Comments on Such marks we leave

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This was extremely enjoyable!

I'm not sure whether you realized it, but you made the House of Finwe seem like such giants of the Elven world, in the eyes of someone reading this.

The story itself was truly entertaining and Elenwe was such a sweet character. Someone overawed by the accomplishments of the House they had married into.

'Several thousand years later...' Brought a tear to my eye, as the House of Elrond were putting Elenwe's talent for 'Botany'to good use.

A good deal of thought went into this and it shows.

Thank you for sharing, Morcondil.

I admire Elenwe's willingness and courage to undertake such a daunting task for the sake of her daughter.

It's a nice revelation that she does not need to, that she has her own strengths and is in any case loved regardless.

I like your characterisation of Aredhel and her supportiveness.

And that bit about Celegorm is fun.

And the epilogue in Imladris is lovely. Elenwe may not make it to Middle-earth herself, but her legacy does...

I really enjoyed the interactions between the characters - they felt so alive and real. You brought the challenge of parenthood across so well. Glad Elenwë found a way of using her own skills to teach her daughter, rather than trying to be something that she's not. The epilogue made me smile! It's wonderful to think that Elenwë's hard work would be treasured so much after all that time, in a world that has changed to much!