Comments on Song for the Morning

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Narya I know I commented on this on faerie but oh my goodness do I ADORE this fic. It's so warm and comforting, so easy and loving. It makes my heart just ache for the future they all have in store. Their loving companionship, the way the older onew look out for the littles, their distinct personalities and overall overwhelming sense of joy and love for each other--it is just how I picture them, before things went sour. 

Just a lovely moment captured and Indis at the end was so poignant too--the loving grandmother that they ALL loved. Ugh. My heart. 

Hi!  Not a clue why but for some reason I never got notified of this review...maybe the SWG "times out" on review notifications? :/ anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to tell me on another site that you like the story.  It always makes my day to find out someone has been reading (or re-reading!) and enjoying these :)