Comments on A Purpose Beyond Beauty

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I've often wondered how Melian got from Aman to Middle-earth. This is a satisfying introduction to that story. (Of course, a longer one would be fabulous!)

Am I reading too much subtext into this story or are Irmo and Este part of a threesome in this version? I mean one could read them as simply very close, but I feel like I am picking up hints of more.

Yes. A very interesting back story for Melian and how she got to Middle-earth and had all of her terrible and wonderful adventures and changed the course of history. Thanks! You covered such a lot in a tiny story--the beauty of writing in a shared world.

My other story for the Silm40 also concerns Melian.  I've written about her before (with Irmo and Este too) ten years ago when I first got started.  She's always been a favourite character and I'm still trying to figure her out.

While I had not intended for there to be a threesome with them, I do love the idea!  I absolutely don't mind that you thought there might be some undercurrent of a suggestion there.  Perhaps that's a tale for the future!

 Thank you so much for your thought-provoking review! :)