan
X B10: Sky Blue
X B13: Rose
I17: White
X I21: Purple
X I22: Lavender
I25: Pumpkin
I28: Dark Blue
X N32: Gray
X N36: Green
X Free Space
X N38: Sea Green
X N39: Silver
G46: Yellow
X G50: Orange
G52: Teal
G58: Dark Brown
G60: Gold
O61: Blue
X O64: Brown
O69: Fuchsia
O73: Bright Green
O75: Copper
Deep Thoughts
B2: faith
X B6: eternity
X B7: love
B12: cosmos
X B15: immortality
I19: suffering
I20: reason
I23: good
I26: evil
I29: happiness
X N33: beyond
X N36: truth
X N41: God
N45: death
G47: freedom
G49: omnipotent
G52: me
G55: belief
G60: justice
X O62: faith seeking understanding
X O64: you
O69: knowing
O71: hope
X O72: we
X b1: Joy
b5: Sorrow
b8: Peace
X b9: Love
X b14: Pain
X i18: Grief
X i21: Awe
X i22: Ecstasy
i28: Fear
i29: Hate
X n33: Courage
n37: Nervousness
n40: Gratitude
n44: Amusement
g48: Generosity
X g51: Cruelty
g55: Miserliness
g56: Gloom
X g59: Hope
o63: Bewilderment
X o64: Horror
X o67: Delight
X o68: Apprehension
o75: Calm
Festivals and Celebrations
b2: Spring
X b6: Wedding
b8: New Year
b12: Victory
X b15: Winter
i16: Masks
i20: Samírien
X i22: Funeral/Wake
i24: Nost-na-Lothion
i30: Gift-giving
X n31: Lovers' Day
n34: Begetting/Birthday
X Free Space
n40: Coming of Age
n42: Thanksgiving
g46: Competition
g49: Mereth Aderthad
g52: Essecarmë/Essecilmë
g55: Turuhalmë
g56: Lanterns
X o64: Summer
o66: Coronation
X o70: Harvest
o73: Remembrance
o75: Autumn
Injuries and Other Ailments
X B4: Broken bone
B5: Bruised ribs
X B9: Concussion
B11: Dislocated shoulder
X B14: Twisted ankle
X I18: Arrow wound
I19: Sword wound
I24: Bruise
X I27: /just a/scratch
I29: Poison
N34: Burns
N37: Hypothermia
X Free Space
N40: Cold/flu
X N41: Tooth ache
G47: Bite wound
X G51: Torture
G53: Shock
G56: Unconsciousness
G60: Fever
X O62: Black breath
O63: Exhaustion
X O67: Stomach ache
X O70: Cough
O74: Internal injuries
B2: Mountains
X B7: Cliffs
X B10: Mountain gap
B11: Volcano
X B15: Glacier
X I18: Hill
I19: River
I23: Swamp/marsh
I26: Brook/stream
I29: Forest
X N32: Plain
X N36: Cave
N40: Beach
X N43: Cove
G46: Fjord
G47: River delta
G52: Boulder
G55: Rise
G57: Desert
X O64: Sand dune
X O67: Canyon
O71: Natural bridge
O73: Island
O74: Lake
Languages of Arda
B2: Iglishmêk
B3: Valarin
X B7: learning a language
B11: Entish
X B13: Sindarin
I17: Tengwar
I20: Orcish
X I21: Rohirric
X I22: Dunlending
I26: body language
X N31: Taliska
X N39: interpreter
X Free Space
N40: Khuzdul
N45: Cirth
G47: Rhovanion
X G50: Drûg
G54: Easterling
G56: speechless
X G59: Adûnaic
X O62: language barrier
X O64: Westron (Common Speech)
O69: Black Speech of Mordor
O74: Haradrim
O75: Quenya
B3: ostler
X B6: cartwright
X B7: blacksmith
X B10: scribe
B12: rat catcher
I17: ferryman
X I22: apothecary
I25: midwife
X I27: miller
I28: baker
X N31: alewife
X N36: bard
