Comments on The Importance of Family

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That was great fun to read. I love the family politics and wider politics as well. And the language questions were entertaining also. My mind is going blank on Agelast's story (surely I read it--I try to read all of her stories!). I will have to go back and read or re-read it now for a fuller appreciation.

I like your explanation of the link between Aredhel and Turgon. They always seem so different to me. But there they are for better or worse linked together in great events when I could easier imagine her and Fingon together.

Lawen and her girlfriend/spouse(?) are a great couple--very different but compatible. Nice characterization with them.

So many small details to like! Daeron's music. Fingon disliking improvisational poetry--sorry, I am with him on that--heard way too much among my ex- and my in-laws whose inside jokes are not as priceless among those outside the inner circle as they think they are! The point of raising that here is that so many little points like that are evocative/convincing/relatable and the piece is peppered with them.

I love your explanation of why only Maedhros and Maglor attended the Mereth Aderthad--the only two that Maedhros trusted not to slip up or provoke someone inadvertently or intentionally!

A joy to read.

Thank you so much!  Agelast's original story is really great--she really nailed Fingolfin and Maedhros, and she does a lot of stuff with hilariously implied subtext that I kind of threw out the window in my remix.

I like your explanation of the link between Aredhel and Turgon. They always seem so different to me. But there they are for better or worse linked together in great events when I could easier imagine her and Fingon together.

I'm glad my explanation works for you.  It's still something I'm thinking hard about, in terms of characterization.  I think that Aredhel, despite her abrasiveness, does have some very feminine nurturing qualities as well (perhaps in spite of herself), and that those come to the fore when she interacts with the bereaved Turgon, and her niece.

And I am glad you liked my silly details, and found some of them relatable!  (I am not sure where I come down in the poetry argument--but I can't accept that EVERY elf would have been excited about people bursting into song for no reason...)