It was Aduial's idea, I just went along with it.
Another Tarnin Austa, another night of silence. It happened every
year, at the same time, for the same reasons, and all within the
walls of the city of Gondolin. And it was all rather fun. Nearly
six hours of pure silence; that is a lot of time to accomplish a
lot of... things. Things that can only be done in silence, alone
otheotherwise. Preferably otherwise.
Egalmoth looked forward to the festival, as each year tended to
bring something interesting. Standing in front of a large window
overlooking the city, formal amethyst robes trailing onto the floor
behind him, he wondered what this year would bring. More peace?
That would be nice, but so would a little excitement. But in what
form? Maybe, Egalmoth mused, he should convince Glorfindel to stand
atop the King’s tower and shout out his love for Ecthelion. He
snorted; Glorfindel could be bold, but not that bold. One had to
get the blond drunk, really drunk, for him to do something like
that. Now there was a thought.
A little tingling feeling presented itself at the back of Egalmoth’
s neck. Ah yes, something very entertaining was on its way. Perhaps
this year’s Tarnin Austa wasn’t going to be dull after all. But
how exciting and... stimulating would it be? There was a worthy
question. Egalmoth flicked some raven hair out of his green eyes
as he waited for the fireworks to begin.
Rog watched Egalmoth quietly, secretly.
The other lord stood in his garden, staring up at the blue sky glistening beyond the king's tower.
What on Arda is he looking at? Rog wondered. Egalmoth could be an
interesting conversationalist at times, but sometimes he would space
out and stare at nothing. /Probably induced by lack of sex,/ Rog
mused. He had a dirty mind sometimes, but that was alright. Only he had to live there anyway.
Rog fought the urge to sneak up on Egalmoth, flip his robes up over
his face and take a peek at whatever was under them - please, Manwë
, nothing at all. Instead he shuffled his feet and cleared his throat
to announce his presence to the other lord. Egalmoth turned, and smiled at him.
“How kind of you to make your presence known,” the lord of the Arch
said, observing the rather hungry look in his partner’s eyes. “So
what were you thinking about this time? Wanting to strip me naked
right here and now and ravish me for the whole world to see?” He
delighted in the slightly shocked, slightly amused, and oh-so-tempted
look that sprung into Rog’s eyes.
Egalmoth always delighted in getting Rog a little riled up; it tended
to create some interesting moments between them. Admittedly sometimes
they were caught, but neither of them really cared. It didn’t really
seem to bother either of them whether or not the whole of Gondolin
discovered the kinds of crazy things they got into. It would have
been one more event to make their lives a little more interesting.
“What are your plans tonight?” he asked stepping away from the tree
and moving closer to Rog. “We still have a few hours before midnight.”
Rog couldn't help it. He grinned.
Egalmoth went on, talkative as ever. Rog considered petting his
head, and shoving something silencing in his mouth. Preferably a
gift from his pants that Egalmoth had already enjoyed numerous times,
and had recently expressed interest in again.
Remembering he was supposed to be poised, Rog leant against a handy
tree, arching one eyebrow. "Actually I had come to invite you to
dine with me, and share wine and conversation before the ceremony
at midnight, to make the long hours of silence a little less boring.
Although, we could always have a quickie before we go." He winked.
/Ah, there is that gleam in his eye again,/ Egalmoth thought as
he listened to Rog's proposition for the evening. /I know just what
he's thinking. But such activities are better reserved for the dead
of the night. Especially this night./
"Why yes, that sounds delightful. Now then, the question that we
face presently is: your place or mine?" Without waiting for an answer,
Egalmoth swept his amethyst robes around him and strode, barefoot,
towards the exit of the gardens.
"And I'm referring to the dinner and the wine as opposed to the
quickie. You ought to wash such thoughts from your mind, my dear
Rog," Egalmoth said, then proceeded to strut across the garden,
as only he could. Throwing a sultry glance back at his lover, Egalmoth
acted as if he would open the gate.
/Oh, that evil.../ Rog cut off the thought before it could become
serious. He bounced lightly on his feet as he strode across the
garden. He really wanted to pounce upon his lover, but it was broad
daylightand he really wouldn't dare be caught. He pressed himself
against Egalmoth's back, pinning him to the high wooden gate. His
body completely hid Egalmoth's and anyone looking would only have
seen the most unusal occourence of Rog romancing a fence.
"Forget my mind, it's hopeless. Perverted long ago, my friend. But
I do have something else that could use a good wash..." he flirted,
licking the tasty side of Egalmoth's neck so that there could be no doubt whatsoever.
Alas, he had pressed his luck, and, flustered, Egalmoth flipped
the latch. The gate fell open, and the two noble lords crashed atop
one another on the other side. Egalmoth grunted under Rog, then
started laughing. Rog glared down at his tousled lover, and fought
off his own chuckle in favor of stating: "Well, now that you've
effectually killed the mood..."
"Why, you should know me well enough by now, Rog," Egalmoth teased
as his giggles subsided enough for him to help his lover off the
ground. "I'm brilliant when it comes to killing your moods. Bes,
a fling now will only ruin what is waiting for us later, don't you agree?"
With a wink, he started to walk in the direction of Rog's house,
tossing dark hair over his shoulder. "In any case, these are my
best robes. I'd hate for you to ruin them in your...frenzied state."
Oh how he loved to tease! And Egalmoth knew Rog was going to make
him pay for it later. In fact, he was counting on it.
"So, hurry it up, love. Or has your sex drive suddenly failed you?"
And with that he took off, the hem of his robes in one hand to
keep them from snagging as he dashed all the way to the gates of the house of the Hammer.
Rog watched Egalmoth run away from him. Oh, Egalmoth knew what was
coming to him. But that didn't mean Rog had to forget about it.
He could just postpone it for a while... work him up into a frenzy
of anticipation. With a growl, he chased after the other elf.
Inside the house, there was no Egalmoth to be seen. Pursing his
lips and narrowing his eyes, Rog surveyed the stairs, the balcony
and the garden, as well as the main entrance hall in which he stood.
/Where could that elf have got to now?/ he mused.
Ah well, tag was one of his favorite games, and Egalmoth knew it
by now. He knew he'd find the other elf, and maybe play cat and
mouse games with him to celebrate, but it was far too close to dinnertime.
Besides, he was too hungry to forget all about dinner and just
crawl into bed and drive Egalmoth to screaming.