N40: dairymaid
N42: stonecutter
G47: cordwainer
X G50: draper
G53: dressmaker
G57: spinner
X G59: weaver
O61: illuminator
X O62: bladesmith
O69: butcher
X O72: cook
O75: chandler
Poetic Language
B2: Allegory
X B6: Hyperbole
B8: Metonymy
B11: Simile
X B15: Connotation
I17: Alliteration
I23: Imagery
I24: Onomatopoeia
I25: Symbolism
I29: Denotation
X N31: Assonance
X N32: Irony
X N39: Personification
N42: Synecdoche
G46: Exposition
G47: Dialogue
X G51: Literal
G55: Rhyme
X G59: Theme
O63: Setting
X O67: Foreshadowing
X O70: Metaphor
X O72: Rhythm
O74: Understatement
X B1: Pine trees
X B6: Wood smoke
B8: Fresh bread
X B9: Fish
X B13: Petrichor (the smell of dust after rain)
I17: Seawater
X I21: Meat
I24: Blood
I28: Sweat
I30: Leather
X N33: Onion
X N38: Grass
X N39: Flower
N45: Metal
G46: Dirt
X G50: Skunk
G54: Horse
G56: Stale beer/ale
G60: Paint
X O65: Soap
X O68: Pipeweed
X O70: Moss
O73: Dung
O75: Cheese
Talents and Skills
X B1: translating
B2: tracking
B5: sewing
X B10: gardening
X B13: sailing
X I18: rope-making
I19: mining
I23: dyeing
I26: singing
I30: pottery
N32: archery
N35: teaching
N40: carving
N45: dancing
G46: writing
X G50: weaving
G53: book-keeping
G58: roofing
G60: foot-racing
O63: forging
X O64: baking
X O70: flute-playing
O71: riding
O75: healing
Weapons and Warfare
B3: Siege
B5: Swords
X B9: Cavalry
X B13: Flail
X B14: Halberd
I16: Open battle
X I21: Gunpowder
I24: Infantry
X I27: Mace
I28: Lance
X N31: Guerilla warfare
N37: Axes
X N39: Plate mail
N44: Quarterstaff
G46: Rebel
G49: Shield
G52: Archery
G53: War hammer
G58: Pike
O61: Decisive battle
O63: Chainmail
O69: Spear
X O70: Battering ram
O74: Leather armor
Create a piece in which the weather features.
B3: Fog
B5: Sunny
X B10: Cloudy
B12: Rain
X B15: Hot
I16: Thunderstorm
I20: Tornado
X I22: Hurricane
I25: Drought
X I27: Windy
X N32: Calm
N37: Flood
N42: Rainbow
X N43: Sleet
G48: Ice
X G51: Snow
G53: Hail
G57: Overcast
G58: Partially sunny
O61: Drizzle
O66: Flurry
X O68: Humid
X O72: Thundersnow
O75: Cold
Create fanworks set in Númenor (or its colonies) centered around these words or phrases
X B4: Êphalak (far away)
X B6: Abâr (strength, endurance, fidelity)
B8: Phazân (prince, king's son)
X B9: Minul-Tarîk (Pillar of Heaven, Meneltarma)
X B15: Miyât ([infant] twins)
X I18: Izrê (sweetheart, beloved)
I23: Avalê (goddess, Valie)
I25: Yanâkhim ([they] are at hand)
I26: Bawîba (winds)
I30: Izindu-bêth (true sayer, prophet)
X N31: Ugru-dalad (under-[the]-shadow)
N37: Narîka ‘nBâri ‘nAdûn (the Eagles of the Lords of the West)
N40: Usaphda (he understood)
X N41: *Zimra (jewel)
G48: *Akhâs (chasm)
G49: Kathu-phazgân (conquerer)
G53: Batan (road)
G57: Zigûr (wizard, referring to Sauron)
G58: Gimil (stars [coll.], starry sky)
O61: Bâ Kitab-dahê! (Don't touch me!)
