Beta-reading can sometimes be a slightly awkward situation because it seems that every author and every beta-reader has slightly different expectations. So, in order to prevent as much awkwardness as possible, I like to be up-front about mine! :) 1) This is about you. Not me. Your story, not my ego. I think that some beta-readers are too quick to forget that. 2) In keeping with that, I am capable of offering only one person's opinion: mine. I can't guarantee that the next ninety-nine readers won't feel exactly the opposite that I do. I certainly can't guarantee that I'm right. I will do my best to offer you an honest appraisal of my reaction to your story and ways in which I think you could improve it. I can't offer any more than that so ... 3) I do not expect you to make all--even most!--of the changes that I suggest. In fact, you're welcome to make none, but that would probably be a good time to consider whether we're a good beta-author match (see #4). I do not go back and reread stories after they're posted to see where you didn't make the changes I suggested. I will always, *always* trust your judgment as an author above mine as a reader. 4) If we're not a good beta-author match, you are not hurting my feelings if you say so. This is a basic reality of critiquing fiction. If you don't find my suggestions helpful, then there's no need to continue seeking them. I need no further explanation. As I said, this is not about my ego but making your story the best it can be. 5) I can't make a guarantee that I'll be right or even helpful, but I can guarantee that I will be honest. If I like something, I will tell you. If I think something could be better, I will tell you that too. So please don't feel that, if I praise your story, I'm only doing so to be nice. 6) As noted in #1, this is about you, not me. I am willing to work with you in the way that is most useful and comfortable for you. Some authors for whom I beta-read like to go back and forth and discuss my suggestions; others like to send me multiple drafts; others never reply to my suggestions at all. Whatever works for you is fine with me. By the same token, if there is something specific you'd like me to look at, or if you want me to turn my eye to a particular passage or issue, just let me know. I am willing to work on a story with you until you are satisfied with it. 7) I do not expect credit for my work. Most betas do. I don't. I was trained to critique in the "real world" of writing, where my role in helping an author with a story was assumed to come without public acknowledgement. As such, I find betas who insist that authors fawn over them in story notes and summaries to be rather ridiculous. If you want to credit me, you may do so. But it is not expected. 8) Finally, a technical side-note: Unless you ask me to do otherwise, then I will beta using the Suggest feature in Google Docs. If this does not work for you, we can discuss other options. I can always be reached at Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or to talk about your work.