The Grey Rain-Curtain by Lindariel

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The Grey Rain-Curtain

As she embraced her father for the first time since the Darkening of Valinor, Artanis Nerwen caught sight of a strange weather phenomenon behind him: a curtain of grey rain obscuring the Calacirya. Before she could ask her adar what it was, Arafinwë Ingoldo broke the embrace and took her hand, saying "come, daughter, you are summoned."

He led her down the long landward slopes of Tuna toward the curtain. He spread his hands toward it, crying "utúlie'n aurë! Auta i lómë!"  The curtain turned clear and parted. A mingled light of silver and gold welled forth, brighter than any sight Galadriel, who had long gazed on the Two Trees in her youth, had ever seen.

Speechless with wonder, Galadriel sought her adar's mind. What? How?

From her adar's mind the story unspooled: when Eärendil slew Ungoliantë on his voyage to the Magic Isles, she vomited up all the sacred light she had stolen but not yet not turned to darkness. Varda Elentári reclaimed it, Yavanna Kementári shaped it, and Aman was now lit by numberless trees, each lesser than the original Two Trees but growing across the land.

Now, said Kementári into her mind, what can you tell me about mellyrn

Chapter End Notes

I had way too much fun with this!

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