X O65: Nimriyê (Nimrian [queen])
X O67: Pûh (breath)
X O70: Nîph (fool)
O71: Hikallaba (she-fell-down [Númenor])
All Creatures, Foul and Fair
X B4: Balrogs
X B6: Glaurung, the father of dragons
X B7: Crebain
B12: Eagles in the service of Manwë
X B14: Black Squirrels of Mirkwood
I16: Mearas
I17: Mûmakil
I24: Wargs or Demonic Wolves
I25: Thorondor, Lord of Eagles
I29: Ungoliant, destroyer of the Two Trees
N36: Shelob, child of Ungoliant
N37: Ancalagand the Black
N42: Kirinki, a bird of Numenor
N45: Carcharoth, the great wolf
G47: Huan, Celegorm’s hound of Valinor
G52: Nahar, Oromë's geat steed
G53: Beruthiel's cats
G55: The Watcher in the Water
G58: Asfaloth, Glorfindel’s horse
O63: Kine of Araw
X O65: Smaug, the last great dragon
X O67: Firefoot, Éomer’s horse
X O70: Rochallor, warhorse of Fingolfin
O75: Bill the Pony
Archery in Arda
B6: Wood-elves of Mirkwood
B7: Bard the Bowman
B10: Laer Cú Beleg (Song of the Great Bow)
B12: King's Archers
B13: Telerin Bows
I16: Celegorm
I21: Legolas
I24: Oromë
I25: Hobbit Archers
I27: Bow of Bregor
X N32: Fingon
N38: Thorin Oakenshield
X Free Space
N43: Lake town archers
N45: Bow of the Galadhrim
G46: Marchwardens of Lórien
G49: Bowman 'Nick' Cotton
G50: Duilin and Derufin
G59: Ithilien rangers
G60: Belthronding
O63: Faramir
O64: Beleg Strongbow
O66: Tilion
O68: Hithlum horse archers
O74 Black Arrow
"Beachy" and "Coastly"
B5: The distant shore
X B6: Dock/quay
B8: Seaward recreation
B11: Winds to the sail!
B12: What's in the sea?
I19: Shipcraft and shipping
I23: Tempest the Tempestuous ("Or is that a Maia I'm facing?")
I26: Fishing and fishary (or ... fishy?)
X I27: Seacoast market
I28: Seacoast housing
X N32: Alqualonde (Swanhaven)
N34: Eglarist/Brithombar
N40: Mithlond (Grey Havens)
N44: Pelargir
G46: Pirates/corsair
G47: Sea-folk of Dol Amroth
G55: Sea-folk of the Teleri
G58: Pearl-seeker
X G59: Weaving sail, weaving net
O61: Animals of the sea
X O67: Seabirds
O71: Under the stars, under the sun, under the moon (depict the seacoast under a heavenly illumination in art or story form)
O73: Sea-wall
O74: Sea-side fortress
Cause of Death
B5: Grief
X B7: Infection
B8: Arrow
X B9: Torture
X B15: Dehydration
I16: Drowning
X I18: Poison
X I21: Self-sacrifice
I25: Suicide
X I27: Hypothermia
N34: Burning
X N36: Head injury
N42: Accident
X N43: Exhaustion
G46: Suffocation
G47: Childbirth
G56: Blood loss
G58: Murder
X G59: Falling
X O62: Starvation
O66: Illness
O69: Wild animal
O71: War
X O72: Shock
Controversial Topics
Discuss these topics by creating fic, meta, or art.
X B1: Laws and Customs of the Eldar
B5: Children of the Ainur
X B7: Nothing is evil in the beginning ...
B12: The Hair Colour Debate
B13: Was Tolkien Racist?
I16: Evil Spells and Elvish Craft
X I21: Elves and Dwarves
X I22: Fate: Free Will or Preordained?
I24: Absent Wives and Mothers
I25: Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth
N34: Elves and Men: One Species?
X N36: Colonialism in Beleriand
N37: Colonialism of Númenor
N45: The Parentage of Gil-galad
G49: Tol Eressëa = England? Fantastical Geography
G50: Surviving the Impossible: Helcaraxë and Angband
G53: Death: Gift or Doom of Men?
G55: Origin of Orcs
G56: To Cuiviénen there is no returning...
O62: Was Tolkien Sexist?
O63: Just Who Was Celeborn?
O69: Morgoth's Ring: Power Management
X O72: Do Balrogs Have Wings?
