Haiku by The Wavesinger

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Your hair, tangled with

amber leaves fallen too soon,

cascades through my hands.


I remember the

Trees in full bloom, and you,

lovely but not mine.


You catch my eye and

laugh, dissolve the moment, and

thaw us into peace.


I live under your

domain. You rule with gentle

kisses, golden smiles.


You have colonized

my heart. Set up a throne-room

in its secret glades.


I fear for the day

you will cease to want the chill

of my love and leave.


Your eyes devour me,

keep me warm. Rosebuds bloom

where your skin touches mine.


I ache for your touch,

and I hunger for your kiss,

and thirst for your love.


You mold clay

under your hands until it

blossoms into life.

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