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I find that people who claim that they are not poets often write the best poetry.  This was no exception.  The word flow was raw and realistic, but still beautiful.

My favorite part was probably:

The stars? you ask,
Those devices of Varda
Fair-wrought, long ago?
Yes, in a way.

I would critique you if I could, but honestly I can't think of anything at the moment.  This was just lovely.

Thank you, Feta! Poetry intimidates me, to tell the truth, and as a writer, I am not used to being intimidated by words. I was certainly going for a raw feeling; hence, I chose free-verse when it is much easier for me to work in the constraints of rhyme and meter. (In my non-Tolkien writing, I just did a piece in the style of the medieval poem \"Pearl.\" *headspin* Talk about precise poetry!) Anyway, while I\'m open to concrit, I also don\'t mind hearing that a person enjoyed my work, so thank you for reading and letting me know. :)