Comments on Course Correction

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Raaf has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Characterization, Conflict, Description/Imagery, Mood/Tone, Organization/Structure, Pacing, Plot, Point of View, Research, Sensitivity Read, Setting, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics, Style, Worldbuilding. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.

I'm hooked! This is a fascinating AU. I keep fearing that there's nothing they can do to truly correct course - as Tar-Míriel observes, they can't push too far without risking to alienate the majority, and they would probably need a lot more time than they have for taking small steps in the right direction. And Sauron clearly knows how to make her depend on him, even if she doesn't trust him...

Looking forward to more!


Author's Response:

Thank you, I'm glad you are enjoying it!

Yes, she doesn't have any simple ways to resolve her problems and Sauron is a hard antagonist to deal with, but on the bright side that does give the story more plot to resolve ;).