Shining by feanorusrex

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Fanwork Notes

Thank you all so much for your responses to Burning. It really encouraged my to write more free verse. 

Fanwork Information


Tilion's thoughts on Arien and being the moon spirit. Companion piece to Burning. 

Major Characters: Tilion

Major Relationships:

Genre: Poetry


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 507
Posted on 28 October 2017 Updated on 28 October 2017

This fanwork is complete.

Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1


Arien burns

I see her arcing across the sky.



Morgoth is afraid of her.

So too would I be-

If she glanced me with all the power

of  her fiery gaze,

if I saw her-

bearing the last light of Laurelin.

I would fear her

if she were not on our side.

Arien burns

Hot and angry

She will never forget the death of the Trees.

Her anger will never be extinguished.

Her hate for him will go on

until the ending of the world.


I love Arien.

In the beginning

Arien and I lit the sky together,

but our lights proved too great.

And at Varda’s command

we were sundered.


We journey in a circle,

each following the other.

I am bound to this boat.

Yet sometimes,

I break my orbit.

I would reach her.

Her presence burns me

I would be ashes

if I stayed.

So I retreat.

She is too bright for me.

I am bound to be her other half.

the moon spirit,

night to her day.

I am content to follow,

together and apart

Following our arcs in the heavens



My love,

she is heat


But I


cool and night and rest.

My light brings


I shine on the world,


warding darkness away,

aiding sleep.

I do not burn away the stars,

when my boat draws near them.

They are my companions


As I sail through the darkness.

And in front of me,

far away,

I see Arien’s inferno of light

drawing me on

forever more.

And I am


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I'm so glad he's content in the end, that he sees the sense in being sundered from Arien and unable to be close to her for long. I felt rather sad for Tilion until the middle of the second verse, so it's good to see him realise the value in their differences and the peace and quiet his lonely journey through the night brings to the world. Less intense and more balanced than "Burning", but no less beautiful!