Walking quietly, Rog began to search the estate where most of the
members of the house of the Hammer of Wrath resided. Finding Egalmoth
wouldn't take too long, he hoped, remembering the flavor of Egalmoth's
neck. His hands twitched at his sides. He had to find and kiss that
elf. He was addicted. Again. "Egalmoth..." he called sweetly, hiding
his carnal intent in the search's results.
Thank the Valar Rog never bothered to make his bed. Thank the Valar
thrice over he didn't let the maids into his room either. The only
place Egalmoth could think of to hide in without the dear Hammer
lord finding him right away was in Rog's very bed, his amethyst
robes blending nearly perfectly with the almost black counterpane
sheets as Egalmoth lay beneath the crumpled linens.
Yes, it was indeed perfect. Rog would probably search the entire
house before finding him. And this place was expertly picked, too.
It would be highly entertaining to see Rog's desire to ravish Egalmoth
- with the Arch lord already in his bed - and yet not being able to. At least right away.
Egalmoth smiled to himself and snuggled deeper into the sheets whilst
taking deep and slow breaths so as not to give himself away. All
he had to do now was wait to see the surprise and sheer force of
will in his precious Rog's eyes.
Egalmoth had been missing for the better part of an hour. Rog had
searched the house, the stables, the city, and had even enlisted
the aid of a few elflings under promise of a sugary reward. Still,
no Egalmoth had been found. Rog wasn't completely tired of the game
yet, so he went searching the house again.
Going into his room, he heard a soft sound: snore, then a rustle.
Warily, he looked to the bed. He was greeted by the curve of the
backside of the only person who dared sleep there. With a grin,
he made a flying leap atop the cute little lump that was Egalmoth
in his bed, right where he wanted him.
Egalmoth squeaked, startled awake, and peered out at him. Rog grinned,
and began to kiss whatever was protruded from under the blankets,
lying comfortably atop his lover. Egalmoth snatched his hands under
the blanket, and all portions of face and hair as they were playfully kissed.
Fully shrouded under the blanket, Egalmoth was no longer fair game.
/Ah well, / Rog thought. /Time to change the rules again!/ He began
to kiss Egalmoth's face *through* the blanket, and the other squirmed
under him. Rog let him up with a sigh, and Egalmoth tossed the blankets aside and looked at him.
His face was flushed from sleep, eyes wild, his hair sticking up
every which way, and his robes crumpled from his impromptu nap.
"You need to clean up before dinner," he noted, smirking. Prissy
Egalmoth was even more debauched-looking than Rog usually was, whereas
Rog was still pristine, for once.
Egalmoth gave him a glare and got off the high bed, prancing over
to Rog's mirror and taking up the other elf's brush. Rog let him,
and lay down on his side to watch sideways - Egalmoth brushing his
sideways-hair in the sideways-mirror in the sideways-room. He smiled at the inanity of it all.
A knock came at the door. "My lord?" someone asked through it, their voice muffled.
"Yes?" Rog asked.
There was a clatter and a lot of giggling, and a young man could
be heard yelling at a few others of similar age, "Give me that back!"
followed by a skidding noise and a yelp from whoever had knocked
at the door - then a slam that shook thll. ll.
Curses and giggles followed, and the feet chased one another back
down the hall. Rog didn't bother to get up, just rolled his eyes.
Everyone in his house was high-spirited, and in higher spirits than usual tonight.
"You alright out there?" he called. Egalmoth looked at him in the
mirror, one eyebrow raised at the display of childishness outside
in the hall. Rog ignored him.The same person as before called back, "Yes, my lord."
"Well, what did you want?" he asked aloud.
A heavy sigh, as more shouting and crashes could be heard echoing
from downstairs. "It's time for the meal, my lord. I'll go and see
to it that they stop wrecking the house and come to table." Weary feet trudged off.
Rog bounced to his feet and joined Egalmoth at the mirror, tidying
up his hair and robes. "Shall we go down, then?" he invited Egalmoth
with a charming smile. Egalmoth assented, whirling round and walking
to the door with a stately air. Rog screwed up his face and mocked
Egalmoth's mincing steps as he went past him, out of the door and into the hall.
One of the rugs was no longer laid flat as it had been on the stone
floor, but bunched up against the wall, along with a tapestry. Upon
closer inspection, Egalmoth saw that there were actually dents in
the wall left by the tough young elves, not to mention skid marks
on the formerly glossed floors.
Rog didn't seem to care, prancing down the hallway in mincing steps.
Without showing any sign of his intention, Egalmoth drew up alongside
the prancing Rog, and timed it so that as they passed an open doorway,
his gentle shove caught Rog off balance and landed him in the room.
Egalmoth kept walking, smiling at his own cleverness.
Rog got back up, and his face was red from blushing. Egalmoth paused
at the top of the stairs to see if he was harmed and, seeing that
he wasn't, smiled and winked at Rog. Rog's eyes went wide a split
second before he started thundering toward the slender Egalmoth.
Unconcerned with the closing proximity of his lover, Egalmoth calmly
hiked up his robes, straddled the banister, and, still looking at
Rog's face, slid away. Not to be outdone, Rog also flipped up his
robes and slid down after him.
Naturally Egalmoth arrived at the bottom first and raced off to
the shelter of the dining hall. Rog had more sense than to assault
him in front of people, and Egalmoth knew it. Thus, when Rog entered
calmly a few moments later, utterly ignoring him, Egalmoth knew
he was perfectly safe. /Ha ha!/ he thought, smirking.
Rog then sat next to him, and Egalmoth's smugness melted away as
heat leached into his thigh from Rog's hand resting on it, out of
sight. Oh dear. Perhaps he wasn't quite as safe as he had thought?
Rog still seemed to be ignoring him!
Looking at the flush-faced youths down the table, evidently those
who had been involved in the hall incident, Rog asked the most satisfied-looking one, "Did you get it back?"
The elfling nodded, and held up a impressively sized dagger, still
in its sheath. It was more of a short sword than a knife. Rog smiled at the lad.
A boy next to him reached out and grabbed for it, intending to continue
the game, but the first held it tightly to his chest and glared.
Their parents looked at them reproachfully--after all, they were
old enough to eat with the adults, being in their forties*. A man
who was obviously the first one's father held out his hand, and
the elfling reluctantly handed over the weapon.
Rog's hand crept a half-inch higher on Egalmoth's thigh. He blushed
brightly, and decided that if it got much fur up, up,
he was going to stab Rog in the hand with his fork. Payback was
an orc’s breakfast, but payback during dinner would be a bad example to set for the children.
