Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Founded in 2005, the Silmarillion Writers' Guild exists for discussions of and creative fanworks based on J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion and related texts. We are a positive-focused and open-minded space that welcomes fans from all over the world and with all levels of experience with Tolkien's works. Whether you are picking up Tolkien's books for the first time or have been a fan for decades, we welcome you to join us!
Fanwork sign-ups are open!
Register for Mereth Aderthad!
Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
New Challenge: Birthday Bash
In honor of our twentieth birthday, we look back at twenty years of SWG history with a new poetry, image, and word prompt each day.
So You Want to Present at a Tolkien Conference? Putting Together the Presentation
Part of our ongoing series to support fans who want to present at Mereth Aderthad and other Tolkien conferences, this session will share strategies for putting together a paper and presentation.
Mereth Aderthad Interview: Interview with Shadow by Himring
Himring interviewed Shadow about their upcoming presentation for Mereth Aderthad, "The Aromantic in Tolkien," and their inspiration for pursuing this topic that is rarely covered in Tolkien scholarship.
[Artwork] 2025 Birthday Bash Prompt Fills by silmalope
Sketches inspired by the 2025 Birthday Bash challenge prompts!
[Writing] High in the Clean Blue Air by StarSpray
They passed out of Lhûn and the wider coastline of Middle-earth opened up before his eyes. He had wandered those shores for centuries, and even now he felt the pull of that same wanderlust, and knew he would miss them. Their wildness, the untamed waves, the rocky shores and the cliffs and…
[Reference] Maglor by polutropos
As one of the most beloved Silmarillion characters, Maglor is a bundle of contradictions undergirded by a complex textual history. Warrior, musician, wanderer, and survivor, Maglor brings to the fore key themes in Tolkien's early legendarium, such as the role of music, oaths, and exile…
[Writing] Clear Pebbles of the Rain by StarSpray
But at the very end of the letter she spoke of one more prisoner that Elladan and Elrohir had discovered in one of the deepest dungeons of Dol Guldur, locked away behind a door unopened in so long that the hinges had rusted.
Maglor has been rescued from Dol Guldur, and now faces…
[Writing] The Message is Me by StarSpray
Eärendil comes to the Ring of Doom to plead before the Valar.
[Reference] Interview with Maglor by Shadow by maglor-my-beloved, daughterofshadows
Maglor spoke with Shadow about his upcoming presentation for Mereth Aderthad, "Gil-galad was an Elven King: Kingship and Personhood in the last High King of the Noldor," and what makes Gil-galad such an intriguing—and mysterious—character.
[Writing] A Grief Ever-Worsening by Flora-lass
Maeglin writes to Idril.
Birthday Bash
Daily word, image, and poetry prompts are loosely structured around events and milestones leading up to our 20th birthday. Read more ...
Tolkien was an experimental writer, pushing the boundaries of literary and artistic convention. This month, we invite you to experiment with a new technique or approach to your fanworks. We’ve listed some prompts you can select from, but you’re also free to develop your own. Read more ...
Maglor by polutropos
As one of the most beloved Silmarillion characters, Maglor is a bundle of contradictions undergirded by a complex textual history. Warrior, musician, wanderer, and survivor, Maglor brings to the fore key themes in Tolkien's early legendarium, such as the role of music, oaths, and exile.
Interview with Maglor by Shadow by maglor-my-beloved, daughterofshadows
Maglor spoke with Shadow about his upcoming presentation for Mereth Aderthad, "Gil-galad was an Elven King: Kingship and Personhood in the last High King of the Noldor," and what makes Gil-galad such an intriguing—and mysterious—character.
Interview with Shadow by Himring by daughterofshadows, Himring
Aromanticism is a topic not often covered in Tolkien scholarship, but many Tolkien characters can be read as aromantic. In this interview, Himring talks with Shadow about their upcoming Mereth Aderthad presentation "The Aromantic in Tolkien."
Part of our Themed Collection series for our newsletter, this collection features fiction, artwork, and essays that transcend the idea of Orcs as the enemy, instead considering their humanity.
Alliterative Verse for Arda by Rhunedhel
Part of our Themed Collection series for our newsletter, this collection features alliterative poems about Middle-earth.
[Writing] Paradox of the Fourth Age by Alassante
One wrong decision can make a world of difference. When one of the Fellowship makes the mistake, the consequences are so severe that only the Valar can repair it. But will they?
Glorfindel daughter's life is in Elrohir's hands and only she remembers th eir love for each other. The fate of…
[Writing] By Mirrormere by bunn
A new Age dawns, and Moria is retaken at last.
[Writing] Beneath the Bitter Rain by bunn
The Gardens of the Entwives are fallen, but two Entwives remain.
