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Art Archive--Tolkien




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SWG Yellow Pages

Please note that the SWG Yellow Pages is no longer being maintained. We are leaving the pages up as a historical document.

Welcome to the SWG's Yellow Pages! The Yellow Pages is an attempt by the SWG's Reference staff to develop a comprehensive reference of online groups that focus on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and writing ... and especially the intersection of the two! What follows is a collection of links to groups and websites that our members might find interesting or helpful.

Please remember that this page is a reference, not an endorsement. We are not affiliated with the groups listed here, nor do we endorse them, nor do we guarantee that the information on pages linked here is factually correct, suitable for all ages, or safe for your computer. We remind all SWG users that, in accordance with our Terms of Service, you visit groups linked outside our site at your own risk.

Please help us keep the Yellow Pages a valuable reference for all by:

All inquiries about or updates to the Yellow Pages should be sent to

Happy wandering!

Archive--General Fiction

Archive--General Fiction includes sites that accept original fiction and fan fiction. Sites may place restrictions on content, so please check carefully before submitting your work.

Fan Works Inc.

Fan Works Inc. archives fan fiction, original fiction, and artwork.

Contact: Contact Form


FicWad is an archive for fanfiction and original fiction. Through our system of rating and reviewing stories, we hope to create a site that is accessible and useful to fiction readers and writers alike.

Contact: is an archive for multiple fandoms as well as original fiction.


Quills and Ink   

As a story archive we host both original fiction and fanfiction of almost any kind. Both het and slash are welcome. Some of the stories in the archive are NC-17 erotica and very adult so, to avoid corrupting today's youth any more than they already are, we can only allow members of legal age join.


War of the Ring

War of the Ring was set up to give us all a chance to share our love of Tolkien with you, and you with us. The site is run as a non-profit organisation. Our main aim is to bring you up-to-date and accurate content.


Archive--General Fan Fiction

Archive--General Fan Fiction includes sites that archive fan fiction from a variety of fandoms, including Tolkien-based stories. These sites may impose restrictions on content, so please check carefully before submitting. Sites in this category do not accept original fiction.   

A multi-fandom archive for sharing adult-rated fan fiction.


Archive of Our Own

The Archive of Our Own offers a noncommercial and nonprofit central hosting place for fanfiction and (long-term) other transformative fanworks: i.e. it is free to use and does not make any money. It is multifannish, and built on open-source archiving software designed and built by and for fans. It is hosted on servers owned by the OTW, and therefore not vulnerable to a commercial hosting company deciding they don't like our fanworks.

Contact: Contact Form

.moon is a general, multi-fandom archive.

Contact: Contact Form represents the largest fan fiction archive on the Internet with a broad base of authors and readers. The archive accepts stories from all fandoms except those where the author has banned or restricted fan fiction based on his or her works.



Mirrormere is an archive for fan fiction and real-person slash from multiple fandoms.


Open Scrolls Archive   

This fan fiction archive is strictly non-slash. While we have nothing against the genre, we noted that there are many exclusive sites for slash but not so for het. Therefore, Open Scrolls was created to provide het writers a place to host their work. This is an adult site with stories depicting adult themes, including sex and violence.

Contact: Contact Form

Organization for Transformative Works

The Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) is a nonprofit organization established by fans to serve the interests of fans by providing access to and preserving the history of fanworks and fan culture in its myriad forms.

Contact: Contact List

Archive--General Tolkien

Archive--General Tolkien includes sites for which a primary goal is providing a home for fiction and non-fiction based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. These sites may impose restrictions on content--so please check carefully!--but generally accept Tolkien-based writing about a variety of characters, eras, and events that fit a range of forms and genres. These sites do not accept non-Tolkien fan fiction or original fiction.

Henneth Annûn Story Archive

Henneth Annûn Story Archive's (HASA) purpose is to present well-written, imaginative, engaging JRRT fan fiction without encountering large amounts of frivolous material and distracting advertising found at commercial fiction posting sites. HASA accept stories of any genre or rating and with any combination of main characters. We are also pleased to post critical essays about JRRT's works and about JRRT oriented fan fiction. Our goal is to provide our readers with a selection of the best JRRT fan fiction we possibly can, and to inspire other authors to write more of it!

