Comments on Of Voronwe's Parents

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Sad and yet bittersweet. Choices which end in tragedy are not always regretted with bitterness. Some interpretations of the tragic defeats of the Elves of Beleriand are told darker than they need to be. But then that's just my opinion. I enjoyed reading this version of Voronwe and his parents.

Thank you very much, Oshun! I'm glad you liked my take on it.

I was trying not to make it too dark and also to hint that they'd made a success of their marriage, if possible.

Maybe I can revisit them, at some later point, to fill in a bit more of their story.

(I had sort of implied elsewhere in a ficlet that they weren't among the escapees from Gondolin, so I went with that rather than trying to reverse it.)

Thank you very much!

The bio discusses what it means when Voronwe says in the Unfinished Tales that he is of the House of Fingolfin. I recalled that some fan fic writers have explained Gildor's being of the House of Finarfin by adoption, and, once I thought about that, it seemed really quite likely to me that Fingolfin would take in such orphans to foster. It also seemed likely to me, with that personal history, that Aranwe would belong to the House of the King, in Gondolin, and we know all its members refused to leave Turgon, in the end.

Turgon calling Aranwe foster brother is meant to be a bit of a courtesy title--Turgon, of course, was an adult by that time and didn't really grow up with Aranwe.