Despite the hand, which was beginning to tease his skin through
his robes with every inch it moved up, Egalmoth thought the dinner
was going on rather smoothly. It was no real shock for the members
of the Hammer of Wrath to see him at their table, as it was no shock
for the Heavenly Arch to see Rog at theirs. It was a rather natural
occurrence for one lord to be at the other's home. But what was
going on beneath the table was not such a natural occurrence.
Keeping his face straight and his blush hidden, Egalmoth engaged
himself in conversation with one of the elder members of the house.
His mind, however, was focused on the hand creeping up his thigh...
and getting higher each second. Well, two could play at this game.
And he had something better in mind than stabbing his lover's hand with a fork.
Egalmoth always had a fantastic sense of timing, or at least that's
what peotoldtold him. Now if he could only get this right... Just
as the man he was conversing with finished his joke, Egalmoth quickly
reached over and cupped a handful of Rog's most precious, not to
mention sensitive, anatomy in his hand, giving the bulge a firm
stroke with his thumb before pulling away. He smiled and laughed
politely at the j but but he was more amused by Rog's sharp hiss
and flustered face. /Ha! Let's see him try to regain some ground now./
Without betraying his intent, Egalmoth had proceeded to acquire
sufficient levels of distraction to reach over and grab and handful
of Rog. The hand stroked. It was warm. Then it was taken away.
Rog sat straighter in his chair, felt his face drain of color and,
eyes wide, gasped. And nearly snorted his mouthful of wine out of his nose in surprise.
Coughing and choking, red-faced from more than just the grope, he
glared over at the smug-looking Egalmoth. This was *so* bad. He
just couldn't do it around children. Damnit. He could always claim
that he couldn't help it. He wasn't likely to be caught, anyway.
Scooting his chair back a little to excuse his bad posture, he
leaned forward so that his chest was hidden by his hair; hen he
looked at Egalmoth, one eyebrow arched in challenge. Egalmoth peered
at him wonderingly. Nobody else was watching. Licking his first
two fingertips in an unnoticed gesture but for his intended audience,
Rog snaked the dampened fingertips under his robes. With a smirk,
he pinched a nipple, and let it show on his face. Egalmoth
knew *exactly* what he was up to. Rog pinched the other, rolling them to get them erect.
They complied, and he removed his hand, giving Egalmoth a self satisfied
smile whilst readjusting his tunic so that the erect nipples were
prominent, if one was looking and knew what to look for. And his
target audience most certainly did. Rog sipped his wine, congratulating
himself when he saw Egalmoth swallow reflexively at the sight of
beaded nipples under embroidered silk.
He deserved it, anyway, even if it wasn't exactly fair to play games
like this at table. If he was caught, it would be all Egalmoth's
fault, anyway. He started it. So ner.
Egalmoth swallowed thickly, trying to drown the lump in his throat
with a large gulp of wine. /I knew Rog was bold, but not THAT bold!/
How in the Valar's name was he supposed to survive the rest of
dinner with his lover all...perked up like that?! Elbereth preserve him!
Luckily dinner wasn't to last all that much longer, as the younger
elves were practically dragging one another and the elder elves
out to watch the sunset and enjoy the last few hours before midnight
befell them. Taking the first chance he dared, Egalmoth raced all
the way back to Rog's room after making pleasant farewells; he could
hear the Hammer lord close by his heels.
Once in the vast, and a little disheveled, bedchambers, Egalmoth
skidded to a halt as Rog closed and locked the door. "Well," he
said, eyeing his lover. "That was some display you put on at dinner.
Do you think anyone noticed? Or was that your intention to be
noticed? You do have a flair for the dramatic, love." With a rather
saucy smile on his face, Egalmoth idled over to where Rog stood
leaning back against the door. "Then again," he paused to flick
his tongue out to wet his lips whilst draping his arms over Rog's
shoulders, "That's what I always liked about you." The same impish
tongue darted out to flick across an ear tip, eliciting a his, much to Egalmoth's satisfaction.
"Now then, what else did you have planned for tonight? Something we'll both enjoy, I hope?"
Rog grinned, panting. Egalmoth pressed into his chest, and Rog could
feel his still-sensitized nipples taking an interest. Egalmoth's
tongue played about his neck, and, giddy with delight, Rog managed to find a reply.
"I was thinking... that we could strip naked, and share some wine
over there by the nice warm fire..." he gesturedtowards the thick
plush rug there. "Or, we could stay decent until the ceremony at
midnight, and then I could see just how quietly you could come in
a hushed city, where everyone could hear you if you screamed..."
Egalmoth shuddered in his arms, and Rog held him closer.
"And at dawn?" Egalmoth breathed
"Damn the dawn. Let's get naked. Now," Rog insisted, although he
was willing to yield and stay decent until after they could appropriately
and conveniently disappear from proper public company. He did so
love to be naked, especially with Egalmoth around and equally unburdened.
He kissed Egalmoth tenderly, hungrily, and pressed against him, eager for touch.
/Now there's a tough decision if I've ever been faced with one,/
Egalmoth thought while returning Rog's kiss. He weighed the options
before him. One, they could get it on right now while the whole
city was still awake and buzzing with excitement. For one thing,
both of their inner carnal desires would finally be satisfied after
all the teg ang and taunts they had thrown at one another; on the
otherhand, no one would hear them if they made any noise. But waiting
until midnight was much more tempting, more challenging with the entire city quiet.
"I get to choose, do I?" Egalmoth asked, breathless after their
kiss. "All right then. Let's stay decent till midnight." He smiled
sympathetically at Rog's visible disappointment. Leaning in closer,
he whispered huskily into an ear, "Much more... stimulating then,
don't you agree? We know how much noise we can make in joining.
Let's see how quiet we can be and still make it satisfying. No,
let's stay quiet and make it more than satisfying. Let's make it
mind-blowing. Are you up to the challenge, love?"
With another little lick to his lover's neck, Egalmoth pulled away
and headed towards the thick rug in front of the fire. Keeping
eye contact with Rog, he lowered himself to his knees then laid
down upon his stomach, ankles crossed and swinging in the air, chin
resting in his cupped hands as he waited.
Up to the challenge? Of course Rog was. Only... Egalmoth was trying
to kill him for sure.
Rog stumbled over to Egalmoth, and sat with a thump across from
him. They blinked at one another a moment. Rog though of something,
and turned and rummaged in the cabinet near his desk, a few yards
from Egalmoth. With a crow of glee, he presented hrizerize, a bottle
of wine. He dug a little more, and then handed Egalmoth a few glasses.
