The Bar Joke by oshun

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The Bar Joke

Four guys were sitting in a bar, two brunettes, a red head, and a blonde (actually, Fingon, Turgon, Maedhros and Finrod).

Turgon asked, "If you could pass down three bits of wisdom throughout the Ages, what would they be?”

Grinning, Fingon lifted his glass, “I do not believe in conventional wisdom.”

Maedhros clicked his glass against Fingon’s, answering, “I’ll drink to that.”

Finrod said, “You’re right. I’ll drink with you.”

“Wait a minute, Ingo,” Fingon said. “You wrote that Athrabeth thing."

“I admit it,” said Finrod, slurring his words. “But that wath before I wath killed by a werewolf.”

“You are all a bunch of miserable cynics. I expected better of you, Finrod,” Turgon choked.

Fingon said, “You’re such an ass.”

Maedhros slapped Turgon on the back. “S’alright, Turvo. I forgive you. You didn’t live long enough to hear yourself called Turgon the Wise by the historians.”

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