Contact: Contact Form

Lord of the Rings Fanfiction

This site is for all book and movie verse LotR stories as well as real person fics, crossovers and other movies featuring one or more members of the cast. Basically, as long as it is related to LotR in some way, anything goes!

Contact: Contact Form

Many Paths to Tread

Many Paths to Tread welcomes genfic stories set in any Age of Arda, and featuring any of the races. If your fanfiction is based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and falls within our ratings guidelines, then it may find a home here.


Of Elves and Men   

This is the archive of the Yahoo-List LOTR_Adult_Fiction. Here you can find all the stories posted to that list.


Stories of Arda   

Stories of Arda archives Tolkien-based fan fiction that show respect and understanding of his work, written by authors who are serious about their craft. SoA does not accept stories above an R-rating or that contain slash.


The One Ring

Acknowledged as the ultimate LOTR site by Empire, featured in Wired Magazine, and recognized by CNN as a leading Lord of the Rings site, The One Ring publishes the latest news and offers a messageboard, image gallery, and writing archive.

Contact: Contact Form

Tolkien Fan Fiction

This site exists to publish the collected works of those authors who are members of the Henneth Annûn Yahoo discussion group, and to thereby further the enjoyment of the works and worlds of J. R. R. Tolkien, through discussion, debate, reading, and the writing of related works.

Contact: Contact List

Archive--Original Fiction

Archive--Original Fiction sites accept only original fiction. While these sites may have guidelines about what is eligible to post, they do not have strict selection or review criteria, do not pay writers who post on their site, and stories can be added, edited, and removed at the discretion of the author.


In Elfwood's Wyvern's Library, writers from all over the world have gathered their fiction to allow for public viewing and comments. What all of these stories and poems have in common is their foundation on imagination. They look at fantastic worlds, strange new futures, and the other sides of reality.

Contact: Contact Form

FictionPress is a growing network of over half a million writers/readers, and home to over 900,000 original works. As a writer, this is a place to showcase your creativity and for a reader, FictionPress is an opportunity to feast to your heart's content.

Contact: Not Available


Next exists to support new writers by giving them a public platform to publish their work for free. This gains them wider exposure than just sharing with their friends. Publishing a work for all to see and to hear the comments, good and bad, is an experience all writers need. One of the hardest things for a new writer is to get people unknown to them to read their work and offer critical review and comment. The gap between writing for friends or English class and getting published is large. Next is a stepping stone for those taking that path. Next has author journals and forums so that our authors and readers may interact and hopefully create a community devoted to literature and aspiring writers. It is my hope that these features will be the foundation of a community of writers and readers.

Contact: Contact List

Archive--Themed Tolkien

Archive--Themed Tolkien includes archives that accept only a specific type of Tolkien-based writing. Sites may archive work based on specific characters or pairings, genres, et cetera. Submission guidelines may vary, so please check carefully before submitting your work.


Borderland is a fanfiction archive for Lord of the Rings crossover and modern day fiction. This archive is open to all Middle-earth related stories, may it be The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, or The Lord of the Rings. The archive welcomes crossovers of any genre and rating and would love to accumulate a collection of many fandoms on this site.

Contact: Contact Form

Elf Fetish

As the title indicates, this site is dedicated to the beautiful Elves, especially those found in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Within the site you may find some material that is appropriate only to mature visitors; this includes, but is not limited to, fanfiction, slashfiction, poetry, and artwork. All such content is labelled and rated, but even so visitor discretion is advised.

Contact: Not Available

Library of Moria   

The Library of Moria is a slash fan fiction archive. Because the Library of Moria is a slash and RPS archive, no het fic will be archived.

Contact: Contact List

Naice a Nilme   

Naice a Nilme is an archive centering around fanfiction about Aragorn and Legolas. Together, alone or with other characters - Naice a Nilme offers a wide range of gen fiction about the elf and ranger. All genres are welcome - from humour to fluff to drama. Also open to all languages.

Contact: Contact Form

Nectar--Juice of the Forbidden Fruit   

Nectar - Juice of the Forbidden Fruit is dedicated to celebrating the loving union between Aragorn and Legolas. This is where Legolas and Aragorn's bond thrive and grow, discovering their love for one another or just enjoying their lives together.

