His Own Dark Designs by Independence1776
Fanwork Notes
Beta by Pandemonium_213. The title comes from Book 1 of John Milton's Paradise Lost.
Fanwork Information
Summary: Ar-Pharazôn begins to worship Morgoth. Drabble. Major Characters: Ar-Pharazôn, Sauron Major Relationships: Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet Challenges: Akallabêth in August Rating: General Warnings: This fanwork belongs to the series |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 102 |
Posted on 19 August 2009 | Updated on 19 August 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |
His Own Dark Designs
Read His Own Dark Designs
I breathed in the cloying, choking smoke of the stick of incense I had lit a short while before and peered at the elaborate wooden altar, kneeling on the soft carpet before it. I began the long chanting prayer Zigûr had taught me. “Lord of Darkness, hear my plea…”
When I finished, pausing to regain my breath before I started the next chant, I glanced over my shoulder at the tall, smiling man standing at the back of the dimly lit room. I trusted Zigûr now, but I could not help but somehow feel that he was laughing at me.
Chapter End Notes
Zigûr is the Adûnaic name for Sauron.
(1) Comment by Fireworks for His Own Dark Designs
I love drabbles because you have to go right to the point with them, and here you really show us what's at the heart of things. What could one say of this sort of thing? Finally forsaking all decency and morality to sacrifice to the lord of darkness, and this is what Pharazon is thinking... wow! This was absolutely powerful.
Re: (1) Comment by Fireworks for His Own Dark Designs
Thank you! Drabbles can be hard to write, but they\'re a lot of fun. I\'m glad you enjoyed it. :)
(2) Comment by SurgicalSteel for His Own Dark Designs
That has amazingly chilling implications. Wonderful!
Re: (2) Comment by SurgicalSteel for His Own Dark Designs
*grins* My research method was to read the Akallabêth passages, one of the essays in _Morgoth\'s Ring_, and then Pandë\'s \"Downfallen.\" So there\'s a definite DM influence to it. :D
Thank you!
(3) Comment by Robinka for His Own Dark Designs
A thrill down the spine, really. Splendidly done!
Re: (3) Comment by Robinka for His Own Dark Designs
*grins* Thank you very much!
(4) Comment by whitewave for His Own Dark Designs
Oh gosh, if I were Pharazon, I would have bolted right there and then! I think he really was laughing at Pharazon too. Sorry for the late review, have been busy lately.
Re: (4) Comment by whitewave for His Own Dark Designs
Oh, Sauron *was* laughing. (I originally wrote this drabble from his POV, but it worked better in Pharazôn\'s.) And I would have bolted, too. No worries about the lateness. :)
(5) Comment by Jedi_Tarja for His Own Dark Designs
The last line of this sold the entire story and was one of the best last lines of a short story I have ever read. It keeps the reader thinking even after they are done reading.