O73: Myths Transformed
Crack Pairings 1
X B4: Thingol/Finduilas of Nargothrond
B5: Goldberry/Gandalf
X B10: Feanor/Turin
B11: Faramir/Cirdan
B13: Orodreth/Thuringwethil
I16: Sauron/Yavanna
I17: Tar-Miriel/Glorfindel
I20: Gil-galad/Maeglin
I23: Eowyn/Halbarad
I29: Earendil/Eol
N32: Elrond/Erendis
N37: Caranthir/Beleg
X N38: Boromir/Nienna
N45: Maedhros/Melkor
G46: Fingon/Celebrimbor
G47: Manwe/Fingolfin
G51: Gothmog/Ungoliant
G55: Gimli/Thranduil
G56: Aegnor/Luthien
O61: Ulmo/Maglor
X O65: Tom Bombadil/Erestor
O70: Melian/Bilbo
X O72: Arwen/Theodred
O75: Curufin/Daeron
Dwarves of the First Age
B1: Naugrim meet Eöl's wife
B2: Caranthir meets Dwarves for the first time
B6: Thingol's death
B11: Curufin tries to learn Khuzdul
B15: Azaghâl gives Maedhros the Dragon-helm
I17: Treebeard joins Beren in the battle by Sarn Athdrad
X I18: Durin the Deathless remembers coming to life and his make Aulë
I20: Maeglin learns about the Dwarves
I24: "... he was named in the tongue of the Dwarves Felagund, Hewer of Caves"
I25: Naugrim and their fear of sea
N35: Maedhros saves Azaghâl's life
N38: Melian and Dwarves
X Free Space
N40: Telchar and Narsil
N44: Celeborn fights in the Battle of the Thousand Caves
G47: Telchar, the greatest craftsman of Nogrod
G49: Khîm and Ibun as children
G53: creation of the first Dwarf-women
G58: Eöl attends midsummer feast in Nogrod
G59: Curufin receives Angrist
O62: Mîm and Beleg
O63: Finrod and Nauglamir
O69: Maedhros and Azaghâl negotiate Dwarves joining the Union of Maedhros
X O72: awakening of the seven Fathers of the Dwarves
O75: Yavanna and Dwarves
Elven Realms
Create art or writing about or set in...
X B1: Cuivienén
B2: Avallónë
X B9: Tirion
X B14: Formenos
X B15: Alqualondë
X I18: the Falas
X I21: Nevrast
I24: Mithrim
I28: Doriath
I29: Nargothrond
N34: Gondolin
X N39: Dorthonion
X Free Space
N40: Ard-galen
N44: Ossiriand
X G50: Amon Lanc
X G51: Eregion
G53: Lindon
G57: Lórinand
G58: Edhellond
O61: Imladris
X O64: Lothlórien
O69: the Woodland Realm
X O70: Ithilien
O73: Mithlond
Evil Villians and Monsters
B3: Morgoth
X B7: Shelob
B8: Saruman
B12: Ar-Pharazôn
B13: Barrow-Wights
I19: The Fëanorians
I20: Smaug
I23: Sauron
I26: Ufthak
X I27: Gothmog
N31: Bolg
X N36: Gollum
X Free Space
N37: Meássë and Makar
N42: Carcharoth
G48: Tevildo
G49: Draugluin
G50: Glaurung
G56: Bill Ferny
G60: Ungoliant
G61: The Nine
X G67: Bill, Bert and Tom
G70: Uglúk
G73: Thuringwethil
G75: The Necromancer
X B1: In Aman... the motherless child
X B6: Daddy issues
B8: That weasely Fingolfin
X B10: Unjust exile
X B14: The war of Telerin Aggression
X I18: In Beleriand... freedom fighter
I20: 'he was very willing that the chief peril of assault should fall upon himself'
I25: knight in shining armor
X I27: family guy
I28: sacrificial lamb
X N31: Did you know... Fëanor hugged his kids (really, he did!)
X N32: Fëanor wasn't nuts (just misunderstood)
X Free Space
N40: Nerdanel loved him (that must count for something!)
