Who Killed King Finwe? by Lingwiloke

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Chapter 1

Late crosspost for B2MeM 2019, Prompts: Poetic Language G55: Rhyme, Crossover 2 I16: Children's/Young Adult, In the Words of Shakespeare B10: Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs

The nursery rhyme that inspired this crossover was "Who killed Cock Robin"

Who killed King Finwe?


I, Melkor mighty


Smashed his head alright-y


I killed King Finwe.




Who saw him die?


Not even a fly!


For darkest night brought I.


Just I saw him die.




Who caught his blood?


It's dripping down the curbstone


His death he faced oh so alone!


No-one caught his blood.




Who'll make the shroud?


Not his seamstress wife


For she long fled her life!


She'll not make the shroud.




Who'll dig his grave?


Might be his little knave


Of son might be so brave


To dig his own grave!








"Will you sstop."


Melkor the Mighty, greatest of the Ainur, Bringer of Chaos and Destruction, paused in his jaunty walk and turned around.  "Why, is my little song not to your liking?"


His arachnid companion clicked her mandibles in annoyance. "It makesss me hungry."


"Everything makes you hungry."


If a hundred glittering insect eyes could manage a glare, this was it. "Take care lessst I sslake my hunger on you and your ssing-ssong."

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