Under candlelight by firstamazon

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Under candlelight

The shadows curled and stretched inside Fingolfin’s tent, except for the spot lit by a strange candelabra on his desk. Fingolfin looked up at him, face pinched with loss and worry.

“How is he?”

“Better than yesterday.”

“Here, take this.” He put a round, red candle in Fingon’s hands.

“Atar… they don’t lack for candles.”

“No, but this one is special,” Fingolfin smiled softly. “Your mother made it. It’s scented. I hope it helps.”

“My thanks,” Fingon smiled faintly. “I’m sure it’ll give him some comfort.”

“Aye. But I guess that, in you, he has all the comfort he needs.”

Chapter End Notes

This has exactly 100 words in Word. Also, I'm very happy because it was my first drabble, so I'd love to hear your thoughts! :D

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