N42: Fëanor was framed!
G48: Who's to blame? Indis: History's first wicked stepmother.
G52: The Valar. Always the Valar
G54: that weasly Fingolfin, reprise
G56: Dior: pretty but stupid
G58: Elwing Refrigerator Mother of the year
X 062: Notable Moments of Goodness: every useful invention (and then some).
X 064: Caranthir helped Haleth (Caranthir, for pity's sake!)
X 068: Maedhros went to look for Eluréd and Elurin
069: Maglor fostered Elrond and Elros
X 072: Fëanor: saviour of Middle-earth
Finrod: The Quarter-Blood Prince
B1: Birth, during the noontide of Valinor
B3: Childhood – four siblings
X B4: Childhood – many, many cousins
B5: Of the House of Finwë
X B6: Of the House of Olwë
I17: Son of two Houses
I20: Eldest of five
I23: Beloved of Amarië
I25: Chums with Turgon
I29: Closest to Galadriel
N31: Finrod – change of dialect from Findaráto (story of character study or essay of etimology)
N36: Ingoldo – Mother-name (story/essay)
X N41: Felagund – After-name by the Dwarves (story/essay)
N42: Nöm – After-name by Bëor’s people (story/essay)
G49: In the First Kinslaying (Alqualondë)
G53: Journey across the Helkaraxë
G54: Managing temporary settlement at Hithlum
G57: Visit to Menegroth
G60: Receiving Thingol's wrath on the news of the Kinslaying
O63: Dream sent by Ulmo
X O67: Permission to settle in the caves of Narog – building Nargothrond
O69: King of Nargothrond: friend and ruler of various peoples
O73: The Battle of Sudden Flame (Dagor Braggolach) – Oath to Barahir
O74: Beren, and death in the Isle of Werewolves
Food and Drink of Middle-earth
X B1: Coimas/Lembas
B2: Of Herbs of Stewed Rabbit
B3: Dorwinion
B8: The Inns of Middle-earth
X B9: Ent-Draught
I17: Honey
X I18: "It comes in pints?"
X I22: Hunting and Gathering
I26: Petty-Dwarf Roots
I30: Recipe Fic
X N33: Miruvor
N34: Learning to Cook
X Free Space
N35: Mushrooms
N42: Orc-Drink
G47: Taters
X G51: Roast Mutton
G52: Local Cuisine
G54: Beorning Honey Cakes
G55: Taboos and Dislikes
O61: Food Economy of Nargothrond
X O65: "We only wish to catch a fish, so juicy-sweet!"
O69: Tea
O71: "Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!"
O74: Cram
Games People Play
X b1: Backgammon
X b4: Darts
X b7: Card Games
b12: Roleplaying
X b13: Hopscotch
i16: Dice
i17: Wrestling
X i18: Tag
i25: Politics
i28: Sprints
X n31: Mancala
X n33: Tournament
X Free Space
X n43: Horseraces
n44: Climbing
g49: Chess
X g51: King of the Hill
g53: Hide and Seek
g57: Crosscountry Races
g58: Archery
X o65: Draughts
o66: Senat
o69: Golf
o71: Jumping
X o72: Drinking
Geography of The Silmarillion
Create a story or a work of art set in one of these sites of significance in the history of the First and Second Ages.
