Comments on Master of My Blood

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Cheeky has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Characterization, Description/Imagery, Pacing, Point of View, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics, Worldbuilding. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.

You hooked me with the poem. I had to go read it before starting the story. I had not read it before. Thanks! I strongly suspect that the mood and meaning of the poem fits well with the start you have written. I have always been fascinated about who Gildor is. I wrote a bio of Gildor years ago and remained agnostic about who he actually might be, noting that: "The name Gildor Inglorion of the House of Finrod provides more controversy than clarification as to the precise identity of this particular Noldorin exile." But when it comes to fanfiction I am as greedy as anyone to read a compelling story of his paternity!

I am so glad you like the poem! 
I stumbled across it and it fit so perfectly with how I see my Gildors struggles with his fathers choices I had to use it. The fact he is Finrods son ..yet no one knows it ... and still, Finrod shapes his life, (is Master of his blood) even in his absence. Gildor is fun to write as there are hints to base things on, though I realise Tolkien didn’t intend him as Finrod’s son it still fits so nicely! 

Oh, wow! Great suspense building. You are kicking in a lot of open doors with me in this story. I had completely prepared myself to be led off into directions that I had never imagined or that might very well be incompatible with my personal head-canon (as I grow older in fandom I am more open to a diversity of possibilities).

I loved this description of Gil-galad: "...a desk in the centre at which sat the most Noldor of Kings. Not at all my Aunt and Father’s golden beauty but something more brilliant, darker with a sharper edge. In my life since Nargothrond I had had little to do with the Noldor. This one was impressive..." I like to imagine Fingon as Gil-galad's daddy and imagine Fingon as very Finwean--quite the typical Noldor.

Yikes. I love and dread Gildor's foresight in relationship to Celebrimbor and Eregion. Loved this interaction:

Look at us,” Celebrimbor continued, refilling his glass to the top. “We put our grandfathers to shame. Feänor, Fingolfin, Finarfin . . . Yet here we are, a family, sharing a drink and friendship as they never could. It is good, is it not?” 

Are you trying to break my ❤ heart?

Forgot to mention Galadriel. I am loving her role in this story!

Gil-galad being Fingon’s is my head canon version also. I wasn’t really sure when I started writing how he would be but I have ended up loving him. He has a very Fingolfin vibe to me. Calm, logical, charismatic. Family, and rebuilding his shattered family, is very important to him. He does spiral though later in the story. I see him, Fingolfin and Maedhros having very similar arcs. You know, good leadership, great people .....things beginning to fall apart .....alliances that don’t work very well...... Morgoth/Sauron/Silmarils.....death. 
In my head Galadriel has a better parenting relationship with Gildor than she does her own child, Celebrian who was a bit too gentle and feminine for her to quite get a handle on. She adored Finrod, and she sees Finrod shining through in Gildor so she adores him too. 

I love this interpretation.  Very fond of Gil-galad and like your logic! I could not help but chuckle at the comment upon Galadriel's parenting also--"Celebrian who was a bit too gentle and feminine for her to quite get a handle on. She adored Finrod, and she sees Finrod shining through in Gildor so she adores him too."

 Never realized before how much I would love the idea of Finrod having an child who would keep a bit of him in the world!