Contact: See Website


Parmasambë is an Elf-centric Tolkien archive.

Contact: Contact List

Silmarillion Writers' Guild

The Silmarillion Writers' Guild was founded in 2005 as an organization for authors and readers of Silmarillion fan fiction to meet and discuss ideas and research, share stories, and improve their craft as writers. It is our hope to create a community known as a comfortable place for authors and readers to meet, as a source of valuable reference materials, and as an archive that features a wealth of fresh and innovative writing.


Art Archive--General

Art Archive--General describes sites that archive or host original artwork or artwork based on a variety of fandoms. All sites included here allow Tolkien-based fanart.


deviantART is the largest art community in the world and provides an online home for artists' work as well as various services.

Contact: Contact List


Elfwood is a huge home to Fantasy/Sci-Fi art and literature. In respond to feedback from artists and viewers, Elfwood has expanded its site to cover a full range of Art, Fiction and How-To Guides. It is tightly controlled to stay within the SciFi/Fantasy theme, as art or stories depicting other motifs are not accepted. We host a wide range of original artwork to behold and inspire, and exciting tales to tantalize the imagination.

Contact: Contact Form

Fan Works Inc.

Fan Works Inc. archives fan fiction, original fiction, and artwork.

Contact: Contact Form

Art Archive--Tolkien

Art Archive--Tolkien describes sites that archive or host artwork based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Ted Nasmith

Ted Nasmith has illustrated numerous Tolkien publications. Much of his work is collected on his website.

Contact: Contact List

The One Ring

Acknowledged as the ultimate LOTR site by Empire, featured in Wired Magazine, and recognized by CNN as a leading Lord of the Rings site, The One Ring publishes the latest news and offers a messageboard, image gallery, and writing archive.

Contact: Contact Form

Tolkien Fan Art

Tolkien Fan Art archives artwork based on the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Contact: Contact List


Awards includes groups and websites that offer awards for Tolkien-based writing and studies.

A Long Expected Contest   

A Long Awaited Contest (ALEC) is a contest for Tolkien fandom writers. It will include stories that are rated G through NC17 and can be Slash, Het, or General. In other words - all genre's of the Tolkien fandom!


Middle Earth Fanfiction Awards

An all-encompassing Awards contest for Lord of the Rings fanfiction (including The Silmarillion and The Hobbit fanfiction). Votes will be comment-based, providing everyone with at least one vote with the award of feedback. Top three places per category will win awards.


The Teitho Contest

The Teitho Contest is an initiative of Aragornwriter. This contest is based on non-slash, non-Mary Sue Aragorn friendship fics mostly concentrating on Aragorn and Legolas in all genres.



Blogs--Tolkien offer discussion, commentary, and news about the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Heretic Loremaster   

The Heretic Loremaster considers the fictional world of J.R.R. Tolkien from alternate perspectives and interprets the texts through a historical/mythological framework.



Challenges includes groups and communities where a significant component involves writing in response to challenges.

LotR Community Challenges

We are a sister group of LOTR Community Gen-Fic offering monthly, structured challenges with personalised elements.


Email Discussion Groups

Email Discussion Groups exist to provide a place for discussing the books of J.R.R. Tolkien and/or writing based on them. Discussions are delivered to members' personal email accounts, though means may exist to reduce or eliminate the number of messages received.

Henneth Annûn   

Join us and hone your skills as a Tolkien fan fiction writer or just hang out to enjoy the conversation and camaraderie of like minded authors and Tolkien fans. If you like to talk or write about Tolkien, the books, the movies or fan fiction, you are welcome here. All things Tolkien, from the silly to the sublime are in order in this discussion group.


Of Elves and Men Slash   

This group is the Slash ONLY list affiliated with LOTR Adult Fiction and Of Elves and Men. We accept character and real person slash. Slash, for anyone who does not know, is same gender pairings (M/M or F/F). Any rating is acceptable.


LotR Adult Fiction   

This group is for those who write or read Lord of the Rings Fiction. Slash and Het Fic is welcome. Character and RP fiction is allowed. Any rating is also welcome.


