Comments on Silver and Gold

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Lúthien is adorable here. It's nice to see her as a normal, mischievious human being - and a child at that - rather than the perfect being Tolkien gives us in the Silm. My one suggestion would be that you write Lúthien rather than Luthien, but given you wrote this in 2002 I guess it'd be a pain to change it now.

The dialogue was natural and funny and the whole scene flowed very well.

I love your sensitive Celeborn and determined, ambitious Galadriel. They complement each other IMO.

no matter how intelligent and skilled they are.

I'm confused by this, though. It sounds very pro-orc. Surely Galadriel would not think of orcs as "intelligent and skilled"?

*shakes head* Sorry, I'm not very good at explaining exactly why I like a story. It's not like poetry, where you can hone in on individual lines and ramble to your heart's content. ;) But just little details in the writing, and especially the interaction between the characters - dialogue, banter, humour and... um... things like that... make it come to life.

(Yep. Specific, I know. This is why I stick to poems. :P)

I love the obvious closeness between Finrod and Galadriel in this, and the sibling-ish banter. And the humour, of course.

His eyes burned like… Galadriel winced a little, and took his meaning.

I'm not entirely sure what this means, though. "burned like" what, exactly? Is it referring to Feanor, or...?

Such a great story. I think Galadriel in the first age is one of the most difficult characters to write about. We know of her as one of the Wise, when she is close in power to the greatest of maiar but we know very little when she was minor character in the first age when there were many who were wiser, more powerfull than her. She was ambitious, impetious, even reckless in her youth, but since she was one of the greatest and the most gifted of eldar;  she must have had great presence even then... I think you captured this very well.

I think it is also very difficult to have Luthien and Galadriel in the same script and I really liked what you did with them as well. I found your Luthien really adorable.

The only part I was a little jarred about was your use of the name 'Galadriel', instead of 'Artanis' or 'Nerwen'. If my memory serves me right, Galadriel was the name given to her by Celeborn; before she met him, she was 'Artanis/Nerwen' to all who knew her.

you addressed some really interestingly key things in the mentality and social nuances of the sindar and noldor. it makes writing my little ditty a lot easier! i love it!. thank you for writing this story! it's help me to disgest the psyche of Galadriel and Celeborn a lot better.