Egalmoth sat up. Rog took out all three bottles he'd had stashed,
two unopened - a gift from Galdor his last birthday.
"What's this?" Egalmoth asked.
"This," Rog began, pulling the cork with his teeth and talking around it,
"Is some of Galdor's finest fifty-year wine, melethron."
Egalmoth let Rog pour him a glass, and swirled it around before
breathing in the aroma. "I thought I had recognized it as the finest
brew in all Gondolin. You do know how hard it is to come by?"
Rog grinned, and spat the cork aside to sample his own wine. "But
of course. It was a birthday gift."
"Ah," Egalmoth noted, savoring the taste.
"Mmm," Rog noted in reply.
The fire crackled, and the two elf lords relaxed in one another's quiet presence.
Taking a few more sips of his wine, Egalmoth then set his glass
down carefully onto the rug before lying back down on his stomach.
Taking the expertly made flute back into hand, he swirled the contents,
marveling how the firelight played off the rich dark color of the
liquid, and took another deep sip.
"The sun is beginning to set," he noted whilst staring out of a
nearby window. "I say we have about five more hours before midnight."
Egalmoth didn't miss the yearning look in his lover's eyes. "Worry
not, melme. We'll have plenty of time once midnight arrives. Patience is a virtue, remember that."
"That's Ecthelion's favorite saying," Rog grumbled. "Explains why
Glorfindel gets so frustrated sometimes."
Egalmoth laughed, nearly spilling his wine. "Aye, but look how
he beams after a night of" He grinned whilst taking
another sip of his wine. They had all night, why rush it? Or they could...
"Care to tell me what you have in store for me once midnight does
arrive, melethron?" Egalmoth said in a positively seductive voice
whilst looking at Rog through half-lidded eyes. This should get their blood boiling for sure.
Rog smiled. A flirting Egalmoth was a good Egalmoth. Better than
a playful one who laid claim to and plowed like a spring field for
it. His lips tightened. Infuriating elf.
Arching an eyebrow airily, he let his eyes smoulder as he looked
at Egalmoth. "First, beloved, I'm going to kiss you." Rog licked
the edge of his glass, watching Egalmoth all the while. "Then...
I'm going to touch you... would you care to guess where?"
Egalmoth swallowed nervously, eyes wide and beginning to dilate
in lust. "Everywhere?" He ventured hoarsely.
Rog smiled ferally. "Of course, beloved."
"And then?" Egalmoth fairly begged.
"I'm going to lay you down on the bed, and press atop you, and let
you wrap around me like you do when I'm in you...and..." Egalmoth
was wide-eyed as Rog paused to wrap his tongue around the stem of his wine glass, smirking.
Rog went silent, drew the cup away.
"And?" Egalmoth managed.
Rog smiled self-absorbedly, caressing his obvious hard-on through
the thin fabric of his leggings. Egalmoth noted a small dot of moisture
appearing where the head of Rog's cock lay.
"And... you'll have to help my find out, my love. I shan't give away all my secrets."
Egalmoth huffed, despite his arousal which matched Rog's. Watching
Rog felt like Rog were doing it to him, yet he was very determined
that they would not play games until later. Besides, he'd already
had a nice bath today and wasn't the least bit dirty.
The nerve! Oh, he was asking for a thrashing! Looking indignant,
Egalmoth drained the last of his wine, setting his glass on the
fireplace near the hearth itself. Now how to get Rog back? His
eyes ventured over to the other lord, who was grinning smugly as
he too finished the last of his cup and moved to pour another.
Shifting, Egalmoth’s hand encountered something soft; he looked
over and found a small embroidered pillow underneath his palm. Oh yes, this would do nicely.
Waiting until Rog had drained the second glass and made to pour
a third, Egalmoth raised himself onto his knees and snatched the
pillow in hand, which he promptly threw at his lover. He made a
small noise of triumph as the soft projectile hit the Hammer lord squarely in the face.
"What was that for?!" Rog demanded as he blinked in disbelief at Egalmoth.
"For teasing me, of course. And for leaving me hanging. Now take
that!" And he threw another large pillow with enough force to propel Rog onto his back.
"I thought we weren’t playing until later!"
"I’m changing the agenda for the evening."
"Well, two can play at this game!" Setting aside his glass and
the half-empty wine bottle, Rog launched himself at his lover, wrestling
him to the ground. They fended off the other whilst rolling around
the floor and upsetting innumerable amounts of furniture before
Rog finally pinned Egalmoth beneath him.
"Looks as if you’ve got me right where you want me," Egalmoth teased,
squirming beneath his captor. "So what do you intend to do now that you’ve claimed victory?"
Rog smirked down at Egalmoth. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
"I would," Egalmoth assured him.
Rog reached out and covertly snatched a pillow, and, sitting back
on his haunches, let Eoth oth have it.
Egalmoth found another, and fought him back. Rog abandoned his pillow
and tackled Egalmoth instead. "You insolent, spoiled brat!" he teased.
"Me? You're the one who gets everything he wants!"
"Yes?" Another cuff with the pillow.
"Yes!" A smack with the embroidered side of a decorator pillow that made Rog's ears ring.
Egalmoth found himself pinned and held by Rog. Egalmoth stuck his
tongue out at him. Rog bent down and sucked on it before he could
pull it back. Parting, Rog grinned.
"You bastard," Egalmoth mumbled, and pulled the other elf back for a kiss.
The kiss was lingering, long and slow, but nobody seemed to mind.
It was a difficult task reclaiming his breath and composure when
they finally parted; Egalmoth was more than certain that his entire
face, and his ears, were now a very aroused shade of red.
"You did lock the door, didn’t you?" he asked Rog.
"Of course I did!" the Hammer lord protested. "I may be a so-called
spoiled brat, but I’m not naïve. Shut and lock the door when we’
re both in my bedroom; I can remember important things you know."
"You consider getting into my robes important?"
"Absolutely! Priority number one in my book."
Egalmoth took a moment to observe his lover, taking in his slightly
disheveled state and the obvious lust mingled with love in his eyes.
"I take back what I said earlier," he whispered.
"What? About what?"
"About waiting until midnight."
Rog chuckled. "You take it back, eh?"
He glanced over at the window. It was about ten o'clock. Two more hours to go.
Looking back at Egalmoth, he kissed him patiently, then pulled away.
"You shall have to wait," he said, getting off his lover.
Egalmoth whimpered, and followed. "Come now, you've been pressing
me all evening, and I'm ready. I even changed my mind for you!"
