A Light from Afar by Erulisse
Fanwork Notes
Disclaimer: Tolkien built the sand box; I only play with the bucket and shovel that he left for me. No money, profit or non, is made from the publication of this story.
Fanwork Information
Summary: A series of drabbles centered around the theme of different types of light and featuring Earendil and Elwing. I hope that through these small stories some light may be cast on the personalities of these characters. Major Characters: Elwing, Eärendil Major Relationships: Genre: Drama Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 9 | Word Count: 981 |
Posted on 10 November 2011 | Updated on 30 December 2011 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Chapter 1 - Sacrifice
It is written that Eärendil pleaded for the intercession of the Valar against the evils of Ennor and gained entrance to the ears of the Valar by bearing one of the lost Silmarils. What was the reaction of the Valar to his plea and why does he sail the midnight skies above Middle Earth? A response to the prompt: “moonlight”.
Read Chapter 1 - Sacrifice
Kneeling, facing Manwë, Eärendil pleaded his case to the silent Valar seated around the Máhanaxar, his hands clenched in sorrow as he thought about his young sons lying injured or dead in the ruins of Sirion and his heartbroken wife. The gem he had returned to the Valar was poor recompense for his family’s sacrifice.
Manwë stood and strode towards him. “Take thou this Silmaril, son of Idril, and place it upon thine brow. Sail Vingilótë underneath the moonlight and bring hope to the Children in Ennor. All shall see its light and know that we will answer their prayers.”
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 2 - A Voyage of Hope
Eärendil tells Elwing about the task he has been assigned by the Valar. A response to the prompt “candlelight”.
Read Chapter 2 - A Voyage of Hope
Title: A Voyage of Hope
A Voyage of Hope
“I will sail nightly,” Eärendil said to her, gazing at the beautiful angles of her face cast into sharp relief by the candlelight. “Vingelot is being reworked to enable her to sail the heavens. The Silmaril is now mine to guard and to wear when I voyage, shining out for all to see as a beacon of hope.”
He reached across the table and brushed a tear from Elwing's soft cheek. “Mayhap, from that far height, I can even see our children and bring word to you of their doings. Thus can our personal hope be realized.”
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 3 - Searching for Answers
Eärendil has been given the task of sailing the dark skies nightly to bring hope to Ennor. He hopes that from his high vantage point he can find some sign of the whereabouts and wellbeing of his twin sons. A response to the prompt “firelight”.
Read Chapter 3 - Searching for Answers
Searching for Answers
Searching for Answers
Lord Aulë, perceiving Eärendil’s great desire, had presented a far-seeing scope to him. On his nightly voyages he commenced his search. He saw heroes standing alone against the forces of darkness, and couples joined in the protected glades of the deep forests. Ceaselessly he sought his sons.
One night a fire flared in the far distance. Focusing the scope he saw that which brought him both happiness and despair. An exclamation of joy escaped him as he saw his sons, healthy, warm and cared for. A sharp fear swiftly followed; they were sharing the firelight with the sons of Fëanor.
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 4 - Sharing the News
Read Chapter 4 - Sharing the News
Sharing the News
Sharing the News
Vingilótë was safely berthed until the next night. As Eärendil hurried towards the doorway of the Tower of Birds, he carried the Silmaril in the secure holder that Lord Aulë had made for him. His bright smile rivaled the lanterns lighting the pathway.
Later that day, holding Elwing in his arms, he told her of his voyage, sharing the joyful news that he had finally located their sons, alive and well. For the moment he did not volunteer the information that they were in the care of the remaining kinslayers. ‘Let her remain relieved for a little while,’ he thought.
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 5 - Compassion Shown
Eärendil explains that the boys are cared for by kinslayers and he checks up on them again. A response to the prompt: twilight.
Read Chapter 5 - Compassion Shown
Title: Compassion Shown
Compassion Shown
Handing Elwing a second glass of wine, Eärendil then said, “Although the boys look well, they are in the care of Maedhros and Maglor.” A gasp came from his wife and fear swept across her face. "I will continue to watch when possible, but I feel they are safe,” he reassured her. Later, he sailed with the twilight.
That night he looked again at the campsite. The Fëanorians were pointing Vingilótë out to his sons. Elros, weeping, was being held and comforted by Maedhros, while Elrond and Maglor stood talking side by side. Eärendil sighed, feeling both relieved and hopeful.
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 6 - A Countdown to War
Eärendil remembers his youth in Gondolin and his love of the stars. A response to the prompt “starlight”.
Read Chapter 6 - A Countdown to War
A Countdown to War
A Countdown to War
Varda had scattered the stars in the night sky, and Eärendil's mother, Idril, had passed her love of them on to him. She would take him to the highest rooftop in Gondolin, and together they would look above at the stars and constellations. She would point the major ones out to him; delicate Wilwarin, the striding sigil of Menelmacar, and Varda's visible threat to Morgoth, Valacirca.
Now he sailed amidst them, the Silmaril causing Vingilótë to shine brighter than any, and he looked north at Valacirca again. “Be filled with fear, Morgoth,” he rumbled, “because we are coming for you.”
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 7 - Flames of Remembrance
Viewing the torches at Vingilótë’s dock brings back memories of Eärendil’s quest to find Valinor. A reply to the TW prompt “torchlight”.
