Comments on The Last Temptation

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I very much enjoyed this. Thank you. I think my favorite moment was when Ar-Pharazon tried to gift Sauron with a wife and Sauron was most alarmed. Of course, being married would be a distraction from destroying Numenor and he doesn't really seem the domestic type... I found his reaction hilarious.


Anarion and the underground newspaper were also very interesting and all the political skullduggery was enjoyable to read about.

Thank you so much for reading, Aiwen!

 On Sauron and marriage: I'm glad it did not seem ridiculous, it was very fun to write. It seemed to fit, him being so fair and--eventually-high in the King's favor, that somebody would be wanting to catch him.

On Anarion and the underground newspaper: I loved writing that, I'm glad you enjoyed it!