Fire by Tarion Anarore

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The torch in his hand flickered fiercely in front of his dark eyes. He watched, watched the fire dance before him, staring hard into the harsh, orange flames. Unforgiving. Ruthless. Cruel. Burning brighter and brighter, filling the sky and making his eyes sting from the smoke. (Or was it tears?) He heard a voice, one he had always trusted, and for a third time did not question, did not think. Instead, he angrily flung the torch toward the sea, already glowing with an eerie red light. The fire leapt eagerly at the white wood, but the snapping and splintering sound it made did not assuage the hurt. Nor did it burn away the memory of that fateful night and everything it thereafter caused: blood and tears and endless night. No, it burned those memories into his mind, so that ever he might see them clearly when he closed his eyes.


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