Always Been Best for Discovering (Drabble) by lovelytimes

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Chapter 1

For: “always been best for discovering”

“Mairon, the revolution is coming. The situation is insufferable and the dictatorship of Father Ilúvatar I can no longer abide— the rules, the kowtowing, it pains me,” the Vala tapped his chest and exhaled, “It aches,” he breathed.

Mairon shifted his weight. The Maia nodded with his eyes only. This is a time to listen.

Melkor continued with eyes lit not as fire, but with fire, "Our Father uses the words ‘exploration’, ‘discovery’, and ‘creation’, however, there are too many restraints. It all comes down to his conceit. He wants creation? So be it! The passion arises within me!” Melkor’s eyes flick down for but a moment.

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