b2: Helcaracxë or the Grinding Ice
b5: Halls of Mandos
X b9: Menegroth, Thingol’s city of a Thousand Caves
b11: Ost-in-Edhil, the capital city of Eregion
X b15: Nargothrond, Finrod Felagund’s underground fortress
i17: Himring, hill west of Maglor’s Gap where Maedhros built his fortress
X i21: Alqualondë, coastal city ruled by King Olwë of the Teleri
i24: Tirion upon Túna, whence Finwë ruled as King of the Noldor in Valinor
i26: Lake Mithrim, first settlement by the Noldor in the north of Middle-earth
i29: Greenwood the Great, the magnificent forest east of the Misty Mountains
n34: Gondor, name of the southern Númenórean kingdom in Middle-earth
n37: Neverast, Turgon’s first settlement before his founding of Gondolin
X n39: Gondolin, Turgon’s secret city
X n41: Formenos the stronghold of Fëanor in the north of Valinor
g48: Eregion, Noldorin realm where the Elven Rings were made
g50: Dwarf-road leading into Beleriand from the cities of Nogrod and Belegost
g54: Dor-lómin, Fingon’s territory in the south of Hithlum
g55: Doriath, land enclosed within the Girdle of Melian
g58: Cuiviénen, the lake where the first Elves awoke
o61: Barad Eithel! , the fo rtress of the Noldor at Eithel Sirion
X o64: Barad-dûr, ‘The Dark Tower’ of Sauron in Mordor
X Avallónë, haven and city of the Eldar on Tol Eressëa
X o70: Arnor, the northern realm of the Númenóreans in Middle-earth
o75: Armenelos, City of the Kings in Númenor
X B1: Wraiths, wights, and ghosts
B5: In the stronghold of the Dark Lord
X B7: Mazes and labyrinths
B11: Body horror
B12: Windows, mirrors, and statues
I16: Shapeshifters
I23: Wolves, wargs, and werewolves
I24: Human sacrifice
I26: Blood, bones, and body parts
X I27: Eyes and mouths
X N31: Darkness, fog, and shadows
N37: Madness and hallucinations
X Free Space
N42: Horror crossover
X N43: Spiders, flies, and maggots
G48: Chains, prisons, and torture
G49: Houseless spirits
X G50: Abandoned ruins
G55: Puppets, dolls, and nursery rhymes
X G59: Deep woods and water
X O64: Psychological horror
O66: Cannibalism
X O68: Footsteps and whispers
X O72: Thuringwethil and other vampires
O75: Tombs and crypts
X B1: pneumonia
X B4: bronchitis
X B6: chest cold
B11: influenza
B12: pneumothorax (collapsed lung)
XX I18: stomach flu
I19: heartburn
I24: invalid food
X I27: liquid diet
I28: strengthening diet
X N31: head cold
X N36: sore throat
X N38: ear infection
N42: toothache
G49: fluffy pillows
X G50: warm blankets
G53: featherbed
G56: hot bath
G60: massage
O61: measles
O66: mumps
X O72: chicken pox
O74: whooping-cough
O75: croup
In a Manner of Speaking
To be taken literally or figuratively.
B2: Bump in the night
X B4: Forever hold your peace
B5: Kiss it and make it better
B11: Hell or high water
X B13: Home sweet home
X I18: For pity's sake
I24: Shaking like a leaf
I26: Burst your bubble
X I27: Blind as a bat
I28: Clear as mud
X N31: Ways to skin a cat
X N41: Yours truly
N44: Freeze your face off
N45: Spread like wildfire
G47: Starlight, star bright
X G50: Silent as the grave
G52: The straw that broke the camel's back
G55: Cry me a river
G60: Just a bowl of cherries
O63: Line in the sand
X O64: Scream bloody murder
X O67: Skeletons in the closet
X O70: Needle in a haystack
O71: Not all there
Mirkwood the Great
Create a piece of fanwork featuring Greenwood the Great/Mirkwood or a resident thereof.
B2: Diplomacy
B5: Family heirloom
X B10: Birth
B11: Wine
X B13: A challenge
X I18: Leisure Time
I19: Dawning evil
I23: Art
I29: Dwarves
I30: Bad weather
X N31: To war!
N34: Hunting
N40: Trade
N44: Visitors
G48: Spider
X G50: Enchanted water
X G51: Celebration
G57: The king
X G59: Misunderstanding
X O64: Strange customs
O66: Jewelry
X O68: Food
O71: Death
O74: Deer
Of The Sea
X B1: Waves
B2: Beach/Coast
X B6: Inlet
X B10: Rivermouth
B11: Currents
X I18: Corals
X I22: Seaweed
I25: Fishes
I28: Pearl
I30: Mangrove
X N33: Storm
N35: Island
X N43: Underwater Cave
N45: Trench
G47: Lighthouse
X G51: Vessels (ship, boat, etc)
G54: Fisherman
G55: Beach/Coast-guard
G57: Fishing-net
O63: Harbour
X O65: Sailor
O69: Bay
X O72: Cape
O74: Whirlpool
Quenya and Sindarin
Create fanworks centered around these words and their definitions. (Quenya from Ardalambion, Sindarin from Hiswelóke.)
