Comments on The wee small hours

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firstamazon has requested the following types of constructive criticism on this fanwork: Characterization, Description/Imagery, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics. All constructive criticism must follow our diplomacy guidelines.

Ahhh, this is absolutely delightful <3 <3 <3 thank you so much, firstamazon!  The descriptions are so lush, especially this at the beginning:

The orange-tinted light of dawn touched her skin, and Rosie closed her eyes as a chilly Autumn breeze picked up her hair. The sun was warm, despite the coldness of the day, and she smiled when a whiff of familiar scents reached her nostrils: wet dirt, crushed grass, and the wild roses that grew on her father’s garden.

I can feel and smell it; absolutely perfect.  And Rosie and Sam's joy in each other is palpable.

I adore how you worked in the different elements of the moodboard, too - the ale, the water lilies, the book, the skeins of thread.  Thank you again; this whole fic is like a dose of sunshine.  (Especially needed today; we're being hit by Storm Arwen and it's seriously wild outside!)

What a comfortable read! I can feel the warm sunshine, almost smell the flower pressed into the book, and yes, that feeling, the one you feel when you look up and see your love in front of you, is so palpable. Thank you for creating this.