Just bruises by daughterofshadows

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Just bruises

It's coming up to midnight, so I will blame any remaining mistakes or awkward wordings on the late hour *grins*

Mahtan paused when he first heard something tumble to the floor, followed by a soft thud.

In the kitchen, he found his daughter sitting dazedly on the floor, surrounded by apples.

“Are you hurt, sweet one?”, he asked, concern lacing his voice.

At first Nerdanel shook her head, but she changed her mind and presented her scraped elbow.

“Oh no! Shall I kiss it better?”

He scooped her up and peppered the bruise with kisses, making Nerdanel giggle.

“Stop it, Papa! Your beard tickles!”

Mahtan laughed and rubbed his chin against her cheek.

“Does it? Oh, what a shame! I am afraid, I cannot stop!”


He bounced her on his hip.

“Now, what were you looking for, little one?”

Nerdanel snuggled into his chest.

“I wanted a cookie”, she mumbled contritely.

“Did you? Even though Mama said not to spoil your appetite for supper?”

Nerdanel pouted.

“But supper is not for another hour! That’s forever!”

She looked down at the apples, frowning.

“I didn’t mean to hurt the apples, Papa…”

“Do not worry, sweetheart. Just like you, they are only a little bruised. Shall we see if we can convince Mama to make apple pie from them?”

Nerdanel smiled brightly.

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