Comments on Finwean Correspondences on the Topic of the Edain (Posthumously Selected by Elrond Half-Elven)

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What a delightful series of letters. The "tennis" format was perfect for this, I think - each of the brothers (+ Finrod) has his very own voice, and while a single writer might have managed to pull that off as well, it gets across even better because the letters were actually written by different people. I loved the very different views and concerns of the brothers, as well as the delay in reactions due to the fact (as Curufin rightly criticises) that nobody bothers to send copies. Their personalities shone so clearly, from the disturbing (Celegorm's obsession with edibility...) to the funny (Amrod's and Amras' tongue-in-cheek remarks) to the serious and "rational" (Maedhros). The dirty laundry that came to light (and the various attempts at shifting the blame and/or mitigating the possible fall-out) made it even more entertaining. I feel insulted on the behalf of the hairy, quarrelsome mortals - but at the same time, the brothers' reactions are very plausible!