Comments on I Will Share Your Road

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So many painfully overturned expectations!

I especially like Fingolfin's misinterpretation of Maglor's actions, which is well motivated and portrayed.

That speech: 

They may think to draw away and put the lake between us but we did not brave the Grinding Ice to stare at each other across this water. A greater expanse than this sundered us and at my brother's will. 


Fëanaro did not deign to meet with him but sent a second son to meet a second son. 

Which reminds me of the canonical discussion of Feanor's motives for naming his eldest son Nelafinwe.

Thank you! Yes, Nolofinwë immediately came to mind when I saw the Expectation prompt. 

And I'm so glad you caught how those actions caused him to react--he's so conditioned at this point to look for those slights, whether actual or perceived. He misses the succession of clues that all is not as it seems and the revelation hits him just that much harder because he hadn't actually entertained the idea that Fëanor could actually be dead.

and yes the naming issue was what made me think of phrasing it like that.

glad you liked it!

I don't think I've seen this handled in a one shot before, always as part of something longer. Liked how you got inside his head. One of the touches that I felt was unusual and really good was that he missed Arafinwë (too often dismissed as the weak little brother). Having no one to share the responsibility of that crossing with must have been very heavy. And is it not always the case, the thing we gear up for never happens as we imagined, its always some twist that puts us right off balance. And well done on giving Makalaurë real presence in just a few lines. 

Thank you! The Expectation prompt immediately made me think of Nolofinwë and how so many of his expectations were shattered. 

I'm glad you noticed the Arafinwë mention--I do think he missed him on the crossing and many times after arriving in Beleriand. 

This must how been such a challenging time fir Makalaurë.