KayleeArafinwiel's Nano Flash Fiction Prompts (Nancy Stohlman) 2021
Series compiled by Kaylee Arafinwiel
- Series Information
Stories written (or begun) for Nancy Stohlman's flash fiction prompts in November 2021, National Novel Writing Month.
Major Characters:
Major Relationships:
Fanworks in "KayleeArafinwiel's Nano Flash Fiction Prompts (Nancy Stohlman) 2021"

Beyond The Doors of Night by Kaylee Arafinwiel
Warnings: No warnings apply
So Nancy Stohlman's first prompt for November was "Write a story that takes place in darkness"... Don't know that it gets much darker than the Void. Post-LOTR, let's see how Morgoth, Sauron, and Saruman are doing...

Beren and the Cats by Kaylee Arafinwiel
Warnings: Character Death
So November 2's prompt from Nancy Stohlman was "Write about a man who has at least three cats." I can think of several of my Elves who I headcanon as having cats, but while 'man' could just mean 'male', I took it to mean Man, and weirdly the first one that came into my head as possibly having many cats was...Beren. I don't have any reason for this, except that Huan loves him so it would be funny for him to also be a cat person

From Tirion to the West-Gate by Kaylee Arafinwiel
Warnings: No warnings apply
Write about something wrong that turns out to be right. (for day 3 of Nancy Stohlman's November 2021 challenge)
'The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.' -L.P. Hartley, 'The Go-Between'
Lalwen Finwiel reflects on market-days throughout her life, and how the more things change, the more they stay the same. Or do they?

On The Edge of Angobel by Kaylee Arafinwiel
Warnings: No warnings apply
for Day 4 of Nancy Stohlman's November 2021, "On the edge of the mining town..."
Thranduil's friend, Tulusson, is an OC of mine and AfricanDaisy's, originally from a mining family in the mountains of Greenwood/Mirkwood.
Sometime after Thranduil sails to Tol Eressea, becoming a prince of Doriath 'Wain, he visits the nearby mining town of Angobel...