On July 28, 2005, the Silmarillion Writers' Guild began actively recruiting members to a group intended to function as a writers' group for authors of Silmarillion-based fiction. Five years later, we have eclipsed the greatest expectations of our humble beginnings and can't think of a better way to celebrate than showcasing the writing and artwork of our members. During the months of August and September, we will feature periodic themes, created by our members, and collections of stories, essays, poems, and artwork for each. We invite our members and guests to help us celebrate our birthday by enjoying and honoring the creativity of our members.
Please note! We are still accepting submissions for many of the upcoming themes. We welcome all Silmarillion writers and artists to contribute their work to our collection. Please see our birthday event guidelines on our main site for more information about how to get involved.
Table of Contents
Who? A Celebration of Minor and Original Characters
Númenórean Queens
Pyrrhic Wedding by Himring
The Axes of a Soul by Eärillë
To Create a Queen by Lady Roisin
Clash of the Titans
Shadow and Flame by Esteliel
Do Something That's Never Been Done
Opportunity Discovered and Seized by Lady Roisin
Livinlävidä by Russandol
Unprecedented by Lyra
Fëanaro by Idril Vanimedle
Heroes and Antiheroes
Perfect Matches
Cross-overs Are Harder Than They Look by Oshun
You do not wish to live my life by Silver Trails
Most Sinister Villain
Atop Bald Mountain by Iavalir
Time of Trial by Lyra
1. Hísimë
2. Ringarë
3. Narvinyë
4. Nénimë
5. Súlimë
6. Melkokyermë
Warning: Due to the nature of this theme, this compilation contains dark content, which includes discussion of torture and sexual abuse. Reader discretion is advised.
Five Things
Five Times That Nerdanel Said 'Yes' and One Time She Did Not by Oshun
1. The Begetting of the Heir Apparent to the House of Fëanáro
2. The Mightiest Singer of the Noldor is Conceived
3. The Night They Begat The Fair Woodsman
4. The Dark Finwë
Five Bells by Dawn Felagund
1. Chapter One
2. Chapter Two
3. Chapter Three
4. Chapter Four
5. Chapter Five
“What Is It?” by Eärillë
Five meetings between Indis and Míriel by Clotho123
Five Things That Never Happened to Sauron by Russandol
Minstrelsy and Music
Hymn of the Trees and Stars by Lady Roisin, illustrated by Lyra
Bard Rising by Rhapsody the Bard
1. Prologue
2. Chapter One
3. Chapter Two
A Minor Talent by Lyra
1. Chapter One
2. Chapter Two
3. Chapter Three
Through the Ages
The SongFic That Wasn't
Reflections by Angelica
Your Sins into Me by Oshun
Breath of Arda by Fiondil
Reembodied by Dawn Felagund
Lullaby by Oshun
What Would Socrates Say?
A New Perspective on Love by Lady Roisin
Chasing Mirages, Chapter Four by Russandol
Lady and Captain by Lady Roisin
The Lays of Beleriand Reloaded
I Walked Along Sirion Today by Beruthiel's Cat
Laurelin by Dawn Felagund
Glorfindel's Dream by Esteliel
Into the Woods
Lady of the Hunt by Lady Roisin
Children of Doriath by Lady Roisin and Eli_14, illustrated by Lyra
1. A Lullaby for Lúthien
2. Her Favorite Song
3. Script upon the Page
4. The Silent Guardians of Doriath
5. The Merry Prince of Doriath
6. One Summer Night
7. Hurt Her to Save Her
8. A Shared Grief
9. Meriliel
To My Dear ...
Fragments of a Letter by Himring
Letters to Calion by Lady Roisin