Comments on The Good, the Bad, and the Queen

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What a tickling alternate history!  Placing any of the Fëanorians in Doriath before the Kinslaying is always a treat and I'm sure anyone from the Noldor would be very, very interested to see Doriath and risk a lot to look at it.  I loved the scene where Thingol opens the envelope and sees that it is empty, and the debate/discussion between the Prince and the King is delightful read.  The ending was heart-breaking and it seemed to me that the main character has radically changed over the years that passed.

I too think that the Noldor would very much like to confront rumors about the Sindar with the actual facts. Besides, I've fallen in love with Thingol :) and would like to defend his standpoint (and also bash him on the head with a baseball bat for that Silmaril mess ;)).

Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm very happy to see that my idea worked.

Thank you! I'm very happy that you think this story interesting :) The idea popped up when I was chatting with my friend about Thingol's policy toward the Noldor. So I thought, let's throw a Noldo -- and one of the most significant in the entire Silm -- to Menegroth and see how he deals with it ;)

Thanks again for taking the time to read and comment!

This is a delightful read. A speculative story that I could almost believe had happened. Made me want to believe that it had happened that way. I loved the almost mischievous quality to Maedhros’s plan and its execution, while communicating to the reader the serious intent behind it. It was so entertaining to see these two formidable strong-willed elves sizing one another up. Although neither really budged an inch on their determination and conviction that they each believed that they knew what was the right manner in which to withstand the onslaught of Morgoth. And yet, they nonetheless parted with a certain grudging respect. The insertion of the secret of Alqualondë was also believable and intriguing. Did Melian know? You also gave me one of the better arguments I have seen for Thingol’s strategy (not saying you changed my narrow Noldor-centric mind, but it is an excellently stated argument).

Oops, almost forgot, one tiny typo in the first line: "impress" should be "impressed."

Thank you so much for your review (and for pointing out the typo -- eeeek, in the first line, lol. Fixed it.) I thought it would be a good idea to confront a Noldo -- preferably one of the Feanorian clan) with the king of the Sindar, and I wanted to explain his attitude in the best way I could and understood his reasons. I'm so glad it worked and that the general idea seems believable. I don't think Melian knew everything, but I do believe she sensed a lot more than she admitted to Galadriel for instance.

Thank you again :) It was fun to write, and I'm happy to see that it's also joy to read.

Oh this is such a wonderful one shot Binks. Even though the professor did not write  all, I can imagine that this conversation did take place. I love their swordplay with words, the veiled warnings, Melian's demanour and presence. Thingol still feels like the King of Beleriand and none shall tell him what he can and can't do. As I read that, my mind did wander off to the 2nd kinslaying, so those last words gave me the chills. Thingol indeed should have known better, especially in the context of this story. Well done!

"The speed with which Thingol correctly assesses Maedhros' position is very well done - he is clearly a very bright cookie!"

Gotta say that the entire research before I wrote this made me a huge admirer of Thingol. I've always been fond of him, despite the obvious, but now I can really say I've got another muse :)

Thanks a lot for the comment and support all the way through. I appreciate that very much.

I couldn't resist the muse who insisted that I write the two icons of "The Silmarillion" talk to each other, even though they'd never met. Or at least, the chronicles said they hadn't. It would be a clash of the titans, if they did, wouldn't it? Thank you for the review. I know how much you love Maitimo and your opinion means a lot to me. And, well, this is a very difficult moment for us here, and I appreciate your review all the more.


What a fantastic read. A great deal of it seems like it was lifted straight out of canon if it had been written out in more detail. I loved Maedhros' ingenious ploy to get into Doriath, thoroughly enjoyed the game of wits and politic posturing between him and Thingol (who is not a character I am entirely fond of, but hearing his reasons from his own mouth here did a lot to make him more sympathetic to me - well done!). 

And the final paragraph - what a way to end this story with such a heart-rending bang! I'm very glad I got this challenge to review for the IDF event, because this might not have been a fic I'd have otherwise clicked, and missing it would have been a shame.