X B1: Úmanyar ("those not of Aman," Elves who did not reach the Blessed Realm (but did leave Cuiviénen with the intention of going there)
B2: Elanor (a flower, a kind of enlarged pimpernel bearing golden and silver flowers)
B8: Ósanwë ("interchange of thought", "communication of thought", i.e. telepathy)
X B10: Nothlir (family line (esp. as family tree, genealogical tree)
X B15: Tancol ("Signifer", "the significant star" = Venus. The literal meaning is apparently *”sign-bearer”)
I16: Tarlanc (stiff-necked, obstinate)
I17: Telma ("a conclusion, anything used to finish off a work or affair", often applied to the last item in a structure, such as a coping-stone, or a topmost pinnacle)
I19: Linnod (a chant of a certain metrical type, where each (half-)verse is composed of seven syllables)
I23: Kuivië-Lankassë (literally 'on the brink of life', of a perilous situation in which one is likely to fall into death)
I30: Paur (“fist, hand”, its chief use was in reference of the tighly closed hand, as in using an implement or a craft-tool, rather than to the fist used in punching)
X N32: Omentië ("meeting" [meeting or junction of the directions of two people])
X N33: Urug (“Orc” [rarely used], arch. "bogey", anything that caused fear to the Elves, any dubious shape or shadow, or prowling creature)
X N39: Gûl (magic lore, long study [being used mostly of secret knowledge, especially such as possessed by artificers who made wonderful things])
X N41: Hyarmen ("south”, literally, “lefthand-direction”, since the Elves named the directions as they were to a person facing the Blessed Realm in the West)
G46: Mindon (isolated hill, especially a hill with a watchtower, by extension, tower)
G47: Loiquetë ("a mistake in speech")
G54: Estel (hope, trust, a temper of mind, steady fixed in purpose, and difficult to dissuade and unlikely to fall into despair or abandon its purpose)
X G59: Tyenya (“My tye” [tye being an intimate form of “you”], used = “dear kinsman”)
G60: Ost (city, town with wall round, citadel, fortress or stronghold, made or strenghtened by art)
O61: Hrávani (“the Wild, Wild-Men, Savages", used as a name of non-Edain Men)
X O62: Imrath (long narrow valley with a road or watercourse running through it lengthwise)
X O68: Astarmo (“bystander”, mainly used in the sense of “witness”)
X O70: Úthaes (inducement to do wrong, temptation)
O74: Návatar (a title of Aulë referring to his position as the immediate author of the Dwarvish race)
Rare Characters
X B6: Eru Ilúvatar
B8: The Daughters of Finwë and Indis
X B9: Rían
B12: Annael
X B13: Meleth of Gondolin
I19: Ancalagon the Black
I20: Old Man Willow
I27: Castamir the Usurper
I28: Marcho and Blanco
I30: Imrâzor and Mithrellas
N32: Landroval
N37: Queen Berúthiel
X Free Space
N39: Dís Daughte of Thráin
X N41: Morwen Steelsheen
G48: Alatar and Pallando
G49: Trotter
G53: Barliman Butterbur
G59: The Watcher in the Water
G60: Ioreth
X O65: Ghân-buri-Ghân
O66: The Daughters of Aragorn and Arwen
O69: Ecthelion II of Gondor
O73: Rúmil the Sage
O75: Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took
X B1: intimacy
X B7: death of a loved one
B11: kissing
X B14: fear of commitment
X B15: betrothal
X I18: childhood sweethearts
I19: Dear John letter
X I22: remarriage
I24: infidelity
I26: long-distance relationship
N35: arranged marriage
X N38: seduction
X N39: interracial marriage
N42: first date
X G50: monogamy
X G51: jealousy
G55: wedding
G57: love triangle
G58: breakup
O63: divorce
O66: anniversary
X O68: same-sex relationship
O71: love letter
O74: relationship counseling
Sons of Fëanor
X B1: Maedhros and Fingon
X B4: "Maedhros alone stood aside."
