Comments on Owling

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This was very sweet - a lovely slice of life (although there might be some dark foreshadowing at the end?). I really sympathise with little Celebrían in this! When we moved to our current house, we heard a terrible screech one night - sounded like a pig in serious pain stuck up a tree or something! Alarmed, we went looking with a flashlight up that tree, and a barn owl stared back at us (probably very much flashed). We felt very bad about startling the poor thing (but to be fair, it had startled us first). - Which is to say that this is entirely believable, and made even more enjoyable by first-hand experience! :D

The idea for this fic definitely came from the fact that barn owl calls can sound absolutely terrifying if you don't know what they are. I listened to a few while writing this and I would not want to hear that at night.

I was also inspired by a book I remember reading as a child about a kid and their dad going owl-watching. 

Upon further research and Googling, I think it's Owl Moon by Jane Yolen - I looked it up and the cover/illustrations looked familiar. Perhaps I should add it to the story description as an inspiration. :) 

Hooray! Thank you! ^_^ I feel like I definitely learned a lot about owls from writing this fic - a bonus of the naturalist's guide challenge, I suppose. Also, writing Celeborn as a loving and nurturing dad brings me so much joy. I headcanon that he absolutely LOVES being a father (and later, a grandfather).