LotR Community Burrow

This is a group where members are welcome to offer their plot bunnies to writers, and request specific stories they'd like to see. We encourage brainstorming and idea sharing on a variety of genres. We need new members and more active participation!


LotR Community Discipline Fic      

This is an adult group of fanfic writers featuring stories that contain an element of discipline, i.e. corporal punishment. The group does NOT allow bdsm, torture, male-preg, incestuous relationships, etc. Any rating is allowed with appropriate warnings.


LotR Community General Fanfiction   

We are a friendly, supportive group for writers and readers of mainstream LOTR Fanfiction! If you are looking for a place to post stories of any genre, would like to read great tales and take part in Polls, Challenges and Fic Exchanges, send a request to join and become involved in our community. Everyone is welcome to post their work - be it angst, parody, romance, mystery, humor, het, mush or fluff, however we do ask that you follow a few basic guidelines. Stories that include graphic torture, male pregnancy, or incestuous relationships are NOT allowed. We DO allow mild slash and references to pairing, but no graphic scenes, whether it be slash or het. Ratings may range from "G" to "PG-13."


LotR Community Reading Group

This group is a friendly community of people who are reading the LOTR Trilogy and discussing the books chapter by chapter. Comments and questions are shared by all.


Silmarillion Writers' Guild   

Founded in 2005, the Silmarillion Writers' Guild promotes the study of and creative writing related to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion. The SWG Yahoo! group functions as a discussion forum, a place to meet other Tolkien fans, and an outlet for sharing and promoting our Silmarillion-based writing.



Dedicated to the fine art of writing fan fiction stories based upon J. R. R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion and the history of Middle-earth at large. Brainstorming, research, feedback and related discussions all on-topic . Knowledgable, creative new members welcome!


Stories of Arda   

Discuss the stories or the website, created for those who love the world created by J.R.R. Tolkien.


Fandom Studies

Fandom Studies refers to groups and sites dedicated to the study of fan-oriented activities and groups.

Fan History   

Fan History is fan-run project established by fans for fans dedicated to preserving, documenting and writing fandom history. Fan History is includes also a directory of people in fandom.



Fanlore is a multi-authored site for, about and by fans and fan communities that create and consume fanworks. Fanlore is a project of the Organization for Transformative Works.

Contact: Contact List


Fanthropology is a community dedicated to discussing and analyzing fandom culture, news, and events, for both fandom in general and specific fandoms. Our goal is analysis, understanding, and relaying of information related to fan culture.

Contact: Not Available


This community is for linking to interesting discussions in fandom, any fandom, on LiveJournal. It provides no commentary or opinion, just links and brief excerpts.


Organization for Transformative Works

The Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) is a nonprofit organization established by fans to serve the interests of fans by providing access to and preserving the history of fanworks and fan culture in its myriad forms.

Contact: Contact List


Femslash listings focus entirely or predominantly upon fiction and research about female/female romantic pairings.

International Day of Femslash

International Day of Femslash (July 19) is a site dedicated to organizing activities and gathering groups that are friendly to femslash.

Contact: Not Available

General Tolkien

General Tolkien sites are gathering places for fans with a variety of interests in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Council of Elrond

Council of Elrond is one of the largest resource sites on the web offering a variety of unique features based on the creative works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Contact: Not Available

LotR Community Reading Group

This group is a friendly community of people who are reading the LOTR Trilogy and discussing the books chapter by chapter. Comments and questions are shared by all.


The One Ring

Acknowledged as the ultimate LOTR site by Empire, featured in Wired Magazine, and recognized by CNN as a leading Lord of the Rings site, The One Ring publishes the latest news and offers a messageboard, image gallery, and writing archive.

Contact: Contact Form

Tolkien Society

The Tolkien Society is an international organisation registered in the U. K. as an educational charity. Our aim is to encourage and further interest in the life and works of the late Professor J.R.R. Tolkien C.B.E., author of two of the most well-known and best-loved books of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

Contact: Contact List

War of the Ring

War of the Ring was set up to give us all a chance to share our love of Tolkien with you, and you with us. The site is run as a non-profit organisation. Our main aim is to bring you up-to-date and accurate content.



Het listings focus entirely or predominantly upon fiction and research about heterosexual romantic pairings.

