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I really enjoy the true-to-life feel in this piece, the washing up with the wreckage seeming more likely than landing with pomp and staking a claim on Middle-earth with his famous words. Perhaps, like Neil Armstrong, he practised them long before he spoke them, to keep up the aura of confidence and command of the situation that he was not at all feeling. For some reason I have such a clear picture of this scene, walking through the market, all the Elves going about their regular business about him, feeling overwhelmed—and then, there's Gil-galad's hand...

I'm glad it feels true to life! 

I think it is pretty amazing how quickly Elendil managed to establish Arnor. 

Isildur and Anarion are in a better position because they already had a substantial number of allies in place in Pelargir, near where they landed.

Even though, like Elendil and the rest, they must have been suffering hugely from shock.