Read Chapter 7 - Flames of Remembrance
Flames of Remembrance
Flames of Remembrance
Eärendil smiled as Vingilótë neared her dock, twin torches defining the pier's end, Elwing's tower brightly lit. His memory shifted into a well-worn path.
Long had he sailed west hunting for Valinor. Foreboding had caused him to reverse, returning eastwards towards Sirion. As the night crested, sharp fear for his family had filled him. Later, he had seen a white bird flying towards him, a soft light against dark clouds. Elwing, transformed, had tumbled onto the deck and into his sheltering arms.
Tying Vingilótë firmly to her stanchion, he surveyed his new home. Together, against all odds, they had succeeded.
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 8 - Welcoming Darkness
Eärendil has lived with light next to him by both day and night for many years now. But sometimes darkness can be soothing rather than threatening, and his desires turn towards the succor of darkness. A response to the prompt “darkness”.
Read Chapter 8 - Welcoming Darkness
Welcoming Darkness
After years spent next to the Silmaril's brilliance, Eärendil was beginning to crave a darkened room in which to retreat. He felt too exposed and desired some quiet time alone.
Arriving home that dawn, Elwing took his hand, leading him to a newly delved part of the tower. He walked down many steps, until finally he stood at a closed door. Hanging the caged Silmaril at the portal, he entered into a room featuring a small hearth, a few furnishings, and a lit candelabrum. He realized that here darkness was his whenever needed, and the light of gratitude filled him.
Chapter End Notes
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Chapter 9 - Before the Gates of Angband
In response to the prompt “Sunlight”, a look at the battle for the skies during the War of Wrath as experienced by Eärendil and Vingilótë.
Read Chapter 9 - Before the Gates of Angband
Before the Gates of Angband
Before the Gates of Angband
Eärendil peered over Vingilótë’s rail, observing the forces of Morgoth leaving the field of battle. ‘Surely it can’t end like this?’ he thought. But moments later the gates reopened, issuing forth Morgoth’s most deadly forces. The dragons took wing, including Ancalagon the Black. Eärendil whispered to his faithful vessel. “Now my beauty; show your mettle and we will defeat this black evil now staining our sky.”
As Anar arose for the second time, Eärendil expended his last bit of strength, slaying Ancalagon. Both the Mariner and his ship were tattered, burned, bruised, and cut, but victory was theirs.
Chapter End Notes
Reviews are always appreciated.
(1) Comment by mistrali for A Light from Afar [Ch 1]
The gem he had returned to the Valar was poor recompense for his family’s sacrifice.
Oh, this line in particular was interesting. I liked this new perspective of Earendil as a father and husband first and a "chosen one"/emissary second. That's obviously not something we see in the Silm.
One thing, though, "thine brow" should be "thy brow". :)
Re: (1) Comment by mistrali for A Light from Afar [Ch 1]
I appreciate your words and your approval of my focus on Earendil, a character who often gets maligned a bit for his "desertion" of home and family.
I was uncertain about the Old English, but actually did look up the usage and thy/thine are interchangeable and dependent upon preference of the writer. I chose to use thine in this particular usage.
Goddess Bless...
- Erulisse (one L)
(2) Comment by Himring for A Light from Afar [Ch 3]
An interesting perspective--Earendil looking down at them with a telescope! We usually see them looking up at him...
Re: (2) Comment by Himring for A Light from Afar [Ch 3]
Well, I have the knowledge of the telescope already present. I had Helyanwe making one for Idril a few months ago in a story. So it seemed likely that it was something she learned when she was apprenticing with Lord Aule and that he could give such an item to Earendil. After all, if you were flying above lands that you used to know, wouldn't you want to take a closer look? LOL. Thanks for your comments, they are appreciated as always!
- Erulisse (one L)
(3) Comment by Himring for A Light from Afar [Ch 5]
So now he will know where to look for them every night he sails?
Re: (3) Comment by Himring for A Light from Afar [Ch 5]
Perhaps. I doubt he will be able to see them every night. There will be clouds, the pathway he may take may need to be varied, and Maedhros and Maglor probably move often to avoid being discovered. But I do think that he feels more relief at having his sons in their care, with a dash of common sense. The two kinslayers probably are fairly conversant with how to take care of young boys having had so many younger brothers that they undoubtedly helped care for while they were growing up in Tirion
- Erulisse (one L)
(4) Comment by Ellynn for A Light from Afar [Ch 6]
I love the contrast you have here: the first paragraph is so gentle and lyrical, with beautiful descriptions that make us feel like we're watching the stars. And then, the second is so much darker, with sinister atmosphere of the approaching war. So well done!
Re: (4) Comment by Ellynn for A Light from Afar [Ch 6]
Thanks, Ellynn, I am quite fond of the stars (as are you, if I recall correctly) and can just imagine learning all about them as a young child. Then, having the opportunity to sail among them would be marvelous. But Morgoth lurks in the North and he was responsible for the death of his mother and his city. It was Earendil's coming to the Valar that started the machines of war in Aman and, indeed, they will bring war to the gates of Angband. Thank you so much for your words :-)
- Erulisse (one L)