Open Scrolls Archive   

This fan fiction archive is strictly non-slash. While we have nothing against the genre, we noted that there are many exclusive sites for slash but not so for het. Therefore, Open Scrolls was created to provide het writers a place to host their work. This is an adult site with stories depicting adult themes, including sex and violence.

Contact: Contact Form

Journals and Publications

Journals and Publications are Tolkien-focused periodicals that are available in print, either as subscriptions and/or as back issues.

Parma Eldalamberon   

Parma Eldalamberon 'The Book of Elven-tongues' is a journal of the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship, a special interest group of the Mythopoeic Society.

Contact: Not Available

Silver Leaves   

Silver Leaves (SL) is the official journal of The White Tree Fund (TWTF). The purpose of SL is to educate, raise awareness, support charitable initiatives, and entertain. SL accepts submissions from established scholars, authors, and artists as well as from those new to the publishing world. While the focus of SL is on TWTF's mandated humanitarian efforts, particularly those from within the Tolkien community, SL is open to scholarly and creative submissions from other fandoms according to the theme of the up-coming issue.


Vinyar Tengwar   

Vinyar Tengwar is a not-for-profit refereed journal of the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship, devoted to the scholarly study of the invented languages of J.R.R. Tolkien. VT is indexed by the Modern Language Association.


LiveJournal Communities

LiveJournal communities are groups whose activities are concentrated completely or in part on LiveJournal.


Fanthropology is a community dedicated to discussing and analyzing fandom culture, news, and events, for both fandom in general and specific fandoms. Our goal is analysis, understanding, and relaying of information related to fan culture.

Contact: Not Available

LotR Community Challenges

We are a sister group of LOTR Community Gen-Fic offering monthly, structured challenges with personalised elements.



This community is for linking to interesting discussions in fandom, any fandom, on LiveJournal. It provides no commentary or opinion, just links and brief excerpts.


Middle-earth News   

The place to go for all of your Middle-earth news! Published three days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and done as a service to the LOTR community. This is for the entire community, whether your interests lie with Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, Men, Middle-earth geography... anything and everything Tolkien.


Slash Philosophy   

This LiveJournal community is for writers and readers of slash fanfiction (m/m and f/f), who are interested in discussing the relationship between slash, gay issues, gender, and personal and group identities.

Contact: None Available

Tolkien Podfiction   

Tolkien-based fiction read aloud and available for download.

Contact: Not Available


News sites include as a primary component news stories about J.R.R. Tolkien or the Tolkien fandom.

Middle-earth News   

The place to go for all of your Middle-earth news! Published three days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and done as a service to the LOTR community. This is for the entire community, whether your interests lie with Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, Men, Middle-earth geography... anything and everything Tolkien.


The One Ring

Acknowledged as the ultimate LOTR site by Empire, featured in Wired Magazine, and recognized by CNN as a leading Lord of the Rings site, The One Ring publishes the latest news and offers a messageboard, image gallery, and writing archive.

Contact: Contact Form

Founded in 1999 by a group of like-minded Tolkien fans so anxious for the coming Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings films that they were gathering up every scrap of production information to be found, continues today in bringing fans the latest news on the beloved figures involved in the making of the wildly popular Lord of the Rings movies as well as the newest information available on upcoming productions, Tolkien-centered events, new publications, and fan gatherings.

Contact: Contact Form

War of the Ring

War of the Ring was set up to give us all a chance to share our love of Tolkien with you, and you with us. The site is run as a non-profit organisation. Our main aim is to bring you up-to-date and accurate content.



Podcasts are web-based audio broadcasts.

Tolkien Podfiction   

Tolkien-based fiction read aloud and available for download.

Contact: Not Available

Recommendation Communities

Recommendation Communities are groups with the primary purpose of providing a place for members to recommend stories to others in the fandom communities.

Reference--General Tolkien

Reference--General Tolkien are groups and sites that have providing reference material about Tolkien's fictional worlds as a major goal or purpose. The references on these sites cover a wide range of topics.

