Comments on Observing

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I believe Feanor learned something new about his half brother! 

That he's not as bad a brother as Feanor would like to believe he is.

Fingolfin might just have helped cement Feanor and Nerdanel 's future together.

I liked how you gave Fingolfin some wonderful attributes. It makes him appear more  of an equal with Feanor.

I also enjoyed the fact that Feanor isn't a natural at everything even though it is said that he is the greatest in skill of his kind the world has ever seen. I chuckled at him having difficulty sculpting a pair of hands. I think he should leave that to the experts like Nerdanel.

Thank you, Feanorusrex for this lovely reply to my prompt.

I really liked this story. It was good to see Feanor not being perfect at everything and also seeing him unsettled and self conscious.

You gave us a great character study of young Fingolfin here. How he is really bright and engaging and honestly a worthy friend and brother for Feanor, if only he would see his good qualities and strengths!

Fingolfin's rapport with Nerdanel and his gentle wingman actions were lovely. I can see how Nerdanel would try to maintain a relationship with Feanor's brothers after they were married--how she likely respected and liked Fingolfin for himself. It makes sense when you think that the cousins were close in Tirion, before the lies of Morgoth and the exile to Formenos. I can see Nerdanel keeping that closeness going because she sees what an assset Feanor and Fingolfin's friendship would be to BOTH of them. And she can always tease Feanor about how it's really Fingolfin who got them beyond those first awkward encounters and moved their relationship along!

This is really lovely! I love young!Feanor-and-Nerdanel stories. It's fun to imagine how that relationship, so clearly founded in mutual respect, must have sparked.

Your Fingolfin is so totally different from mine, but I really enjoyed yours and can imagine the king he would become who would take responsibility for a share of the Noldorin people and receive such mourning at his death.

If you're still wanting Feanor/Nerdanel prompts, how about "Feanor fails at something and Nerdanel must react," at any point in their history?