Rog shook his head."We have but two hours. I think we can wait that
long. Come, sit with me and help me to recall Valinor, or even the
enjoyable days we spent in Nevrast, chasing one another along the shore."
"Nevrast?" Egalmoth asked curiously. He watched as Rog reclaimed
his place in front of the fire, stretching out his legs in front
of him and leaning back on his palms. Egalmoth slowly crawled over
to him, the ends of his dark hair trailing over the rug.
"They were great days, weren’t they?" Rog asked, watching as Egalmoth
stretched out upon the floor again. This time, however, the Arch
lord rolled onto his side, pillowing his head on Rog’s thigh whilst
staring into the fire. Rog shifted his weight onto his left hand
as his right wandered into the dark folds of his lover’s hair.
"Aye, they were. I remember the odd looks Ecthelion would give
us when he came down for his daily swim, only to find us flinging
water or sand -- or both -- at one another." Egalmoth released
a small giggle. "You remember that one time in Valinor when we
almost dumped Glorfindel and Ecthelion into a lake?"
"Refresh my memory," Rog said with a grin.
"You were chasing me and I turned around to look at you, not seeing
where I was going. I tripped and nearly fell into the lake, taking
Ecthelion with me. Then you tried to stop, but ran into Glorfindel and almost fell in too."
"I remember that."
"We had some fun times, didn’t we?" Egalmoth asked, shifting a little to look into Rog's eyes.
Rog smiled down at his lover, stroking the silky hair. "Yes, we
had some wonderful times together. I think tonight will be one of
our better memories, melethron," he said, quite seriously. Egalmoth
smiled. "I think loving you is a far better thing than making love
with you, and that's saying a lot."
Rog chuckled, feeling uneasy with his own revelation: that if Egalmoth
and he could not have sex, see one another, hear one another, or
smell one another - he would still love the other for some reason
unknown even unto himself. He changed the subject.
"Do you remember, right before Fëanor and his sons deserted us to
cross Helcaraxë, when Feanor let his sons get drunk?"
Egalmoth laughed aloud, remembering the single happy incident in
that entire voyage. "And they got into a contest of who could drink more?"
"Yes, and they began daring one another?"
"I don't think I'll ever forget the sight of Maglor, Celegorm, Curufin,
Caranthir and the twins, Amrod and Amras mooning the other boats."
"The ladies were properly horrified!"
"Pity Meadhros didn't just kick them, ass-first, into the winter
sea. That would have sobered them up!"
"I don't think Feanor would have let him, if he looked like he were going to do it."
"You have to give him credit, he did try to stop them."
"Yes, and every time he commanded one to go into the hold and stay
there, he would escape again whilst poor Fëanor was trying to round
up the rest of his rowdy brood."
Egalmoth sighed sadly. "We have fallen unto dark times. No one laughs
as we did anymore. Even in those dark days we laughed more."
"Which is worse: moody sinning Noldor, or merry sinning Noldor?"
"Sometimes I have wondered that."
"Ever reach any conclusions, my love?"
"Must I?" Egalmoth shifted onto his back whilst keeping Rog’s thigh
for a comfortable pillow. "Because, you know, they even out in the end."
"At least we get a few laughs with merry sinning Noldor," Rog said with a grin.
"’Tis true." Egalmoth paused a moment before bursting out into
laughter again. "I can’t believe mild-tempered Maglor actually
allowed himself to get drunk. Do you think the reason he refused
to come out of his cabin the next day was due to sheer embarrassment?"
Egalmoth sighed, closing his eyes. "Sometimes I feel we’ll never
have memories like that again. I shouldn’t be talking about these
things, they are such dark thoughts. I can’t help it sometimes."
He opened his eyes again and stared up at Rog, lifting a hand to
trail fingers over his lover’s cheek. "Some of my best memories are with you."
Rog caught his hand gently. "All my best memories are of you." He
said softly and, leaning forward, kissed Egalmoth tenderly. Since
he wasn't given to displays of affection, he leaned back after a
moment and took up another subject.
"Let's play cards, or checkers. It'll wear away the time much faster."
"Alright." Egalmoth agreed, reaching for his wine glass.
Rog dug both games out of the closet. "Which first?" He asked.
"Checkers first, as cards takes less wit, and it's growing late."
Rog pulled out the board and set up the game. "You play black?"
Egalmoth nodded.
"Your move, then." He said, after sliding one of his pieces to an open yet defensible spot.
Egalmoth moved one of his pieces so that it would avoid capture,
yet be a face off between the two pieces.
Rog though for a moment, and made a neutral maneuver.
Egalmoookeooked to be beginning to advance his position.
Rog began setting up his traps.
Egalmoth patiently sacrificed one of his pieces to destroy one of Rog's positions.
Rog swore.
Egalmoth grinned at him.
The game went on.
Rog was first to get a piece to Egalmoth's last line. "King me." He announced.
Egalmoth sighed and laid one of Rog's captured pieces atop the one
which had made it to base so that it was stacked two-high. "Happy?" he griped.
Rog smiled serenely, and moved his king out, chasing Egalmoth's triad formation.
A moment later Egalmoth received two kings, and began mopping the board.
Rog frowned, and put off his inevitable doom.
The three kings chased one another around the empty board for a
while, finally trapping Rog's in the corner. Egalmoth saw that he
was about to be double jumped, and moved his king out of position.
Rog assimilated the other with glee.
Egalmoth jumped him.
Rog began to the the game away, pouting. Egalmoth poured them more
wine, and shuffled the deck of cards. Rog added another log to the
fire, to ward off the late spring chill. Egalmoth dealt the deck evenly between them.
"War, then?" Rog questioned.
Egalmoth nodded.
Rog picked up his deck and neatened it, leaving it facedown. "Ready?" A nod.
He laid the first one down, face up. Egalmoth did likewise. Rog's
ten beat Egalmoth's three. He gathered up both cards and added them
to his deck. This game went fast and hard. Rog had an ace of spades,
a king of hearts, and an ace of diamonds. Egalmoth, however, had
all the jacks, queens and remaining aces and kings. He won again,
beating Rog's last card, a pathetic two, with a queen of clubs.
Egalmoth put the cards away, and Rog went out to look at the time.
The people were already gathering in the square of the king; it
was about eleven thirty. Turgon hadn't appeared to make his address
of well-wishing and thanks yet, and probably wouldn't until midnight.