Council of Elrond

Council of Elrond is one of the largest resource sites on the web offering a variety of unique features based on the creative works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Contact: Not Available

Encyclopedia of Arda

The Encyclopedia of Arda is a personal project - a tribute to and a celebration of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The site is intended to evolve into an illustrated hypertext encyclopedia of Tolkien's realms and peoples.


Michael Martinez Official Website

Recognized around the world as one of the leading authorities on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, Michael Martinez has shared his knowledge and insights on Middle-earth with other fans in the online world for many years. His books and essays have been translated into Polish, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Greek, Hebrew, Portuguese, and Finnish.

Contact: Contact Form

One Wiki to Rule Them All   

One Wiki to Rule Them All is a Lord of the Rings encyclopedia that anyone can edit.

Contact: Not Available

Tolkien Meta-FAQ

The Tolkien Meta-FAQ is a unified index to several major lists of Frequently Asked Questions about J.R.R. Tolkien and his "subcreated" world of Middle-earth, all based on scholarship from the Tolkien newsgroups on Usenet.


Reference--Languages and Names

Languages and Names are groups and sites dedicated to the study of Tolkien's languages or that provide references for developing character names based on these languages.


Discussions and texts on and in Tolkien's languages.

Contact: Not Available


One of the most comprehensive sites about Tolkien's invented languages that you are likely to find on the net. An attempt is here made to extract the purely linguistic information from the published writings and present it in a form that is hopefully easily accessible.


Dan Smith's Fantasy Fonts for Windows

Free font downloads for writing in the Tengwar.

Contact: Contact List

EldarinWiki - Ælfwina Boc

EldarinWiki - Ælfwina Boc - the Book of Elf-friends aims to be a comprehensive, searcheable, community-edited and -controlled wordbook or wiktionary of the languages created by JRR Tolkien.

Contact: Not Available

Elf Fetish

A reference for developing names in Quenya and Sindarin. This is an adults-only website, although the section on names is all-age appropriate.

Contact: Not Available

Elvish Linguistic Fellowship

The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship (E.L.F.) is an international organization devoted to the scholarly study of the invented languages of J.R.R. Tolkien.


Merin Essi ar Quenteli!

I made this website to spread the correct use of Tolkien's languages around the fanliterature community. Though it began for the needs of fanfiction writers, I've made it suitable for Role Players and their purple-haired Elves.

Contact: Contact List


The online journal of the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship.


Roleplaying Games

Roleplaying Games allow players to play as Tolkien's characters or as original characters in Tolkien's world.

Dreaming Spires

We are looking for characters from all ages to play in a Tolkien based role playing game that has a two sided approach--both modern and past ages. They are living in the modern Oxford but can play out prior age play through memories, recollections and reliving past events.



Slash sites focus on writing and studying fan fiction that centers on homosexual pairings. Other sites listed elsewhere may also allow slash or discuss slash on occasion, but listings here make it their primary function.

Library of Moria   

The Library of Moria is a slash fan fiction archive. Because the Library of Moria is a slash and RPS archive, no het fic will be archived.

Contact: Contact List


Mirrormere is an archive for fan fiction and real-person slash from multiple fandoms.


Nectar--Juice of the Forbidden Fruit   

Nectar - Juice of the Forbidden Fruit is dedicated to celebrating the loving union between Aragorn and Legolas. This is where Legolas and Aragorn's bond thrive and grow, discovering their love for one another or just enjoying their lives together.

Contact: See Website

Of Elves and Men Slash   

This group is the Slash ONLY list affiliated with LOTR Adult Fiction and Of Elves and Men. We accept character and real person slash. Slash, for anyone who does not know, is same gender pairings (M/M or F/F). Any rating is acceptable.


Slash Philosophy   

This LiveJournal community is for writers and readers of slash fanfiction (m/m and f/f), who are interested in discussing the relationship between slash, gay issues, gender, and personal and group identities.

Contact: None Available

Usenet Groups

Usenet Groups includes Usenet groups that discuss the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

A general discussion forum for Tolkien fans.



A general discussion forum for Tolkien fans.


Writers' Workshops

Writers' Workshops are communities that offer feedback on their members' writing. All groups in this listing allow Tolkien-based fiction and/or non-fiction.

The Lizard Council   

A writers' group that focuses primarily on Tolkien-based fan fiction.

Contact: None Available