X B10: Maedhros as a leader
B12: How Maedhros got his name (any of them)
X B14: The twins not as best friends
X I18: Maglor the Mighty
X I22: Maglor and Finrod
I24: Maglor as regent
X I27: Maglor in the Fourth Age
I30: The twins at Losgar
N34: Celegorm in Nargothrond
N35: Celegorm as an older brother
X N38: Celegorm and Aredhel
X N41: "The evil servants of Celegorm ..."
G48: The wife of Caranthir
X G51: Caranthir's hatred of Finarfin
G56: Caranthir after Uldor's betrayal
G57: Caranthir at Alqualonde
G58: The twins and Feanor
O61: Curufin fails at something
O63: Curufin as a father
X O67: Curufin and Nerdanel
O71: Curufin at Formenos
O73: The twins' home in Ossiriand
X B1: bumpy
B2: soft
X B10: smooth
X B13: silken
X B15: rough
X I18: splintery
I19: sandy
I20: wrinkled
I26: wooden
I30: watery
X N33: coarse
X N38: papery
N42: firm
N45: velvety
G46: leathery
G49: furry
X G51: painted
G53: carved
X G59: pebbled
X O62: glassy
X O64: patterned
X O68: fuzzy
O74: metallic
O75: yielding
This Means War!
B2: Morgoth vs. Manwe
B3: Feanor vs. Fingolfin
X B9: Ungoliant vs. Valar
X B10: Sam vs. Gollum
B11: Balrog vs. Glorfindel
I17: White Council vs. Necromancer
I21: Denethor vs. Sauron
I23: Hobbits vs. Saruman
I25: Ancalime vs. Hallacar
I29: Finarfin vs. Morgoth
N34: Maedhros vs. Morgoth
N36: Treebeard vs. Saruman
N40: Eowyn vs. Witch-king
X N41: Sauron vs. Isildur
G46: Aragorn vs. Lurtz
G47: Thorondor vs. Morgoth
G52: Beorn vs. Orcs
G54: Morgoth vs. Fingon
G56: Smaug vs. Bilbo
O64: Theoden vs. Saruman
X O67: Sauron vs. Celebrimbor
X O70: Amlach vs. Morgoth
X O72: Eru Iluvatar vs. Ar-Pharazon
O75: Feanor vs. Morgoth
Tolkien's Trees
B3: Ash
X B6: Elm
X B9: Holly
X B10: Hawthorn
B11: Linden
I16: Mallorn
I20: Birch
X I21: Oak
I24: Willow
I30: Beech
X N31: Pine
N34: Cedar
X N39: Cypress
N45: Larch
G47: Juniper
X G50: Bay
G52: Olive
G57: Terebinth
G58: Lebethron
O61: Rowan
X O65: Chestnut
O66: Nessamelda
X O70: Nimloth
O73: Oiolaire
Create artwork or a 500-word ficlet for these challenges.
B4: Spring
B5: Waterfall
B10: Lake
B12: Swamp
B13: Sea
I16: River
I20: Stream
I24: Brook
I25: Creek
I29: Rivermouth
N31: Clouds
N32: Rain
X N38: Pond
N44: Puddle
G48: Well
G52: Fountain
G55: Geyser
G56: Freshet
G60: Glacier
O61: Water Cave
O62: Underwater View
O65: Snow-time
O69: Flood
O70: Underwater Ruins
Winter Wonderland
B3: Snow
X B4: Ice
X B7: Icicle
X B14: Snowdrift
X B15: Ice Crystal
I16: Iced Over
I17: Snowed In
X I21: Snow-capped
X I22: Ice Skating
X I27: Sled/Sledding
X N33: Gale
N37: Blizzard
X N43: Winter Festivities
N45: Winter Tales
G47: Frostbite
X G50: Hypothermia
G54: Chilly Winds
G57: Winter Cloak
G58: Furred Boots
O63: Woolen Hat/Scarf/Gloves
O66: Snowman
O71: Snowball
X O72: Evergreen Trees
O73: Warm Fires