It was cool enough that Rog’s breath could be seen, and there were
snow flurries in the air. /Temperamental mouns,/ns,/ he thought. /It's summer, nearly./
Rog went back inside. Egalmoth was tidying himself in the mirror
in preparation to leave. Rog leaned against the doorway. "Egalmoth,
beloved, why don't we stand on the balcony together in the starlight
to watch the ceremony?" He suggested, not interested in the crush
of people, but more so in the company of his love.
"You never did like crowds," Egalmoth replied, turning away from the mirror.
"Do you object to my request?" Rog asked with a slight pout.
The Arch lord soundlessly walked over to his lover. "Never. Besides,
we have plans for midnight, don’t we? It would be easier to stay
here and listen to the King’s speech than have to walk down to the
square, listen, then walk all the way back." He smiled, taking
Rog’s hand and tugging him towards the balcony. "In any case, you
can help keep me warm whilst we listen."
"Elves don’t feel cold, Egalmoth."
"Allow me my little fantasy, would you?"
Rog grinned as he stepped up behind Egalmoth, wrapping his arms
around the other’s waist as Turgon appeared and delivered his speech.
It was the same set of words he used nearly every year. The King
wished his people well, and thanked them all, particularly the elven
lords, for their dedication and devotion to their city. He added
that he hoped to spend many more peaceful days with everyone.
The speech went on, but Egalmoth wasn’t really listening. He was
more absorbed in the quiet of the night and the warmth of bod body
behind him. Would they have more peaceful evenings like this together?
He hoped so. They seemed like a mismatched pair with their opposite
personalities, but Glorfindel had said once they complimented one
another well. Egalmoth had to agree.
The suddenly thundering of applause shook Egalmoth out of his thoughts,
and he quickly realized Turgon’s speech had ended and the night
of silence was beginning. He allowed Rog to steer him back into
the room; Egalmoth stood in front of the fire as his lover closed
the doors before stepping up to him.
"Now would you care to show me what you had planned for tonight?"Egalmoth
whispered in a barely audible voice.
Rog smiled. "Sit on the bed and I'll show you." He whispered back.
Egalmoth did as he was bid, watching raptly as Rog began a slow
striptease, swaying his hips to the soft music from below, turning
the innocent lantern light and soft music sultry. His outer robe
dropped to the floor, followed shortly by his shirt. His leggings
went next, along with his soft-leather boots, and wearing only his
jewelry and a smirk, he crept predatorily closer to Egalmoth and crawled atop him.
Egalmoth did not resist, laying flat under his advances. Rog's dark
eyes shone in the firelight as he began unbuttoning Egalmoth's shirt.
No words were needed, anyway.
He kept his eyes fixed on Rog as the Hammer lord continued to undo
the long string of buttons down the front of his robes. Egalmoth
couldn’t help the small giggle that issued when he saw the look
of frustration Rut out on at seeing the endless row. With a small
tug at the collar, Egalmoth obediently lifted his head and shoulders
off the bed so as to make it easier for the robe to be slipped off.
The candlelight playfully glimmered off Rog’s skin, and Egalmoth
found he couldn’t help himself. As his robe was slowly stripped
off, he bowed his head forward, latching his lips onto the skin
of his lover’s neck just above the beating pulse and sucking lightly.
He grinned against the warm skin as Rog let out a surprised hiss.
Shifting his head a little lower, Egalmoth found the pulse, its
pace quickening just a touch. The tip of his tongue darted out,
lapping at the reddened patch of skin with feather light strokes;
he could feel Rog’s shallow breathing against his hair and the hands
trembling as they disrobed him. Egalmoth pulled his arms from his
sleeves before wrapping them around Rog’s neck, drawing his lover closer.
Rog growled and laid his body down on Egalmoth's, feeling the other
bare, hard chest preg agg against him. His right hand continued
its work, loosening Egalmoth's breeches enough so that he could
sit, climb off his lover and pull them off. He had to pause to remove
Egalmoth's boots, which were more intricately made than his and therefore more of a pain.
Finally both nakn thn the cool air, Rog dove atop his lover once
more, tasting his mouth while turning Egalmoth so that Rog shielded
him from the cold air. Rog liked to be naked, but he didn't like
to be cold. Egalmoth chuckled inside their joined mouths, and shifted.
His hard arousal was pressing Rog's already weeping cock, and to
catch and savor Rog's soft yelping moan was bliss.
/So, I’m being used as a blanket, am I?/ Egalmoth thought whilst
sucking slightly on Rog’s tongue during their prolonged kiss. /Best
make the most of it./ He shifted slightly, brushing their erections
together again and grinned at another, deeper moan from his lover.
Slowly, ever so slowly, his hand made a teasing, downward exploration;
first over a slim collarbone, tickling lightly at the heated skin.
Then a little lower to the already taut nub of a nipple; he bestowed
nothing more than a quick flick with the edge of a fingernail before
moving away. Egalmoth smothered the urge to laugh at Rog’s grunt
of frustration, which quickly turned into another moan as the wandering
hand descended lower, dancing over a toned abdomen. A finger dipped
into Rog’s navel momentarily before a warm palm and nimble fingers wrapped around his cock.
Egalmoth pulled out of the kiss and stared down at his lover, seeing
the dark orbs filled with lust and longing. The corner of his lips
twitched upward, and he arched an eyebrow as if to ask, ‘Do I have your full attention now?’
That...ungh. Rog's brain was officially melted. He leaned forward
and began licking Egalmoth's neck, enjoying the taste and sensations,
riding the tide of pleasure Egalmoth commanded. He lets his hips
buck a little, his skin sticking to Egalmoth's and sliding warmly
over bone, a deep caress, like the softness of his cock being pulled over the hard core.
Egalmoth seemed to like it too, and Rog let him do it for a moment,
pulling away when Egalmoth's hand became smeared with stickiness,
wanting to last a while yet. He lay down between Egalmoth's legs
and took his lover's cock into his mouth, loving the taste and texture.
It was his chief delight to build Egalmoth's readiness thus.
Elbereth! Egalmoth always knew Rog had a very skilled tongue, but
it was still a mind-blowing experience each and every time. He
had to shut his eyes and bite down on his lower lip to keep from
screaming as he felt overwhelming sensations rip through his body.
Sweat slicked over his skin, down his back as his spine arched,
pressing his cock further into Rog’s mouth.
Rog’s tongue was swirling over his rock-hard erection, bringing
him close to the edge then pulling back before he fell over it.
It was frustrating and oh-so-good at the same time. The tension
was mounting in his body, and Egalmoth nearly tore the sheets in
two as he fisted and wrung them in his hands.
