Comments on Adanel: never have I ever

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I'm pleased you like my descriptions. I think of her as having inherited the ability to perceive the true nature of living things in colours from her foremother Fraiwen.

It was most unfortunate Finrod was wandering in the forest at that time—for the unseeen wolf lurking between the lines, that is...

Yes, that just sort of happened in this one.

I guess she inherits this synesthetic trait from her great grand foremother, my half-maiarin OC Fraiwen who has the (as-yet-only-partially-written) ability to deeply perceive the nature or mood of living things in the way we might see or hear something more tangible. But since the human part of her neurology lacks the capacity to interpret the signals in the way a Maia might, her brain translates them into a form of colour and sound. I suppose in Adanel this is very watered down through the generations, but it's partly what contributed to her being considered wise among her people.

Just like her foremother, it's always been this way for her so until she's older she just assumes everyone perceives the world in the same way and becomes a little confused when people don't understand what she's talking about. I imagine some perceptive Elves relate though, and I think Finrod would definitely be one.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for the comment and the thoughts that spouted!