Tolkien Ekphrasis Week 2025
This is a Tolkien-fandom-wide event dedicated to the art of ekphrasis in Tolkien's worlds. Its goal is to illuminate the artistic surroundings of the places, people, and stories we love, in as many media as possible.
Feanorian Week 2025
Feanorian Week is a Tumblr event offering optional prompts for fanworks about the sons of Feanor and their parents.
C&C Week 2025
C&C Week is a Tumblr event for fanworks about Celegorm and Curufin. This year, the event will run from March 16-23, 2025, with prompts featured every other day.
Teitho March/April Challenge: Mothers
The Teitho Contest theme for the months of March and April is mothers.
March Challenge at tolkienshortfanworks
The challenge for March has been posted to the tolkienshortfanworks community on Dreamwidth. New participants welcome.
I didn't realise that I was holding my breath until the very end, what a build up. I wonder what argument they had, but the regret on both sides is so immensely palpable. It feels to me that Elros managed to move beyond it, whereas for Elrond reality just sank in. Most of all I love the ending, I love how Elros goes out with his son and grandson to meet his people for that last time, as if he would want to say goodbye to his great family gathered outside on the square. That image will stay with me for a while.
Thanks, Rhapsody. I am glad that you found this story, especially the ending, so moving. I appreciate you leting me know.
This was an entertaining read.
I think I've spotted a typo in your author's notes, though. If Gil-galad was Fingon's son, he and Elrond would be first cousins twice removed, not thrice: Gil-galad would have been Idril's first cousin. He would have therefore been Earendil's first cousin once removed, and Elrond's and Elros' first cousin twice removed.
That's a minor niggle, though, against the enjoyment of the rest of the story. I only point it out because I'm certain that you'd want to correct it.
Thanks, Surgicial Steel. I will indeed make the correction. I must not have been paying attention. I am glad you enjoyed the story in spite of this minor error.
Very poigniant and touching. I enjoyed most hearing about Elros' wife and children. How hard it must have been for Elrond to say goodbye to his brother. I liked the ending very much
Thank you, Roisin. I am glad you enjoyed this story, especially hearing about Elros´ wife and children. It is a pity that Tolkien never mentioned who Elros married. She had to be an extra special person to capture his heart.
It was a very beautiful story. Reading so much about Elrond and Elros lately has made me really think about how hard it must have been, and their reasons for choosing as they did, and how the decision affected the other. You do a very lovely job of showing this interplay, and I particularly liked the ending. It reminded me that, at first, they lay down their lives when it was time. What an amazing concept of being ready and content with what you've done! Thanks for a great story.
Thank you, Fireworks, for your reivew. I am very pleased that you enjoyed this, especially the end. It is indeed an amazing concept and it is a pity we do not have that ability (if we ever did).
Copy of my MEFA review:
This is a very moving story. It gets an especial poignancy from the fact that Fiondil has taken the statement that Veantur was the first to sail back from Numenor to Middle-earth and made this the first contact between Numenor and Lindon after Elros’s death. Other stories on this theme that I’ve read have either assumed that Elrond and Elros were in telepathic contact (because they were twins or because of Elrond’s powers) or that Elvish mariners were sailing back and forth between Lindon and Numenor (or rather stopping at Numenor on their way to and fro from Tol Eressea). Thus, the loss of contact between Elrond and Elros after Elros’s departure is absolute, and this is the more painful, because in this version of the story Elrond clearly resented his departure. Their only chance of achieving closure is the penning of a letter that Elros cannot be entirely sure his brother will ever receive (although, in fact, he seems to be remarkably confident that Elrond will do so eventually). When Elrond does receive it, the fact that his brother has died is such a shock that it takes some time to sink in that, in fact, his brother died so long ago that in Numenorean terms another lifetime has passed; clearly for Elrond, living the life of the Eldar, the likelihood that Elros would have died by this time was by no means obvious. The pain is mitigated by the lovingly depicted supportive environment that Elrond, despite his early losses, now enjoys at Mithlond and, for the reader, by the fact that Elrond is apparently well on his way in his career as a healer. It is also mitigated by the success that Elros has made of his life in Numenor and the contentment he has achieved. The latter, however, is somewhat overshadowed by the knowledge that Elros’s achievements will in the end be ruined and lost by his descendants, because they themselves cannot be content the way he managed to be.
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Characters and stories associated with J.R.R. Tolkien's works remain the property of his estate. Creative work using this material has been written solely for the enjoyment and enlightenment of its creator and their associates. No profit is made on the materials shared on this site.
Comments on Tenn’ Ambar-Metta
The Silmarillion Writers' Guild is more than just an archive--we are a community! If you enjoy a fanwork or enjoy a creator's work, please consider letting them know in a comment.