Comments on For Love or Money

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Crap, I'd totally forgotten I'd sent anything to you. Then again, I forget a lot of things these days. I lost my USB stick and found it in a shoe last year. O.o Anyways, I am so happy to see you writing this! I absolutely adore your Feanor. I can so see him causing mayhem in Mahtan's house. Especially if he "doesn't want to keep his hands off Mahtan's daughter". Which I know he won't. :P (And wow, I'd go mad if my computer broke down for three months. I can't stay off for a few hours, let alone months.) Thanks for writing! I can't wait to see how this all turns out!


Yes, once again, Feanor punches or gets punched by someone. He never learns.

Well, at least he hasn't drawn a sword against Bril ;)

Yay, a new chapter! I really enjoy this story, it's so completely different from all the other "Young Nerdanel and Fëanor falling in love" stories (including my own) and extremely entertaining. Very curious to see how the race will turn out, and what will happen when eventually "Ernil's" identity is revealed...