Phantom limb by Dilly

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Phantom limb

Title : Phantom limb

Characters : Maedhros, Fingon

Word count : 144



It is said that when you lost a limb, there are times when you can feel it again, and most often, it aches.

Is the same can be true for every former part of you ?

Sometimes, when Maedhros was lying in his new bed or on the bare ground, he suddenly felt a weight on his chest and belly, and like a breath against the skin of his neck. His left hand rose in order to stroke some smooth and long dark hair. His stump he wanted to put upon the naked shoulder, beautiful and solid like white carved stone. His head he turned, to meet the bright and peaceful brow of his lover.

It ached.

But for at least a few seconds, he had the illusion that he was reunited with the other part of himself, and that Fingon was not dead.


* * *

“Phantom limb pain is usually intermittent. The frequency and intensity of attacks usually declines with time.”

Source :

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