Helcaraxë by Erulisse

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Chapter 1




The crossing was hard.  Turukáno and Elenwë gave their daughter Itarillë everything they could to ensure her survival: the warmest clothing and the best of the food.  One of them always walked with her.  As hard as each day was for the parents, their child still smiled.  Today Turukáno dropped back to speak with a friend leaving Elenwë and Itarillë walking ahead of him.  

Suddenly the sound of Elenwë’s scream hit his ears as an icy crack opened beneath her.  Turukáno rushed forward towards Elenwë and Itarillë.  He would later realize that his life had also parted at that moment. 



Chapter End Notes

Here we are again, and I am asking once again for your words to let me know if you enjoyed this drabble or not.  But...even if you don't review, I appreciate your reading.  

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