Olwe's Lament by losselen

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Olwe's Lament for the Kinslaying

A light of gold was on the sea,
The light of Golden Tree;
Beneath me rolled the gilded wave
The keel its surface clave.

So swift and cool the wind did blow
And bore me high and far
On salty airs beside the shores
Of blesséd Eldamar.

By strands of pearl, of pearls of grey
Along the calmly bay
Were ships of swan with argent wings
Of them the Elves did sing.

Before the orbs of Sun or Moon
In sands of opal strewn
We sang beneath the silver stars
In blesséd Eldamar.

Our piers were full with mast and sail
With pennants long and pale
Our lamps of glass were piercing bright
Our streets were bathed in light.

In Alqualondë on the shore
We sang the songs of yore
And praise of Haven of the Swans
And fairest vessels drawn.

Though now the shells still deck the sands
Heath the golden strands,
Though stark the cries of gulls still sing
And in the halls they ring—

No more I hear of singing waves
Their notes of sorrow save
For tainted ever is all with grief
And blood doth stain the sea.

In woe they came, the hewers of jewel,
Their eyes so proud and cruel;
In doom they went, their wills unbent
In murder and lament.

And angry hands had steering drew
On heated tempest flew;
The bitter blood was at my feet
And washed the Elven streets.

O children fair of Finarfin who
Abide the Outer Lands,
How fare its dark and wrathful sea
Its cold and empty sands?

What love can I now bear for thee,
Who drew no sword or spear?
For sundered we are by roaring waves
By sea and Elven-tears.

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