Comments on A Farcical Attempt

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Well, if Tolkien did it all the time, why not Maglor? (Oh, and Sauron did it, too, but I'm sure Maglor can go one better than Black Speech.)

I enjoyed this and I particularly like the analysis of the linguistic situation in Valinor and the point being made how the underlying assumptions aren't all that justified, historically.

I hope Daeron, Maglor, and Tinfang win. Although of course the competing team could be artistically brilliant, even if their linguistic arguments are dubious!

Sorry for the late response!

Maglor's language is probably far more artistic and better constructed than Black Speech, and if asked Maglor would probably have some comment about "Of course it's better than what Sauron came up with, just look at the rings - Celebrimbor managed to combine aesthetics and power, while Sauron just had a gold band with words inscriped on it and brute force." :P

I'm glad you enjoyed the analysis of the linguistic situation in Valinor.

They probably do win! It doesn't seem a good sign for the competng team's skills that the rules are designed to make it easier for them.