Comments on Thicker Than Water

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“-Macalaurë still out there searching-“ 

Voices. Loud, angry voices sounded from somewhere close by. 

“-your own son lying senseless and where is it that Tyelkormo finds you?!” 

A hand stroked his forehead and idly smoothed his hair. Celebrimbor opened his eyes and saw the tired face of his uncle Amras, red-rimmed eyes frowning at something his nephew could not see.

Very vivid - the little details tell the story, rather than being told to the reader.  A sympathetic approach to the sons of Feanor, as elves with the same capacity for grief as anyone else, is all too rare.

I was a bit confused by the shifts through time and Celebrimbor's memories, but it all made sense in the end, and I think it's always difficult to manage time and scene transitions.  I particularly liked this bit from Feanor's death and Celebrimbor's return to consciousness, however - the words leap right into the imagination of the reader.

Thank you very much! That bit was satisfying to write- I'd wondered how to show the dynamics between the brothers after Feanor's death without ending up with terrible, longwinded writing. And I completely agree with you; it's strange for me that there are so many people who see the Sons of Feanor as mindless murdering machines (yay alliteration), particularly the "three Cs" and out of those three, Curufin.

Also, thank you for alerting me to the ambiguity of the time-switches! *winces* I will try to remedy that using italics to show the transitions- here's hoping it works.

aw! so vivid and moving. Many people see the feanorions as murderers who were incapable of love and other emotions, but we see that Celebrimbor still yearns for his father, as his father yearned for his, through the salvaging of the ring.

I go a little confused by the time shifts, but got it after re-reading it, skim reading is not good for storys- you get so confused. I need to learn not to skim read. XD

Deffo an 'add to favourites' simply for how good it is and the fact you make them seem human. also because i'm a suckedr for the feanorions and beautiful fics about them :)


I loved the way you portrayed Celebrimbor's changing perception of his father - it changed my perception of Curufin, too. The human side of Curufin (so to speak) is very believable, and flawed (as it should be).

The third last line is heartbreaking (sorry - there's no other way I can describe it).

Curufin is a character I hadn't given much thought to before I read your fic. Reading your story made me see another side of him.


This is the most heartbreaking piece on the Feanorians I have ever read.  It was touching to see another, more flawed and vulnerable side to the so-called "fell" elves.

The departure from Doriath of Celegorm and Curufin drew me in and from there I couldn't stop reading (though I should be sleeping). I've always speculated how Curufin reacted when his son refused to join him and I think your version is both plausible and very, very sad.

The last scene between Curufin and his son was the most heartbreaking of all, especially when the ring dropped from Curvo's hands.  Thanks for sharing this.