Valar! He wanted to be taken, and he wanted it now! But knowing
Rog, this was bound to drag out for hours. Egalmoth didn’t know
whether to delight in the events to come, or slap Rog and just take what he wanted.
Sensing Egalmoth's eminent release and resulting distress, Rog moved
off and blew on him. Egalmoth whimpered. Rog crawled up his body
and latched onto a nipple, while his hands sought lubricant on the
table beside the bed. He found it, and began working it into Egalmoth,
who writhed and pushed back, gaping hungrily around Rog's fingers.
Rog let go of him, and with shaking hands smoothed on oil as quickly
as possible. He lay back down atop Egalmoth, positioned himself
between his lover's thighs, and, taking his lover's" here mouth
in a ferociously hungry kiss, pushed.
Egalmoth bore down as he pushed inside, making the way open and
Rog slid in to the root without restriction. They sighed toget
breaking their kiss. Rog adjusted his hands for bracing, and began
a long, slow slide out, followed by one equal in speed back in,
meeting Egalmoth's eyes all the while. He smiled. Egalmoth pulled him back for a kiss.
That was it; it felt good. It felt better than good, actually.
Egalmoth grabbed onto Rog’s arms and gripped hard as he pressed
back against his lover with each of Rog’s inward thrusts. He lifted
a leg, pressing his thigh against Rog’s and therefore driving him
in harder and deeper. Stars exploded behind his eyes as that secret
spot was brushed; his neck arched, throwing his head back as a silent scream left his lips.
He felt Rog shift to get the right angle; slowly the Hammer lord
slipped out then in again to test the new position, grinning as
he watched Egalmoth squirm beneath him. Ah, that was a beautiful
sight, the Arch lord writhing and silently begging beneath him,
skin flushed an arousing shade, begging to be touched with whimpers
and moans. And Rog complied, lifting a hand and curling it around Egalmoth’s straining erection.
If Rog stopped touching him now, Egalmoth was sure he would kill
his lover. He arched his back, pressing their chests together as
the need to feel every inch of his lover became overwhelming. Egalmoth
stole another demanding kiss as he felt climax coming.
Rog's body spedup; he couldn't have stopped if he tried. It felt
too , an, and he was too close. He thrust faster, harder, deeper,
to the unspoken encouragement of Egalmoth's body. With a choked
howl, Egalmoth streamed bright, hot fluid onto his hand, and Rog
pushed in without pulling out, once, twice, thrice. With an exclamation
of "Mmmph...!" that was akin to a moan, he buried his face in Egalmoth's long dark hair camecame.
He kept moving, slowly to draw it out. When it had faded, leaving
only warmth and stickiness in its wake, he lay forward on Egalmoth's
chest and felt his lover's hands up up to twine in his hair.
This was the part Egalmoth always loved the most: the moment right
after they both tumbled over the edge, falling into an abyss of
pleasure and contentment. It was one of the few times, considering
Rog was uncomfortable displaying affection publicly, that Egalmoth
was allowed to cuddle in blissful love.
He sighed softly whilst his fingers stroked through Rog’s hair,
untangling the knots that had formed, sometimes bestowing a loving
kiss here and there. Egalmoth listened as Rog’s breathing grew
slower, the heartbeat pounding against his own returning to its
normal pace. The Hammer lord snuggled closer, and Egalmoth smiled.
/We make wonderful music together, melethron,/ Egalmoth thought,
wrapping his arms around Rog’s shoulders and drawing them closer
together.Rog fell out of passion and down into the dark, velvety
pleasure of sleep. His skin pressed against Egalmoth's, and the
warmth of him was a cot. Et. Egalmoth lay awake; Rog could feel
his long lashes brushing his brow. His last semi-waking thought
was, /Mmm... I love him so.../ and with that he dozed off.
He woke a little later, to Egalmoth rolling him off, sweating. They
had grown hot, and now lay apart, but no less close in spirit. Egalmoth
appeared not to be able to get back to sleep. Harp music filtered
in, soothing him. Rog also lay awake, fighting for his sleep. Alas,
it did not come at his beck. He looked over at Egalmoth.
"Are you awake?" He whispered.
Egalmoth turned his head, hair shifting on the pillow with a soft
sound. "Yes. Want to make love?"
Rog grinned in the dark. "I know I don't usually... but could you be in me, beloved?"
Egalmoth laughed lightly. "Of course. Come here."
Rog scurried over and Egalmoth began to kiss him tenderly, stoking
the flames of passion higher, brighter, knowing that Rog's libido
was predictable in its ever-ready capability.
Shifting so that Rog was lying beneath him, Egalmoth slunkdown the
lean body, leaving nips and licks where his mouth could reach.
He encountered a nipple, his tongue darting out to lap at it as
his hand pinched and teased the other. Blowing gently against the
pebbled nub, he grinned as he heard Rog hiss and felt hands dive
into his hair, gripping the strands almost painfully. Egalmoth’
shands continued to tease him as his head moved lower.
Oh, yes, lower. Rog practically shoved Egalmoth’s head further
down his body, but the Arch lord was stubborn and resisted him.
He could feel Egalmoth’s panting against his skin as Rog moved
lower, and bucked his hips slightly to make his need known. Rog
groaned loudly, the sound echoing a little in the room, as Egalmoth’
s mouth fastened around his cock. His fingers tightened in the dark hair.
Egalmoth knew Rog well enough by this point to know what the Hammer
lord liked to have done with him. Rog liked things fast, but Egalmoth
preferred to take it slow and torture his lover after the lovely
torment he had just been put through. He grinned as he pulled away
and heard Rog’s whimper of protest. Egalmoth teased him just so
by flicking his tongue over the weeping head.
He wanted to hear Rog beg for it, since the other obviously couldn’
t keep quiet judging by his rather loud groans. Egalmoth was rarely
allowed to take Rog, though he never complained. But, just this
once, he wanted to hear begs and pleas before he gave in. Just to make it more fun.
Rog wailed like a cat in heat. "Oh, Valar, Eglamoth, have me! I'll
kill you... I swear, unngh, do it!" He thrashed on the bed. He
moaned. He practically screamed at Egalmoth, who had patiently and
so damn *slowly* brought him to the pinnacle of perfection...
...and pulled away. His howl echoed in the bedroom. Egalmoth chuckled, and reached for the oil.
To see his lover thrashing around as he so often did when in Rog’
s current position could have been enough stimulation to throw Egalmoth
over the edge. He reined in his upcoming climax, however, and slicked
oil over his p and and his own erection. Fastening his eyes onto
Rog’s face, he let his hand wander slowly - agonizingly slowly -
down his los ths thigh and towards the puckered entrance.
