B2ME Day 16 - Ghosts by Erulisse

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Chapter 1



Visiting Ghosts



Ordering his escort to remain at the markers, he rode alone into the deserted courtyard.  Dismounting slowly, he scanned the scene in front of him: the broken doors set askew, the piles of leaves in the corners, the webs over the masonry, the broken well casing.  His heart suddenly constricted in his chest and he fell to his knees in pain and sorrow. 

“Oh Atar,” he whispered.  “I miss your wisdom, I miss your guidance, but most of all I miss your love so much.” And his tears fell onto the pavement below him.  He rose stiffly to his feet and entered the building. 

After a long time, he exited the ruined doorway of what had become the fulcrum for the division of the Noldor and remounted his horse.  And as he rode away from Formenos over the hilltop, a gentle breeze of farewell caressed the face of the Noldorin King.  


Chapter End Notes

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