Comments on A Short History of the Easterlings

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This collection of short pieces has an extremely uplifting quality to it and that is what fascinates me the most. Usually the fanwriters, not to mention the Professor himself, focus on tragic endings, but this ficlets, despite the foreshadowings, focus on life and the building of a new alliance, themes too often left unexplored. Well done! Besides the ensamble is, my opinion, extremely realistic in depicting how an alliance might have formed between Maedhros and the Easterlings. The style is simple but effective and the characters are well done. I particularly liked how you showed the different customs of this new men. Congratulations.

Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked this. I confess I have written my own share of tragic endings, but I do think one must not forget what went before and allow the tragic ending to overshadow everything else entirely.

I'm glad that you think this is a realistic depiction of the early days of the alliance. Of course, we are told very little about the Easterlings, but it seemed reasonable to expect that their customs might have been very different from those of the Noldor!

I was excited to see that you'd made the Exchange Student challenge work! (And no apologies! :D Your double-drabble definitely fit the spirit of the challenge, even if the PoV wasn't Borthand's.)

I really enjoyed this series, especially the interactions between the cultures, the dance of gestures and actions in trying to establish an alliance. The last line is a gut-punch, after the muted optimism of the series in general.