Giver of Freedom by MisbehavingMaiar
Fanwork Notes
Borrowing heavily from the Poetic Edda like the myth nerd I am.
Art and poetry © Rivka Nipper (Wesley) 2013
Fanwork Information
Summary: A short poem and a portrait of Melkor. Major Characters: Melkor Major Relationships: Genre: Poetry Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 319 |
Posted on 12 April 2014 | Updated on 12 April 2014 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
Giver of Freedom
How does one worship Melkor? By holding nothing sacred, and fearing the dark; by pouring blood on the altar and knowing that it is wasted, and giving your idols to the fire.
Read Giver of Freedom
There shall be an age of fire and an age of steel;
The tired sun run down by night;
An age of marring, and an age of wolves
Ere I rise again in might.
Chapter End Notes
I like playing around with iconography. Perhaps this would reside in the Temple of Freedom in Numenor? A painting or a stained glass window...