Hound, Running by Lferion

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Hound, Running

Celegorm (Tyelkormo Turkafinwe Feanorion) and Huan (maia, hunter, Hound of Orome, very sparing of words, but then, so is Celegorm) had a special relationship. (No, not that kind.) There was a harmony between them that went well beyond osanwe, speech, empathy, heart, mind, fëa, or whatever one might call it. Amrod put it aptly (but then, the 'two hroar, one fea' idea was not exactly an unknown concept to Ambarussa): 'two feet or four, they run together, and who is seeing out of which eyes, hearing with which ears, is something only they could possibly answer, if even they know.'

Run Turkafinwe, run! Run through woods and fields, by stream and pool. Leap up, hasty-riser, dash and dance in the grove, the oak-mead, the flowering hillside. Sing loud, bell out the hunt-song, the stag-song, the music of finding, of seeking, of scenting and seeing. Let your ears prick, your paws find a path in the leaf-mould, the moss. Taste the bright wind with your tongue. You can have this, not only in dream. Orome rules here, you have his leave to run free.

Huan will hold your hands, your feet, your two-legged self quite safe. As he holds your heart.

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