The Tearful Heath by Erurainon
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: The sorrow of Finduilas still marks her grave. A stranger wanders through the woodland green and stumbles across the mound. Major Characters: Finduilas Major Relationships: Genre: Poetry Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 89 |
Posted on 19 May 2013 | Updated on 19 May 2013 |
This fanwork is complete. |
The Tearful Heath
Read The Tearful Heath
I lie upon the sad grey hill,
Where once the maidens sang,
And bright flowers brilliant bloomed,
To mark the coming of the spring.
Yet now upon the blasted heath,
Not but wind doth stir,
The tumbled leaves about my feet,
And crevices cold and firm.
I pray I hear a woman’s voice,
Far beneath the mound,
Lamenting lover’s thankless thirst,
And crewel deaths rueful hand.
No monument,
Or sable shrine mark here where she sleeps,
And yet I know a maiden cries,
Beneath the tearful heath.
(1) Comment by Elleth for The Tearful Heath
I love the idea of this, and there are some beautiful turns of phrase in the poem. Nice job!