Artifacts of Ice by Lferion

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Artifacts of Ice

Fingon contemplated his feet. The feet of this Returned, Remade hröa, in which he was Rehoused. (Not Reborn. Reborn was reserved for those who had died thralls and worse, or killed as young children.) To all outward appearance unmarked, undamaged. (Also un-callused and tender to walk on, not to mention painfully ticklish. He'd forgotten that.) His original toes were all present and accounted for, all the marks of the Ice erased. Erased. But not forgotten.

His feet were cold this bright, crisp morning. His toes ached, un-warmed by the sunlight. The fëa wrote deeply in the hröa, old and new.

Green cloth book cover stamped in gold with the title 'The Feet,' and three bare feet.

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