Fragments of a letter sent by the wife of Barahir to the high king of the Noldor
***ness, King Fingo***send greet***
***have arrived in Br***now after***rwen and Ri***to Dor-L***
***months and***parted, left in Taur***after heavy ***do not kno***rahir and my***family, nephew*** left now but*** sends messa***he will withstan*** long sinc***nothing. Too few***
***draw from the fight***only we were attac***in mountains. Orc***away up to**blocked by avala***five childr***dead and also many***did but afterwa***snowed for tw***with severe fro***Then I***cause of a broken leg***but my cousin Mor***aliant and steadf***lways rem***thing too much for***
***commend to your gener ***trust both ***will receive among your***
***rs faithfully, Emeld***
Restored from scraps of parchment found by Erestor in the spine of a book entitled The Proper Role of Women in the library of Imladris.