Comments on Falling Stars

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There was so much hope in this story for Maglor. I found myself cheering him on and then the sudden shock that he wasn't going to make it, staring me in the face. Yet he took it as if he had been preparing himself for ages for just such an event. Almost as if he wanted to go-staring at that button that reminded him of his father and a past life dead and gone, as he succumbs to his watery grave.

I must say I enjoyed this It was so well written.

Thank you! When Maedhros set out to ambush Morgoth, he had only ever seen him in Valinor, and we all know that Morgoth was on his best behaviour there. And at that point Maedhros knows about death and slaughter, but not yet about the astounding cruely Morgoth is capable of. But that would soon change...

This feels very true to Celegorm - the restlessness, the hunger for life. Even the callousness and selfishness match Tolkien's portrait of him in Nargothrond and Doriath. I like his reflections at the end; it's fascinating how Luthien's legacy and Feanorian heritage mingle together in Elrond and Elros.

You create some interesting details - the "looping halls" (hard to tell where you are!), the tapestries out of order with time. It gives Mandos an intriguing tinge of otherworldliness.

Thank you! I have some very specific headcanons for Celegorm, and I just threw them together in this little fic. Add a healthy dose of Mandos-magics and general otherworldliness, and here you are. ;)

I've always been interested in the childhood of Elrond and Elros and the consequences of being raised by the House of Fëanor. We all know about Elrond at the end of the Third Age, but I can't imagine everyone just accepted them, when he still rode with Kinslayers.