Rog was shouting at him now, shouting all sorts of obscene things,
loud enough to wake the whole city. His thrashing was pulling the
bedcovers from their fastenings, and making a general mess of the already disordered sheets.
"Rog, love, you’re going to let the whole city know what we’re doin Ega Egalmoth cooed.
"Let them, I don’t care!" his lover retorted. "If they don’t already
know, they know now. Probably running to get some themselves!"
Egalmoth snickered. "Ever the eloquent one, aren't we?"
"Shut up and TAKE ME NOW!"
Egalmoth merely rolled his eyes and grinned, taking away the fingers
he had inserted during their discussion and replacing them with
the head of his cock. "One last question, melethron: fast or slow?"
Rog moaned loudly. "In, in!" Egalmoth obeyed and pushed further
in, having forgotten Rog hadn't done this in a while and that the
deeper he went, the less it hurt his lover. "Now fast, fast and
hard you sexy Vala GOD!"
Egalmoth obeyed and drove into the clenching embrace of Rog's hot
body, then slid out to feel the tringring of muscle caress him tip
to root, and with a grunt at the exquisite pleasure of it, pushed
back in, setting a hard rhythm. Rog did not shut up, gasping with
every in-stroke and screaming with every slide out. Egalmoth was
too caught up in his own motion to stop him, and soon added his
own raucous replies, echoing through the still night.
No one outside the borders of Rog's house could hear them, but whomever
was in it could, undoubtedly could. Well, there were plenty of beds
in the house of the Hammer of Wrath, and there was no reason not
to put them to good use if they felt so inclined upon hearing their
Lord and leader scream in symphony with the thumps of the headboard on the wall.
Well, the house of the Hammer of Wrath was a noisy one anyway. Surely no one would mind. Or notice.
Past the prelude, long over the overture, now for the crescendo.
The tension was building and needed release. Egalmoth wondered
in his hazy thoughts how much longer either of them would last;
not very long he concluded. Rog’s screams sounded like music to
his ears, and he found he no longer cared if anyone heard them.
If the house wasn’t filled with others screaming in ecstasy once
they were done, then there was something seriously wrong with the
members of the Hammer of Wrath… other than their leader, of course.
The muscles surrounding his cock were clenching tighter with each
of this thrusts. Knowing Rog was about to orgasm, Egalmoth curled
his fingers around his lover’s weeping cock and pumped it hard.
Within seconds, with a shout that left him hoarse, Rog came, spilling
creamy fluid over Egalmoth’s hand. His inner muscles contracted,
bringing Egalmoth to his finishing point and milking the Arch lord
for all he was worth. The concert was over… for the moment.
“You are an absolute wonder in bed, beloved,” Egalmoth said between
pants as he stretched himself across Rog’s chest. They were sticky
from their sweat and seed, which had stained parts of the bedding
during their frantic coupling, but neither seemed to care much.
“Think we woke the whole household?”
"Mmmm. Probably." Rog tugged Egalmoth over. "Come here and kiss me."
They lay cuddled like that for a while, kissing leisurely, before
dozing off. Rog petted Egalmoth's hair tenderly until his hand stopped
in sleep. Egalmoth found something interesting about Rog. After
a good, hard lay, he slept like the dead. And snored. Softly, but
he did snore. Egalmoth drifted off with a smile on his face.
Unsurprisingly, he woke again. The pre-dawn light was filtering
in throuhe bhe blinds, marking it near morning. Egalmoth tried to
hide from the light under Rog. It didn't work, so he began kissing
Rog's face instead. Such a beautiful, luscious, delicious sweet
man. Rog opened one eye and looked at him questioningly. Egalmoth kissed him some more.
The dawn had just arrived, but it was time to prepare for the King’
s speech to welcome the new Gates of Summer. A feast and ball would
be held later in the evening in his court, but until then the streets
would be filled with singing for the new day.
Assembled in Turgon’s throne room were his captains -- most of them,
anyway. Tuor was there, looking a little bleary-eyed and not quite
himself; Turgon guessed Eärendil had kept his parents up most of
the night in the child’s excitement. Glorfindel and Ecthelion were
present, looking rested, as did Penlod and Duilin. Maeglin seemed
as solemn as ever, making it rather difficult to tell if he enjoyed
the summer festival or not; Salgant, on the other hand, was looking
rather excited. Summer being one of his favorite seasons, Galdor
was looking especially flustered and antsy as he waited impatiently
for things to begin. But someone was missing…
“Has anyone seen Rog or Egalmoth this morning?” Turgon asked, looking
around for his last two captains. The others murmured amongst themselves,
but none had seen either lord since the previous night. Turgon
heaved a sigh. “Someone needs to summon them or we can’t begin.
Glorfindel, would you be so kind?”
“Of course, my Lord,” Glorfindel said with a bow before sweeping
out of the room and towards the house of the Hammer of Wrath.
The house was rather quiet when he entered, making Glorfindel wonder
what had transpired that night. He had encountered only a scattering
of servants by the time he reached Rog’s room, which was also eerily
quiet. He knocked once before calling out. “Rog, how do you fare
this morning? Turgon is asking for your presence so we can begin
the ceremony.” When no answer came, Glorfindel flashed a frown
before testing the door; finding it unlocked, he began to push it open...
...and there before his eyes, in the bedroom streaming with dawn
light, were the missing lords. Rog and Egalmoth were naked, pressed
closely together, kissing deeply. The scent of sex hit him at the
same moment the two elves noticed him there. His eyes widened.
"Oh, Valar! I'm sorry...umm..." He fumbled for the door handle.
"I'll be leaving now, never mind!" His hand found the knob, and
he flew backward out of the open door and pressed it shut. Blushing
brightly, he paced, wondering what to do. Finally, he decided to flee, and did so.
Rog and Egalmoth stared at the now-closed door, hearing Glorfindel's
feet running down the hall. Egalmoth choked, blushing. Rog began
to laugh loudly, hugging Egalmoth to his chest. Egalmoth joined him.
Glorfindel reappeared in the gathering of Lords, flustered, face
red and hands fidgeting nervously. "Um... ah... I don't think they're coming."
"Or if they do it'll be a while," Galdor snorted.
Ecthelion, having guessed what would make Glorfindel so upset, began to laugh.
Glorfindel clung to him. "It isn't funny! It isn't!" But he was laughing too.
The Lords of Gondolin discovered something that day they would use
to tease their king mercilessly ever after. Turgon snorted like a pig when he laughed.